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比较 WLAN 访客门户选项

总结 要允许访客访问互联网,您可以将 WLAN 访客门户设置为允许直接访问、启用简单登录表单、将访客转发到外部登录表单或使用您的身份提供商启用单点登录。

您可以在 WLAN 设置中配置访客门户选项。保留默认设置以便您的访客直接访问互联网,或从以下视频和比较表中描述的其他选项中进行选择。


本主题介绍“编辑/创建 WLAN”窗口中的访客门户选项。或者,您可以通过 RADIUS 服务器配置访客访问。请参阅 使用带有 MAC 身份验证绕过的 RADIUS 服务器进行访客访问

First, we would navigate to WLAN templates and create a new one called guest network.

Then we would add a WLAN, but notice that there are many options on how you could apply this template once we are done. Let's create an SSID called guest fast. We will turn off 2.4 and turn on 6 gigahertz.

Now let's look at building a custom guest portal. You could forward to an existing external portal if one was available. Or you could use SSO with an identity provider.We're gonna focus on building a nice basic portal. In this case, I'm only interested in your email address. There are all kinds of custom fields available if you need them.

Localization is now built in. I want my message to be welcome to my company. And there are a whole bunch of labels available to you to use. Now we pick a logo. I downloaded a basic company logo from the web, and I have a basic background. I want to hide powered by Mist and leave it left justified.

And let's take a look. Nice. I will connect the user's email address and have the standard terms and conditions there to make the lawyers happy. Now is where Mist provides you a wide variety of authorization choices.

We can set up a simple passphrase, We can authorize via an email, and the message is down here. You can use a code sent by text, free texts tend to be less reliable and have more latency or you could use a paid service. Sponsored guest access you can have a predefined sponsor list or allow a whole domain.

And you can have your Google, Facebook, Amazon, or Azure sign on. You know, we're trying to match what you already use or perhaps you now have the tools to try something different. In the case of a contractor, you may want them to be authorized for seven days.

So let's see this in action. I went back to the WLAN template I created and added this guest SSID to my site with this security setup. In the background, I've had two of my devices attached to the guest network, and you can see them both here. Note, I've captured the email addresses entered, and they both use the same passphrase I set up. And if you wanna deauthorize the guest, you can do it here.

This was a quick demo to show you how easy it is to set up a guest network with Mist. We've tried to add as many authorization options possible to match what you're doing now and get you up and running quickly. And now might be the chance to explore some of the modern options that may not have been available to you in the past

表 1:比较 WLAN 访客门户选项







无需执行任何操作。这是 WLAN 设置中的默认访客门户选项。

WLAN Settings Window Showing the Guest Portal Options with No Portal Selected


访客只需填写您在瞻博网络 Mist™ 中设置的简单登录表单即可访问互联网。



在 WLAN 设置中选择 自定义访客门户 。保留默认设置或单击 配置门户 以更改背景图像、表单字段、文本和授权方法等功能。

WLAN Settings Window Showing the Guest Portal Options with Custom Guest Portal Selected

如需帮助,请参阅将自定义访客门户添加到 WLAN。


访客可以通过访问您在瞻博网络 Mist 外部开发的登录门户来访问互联网。

使用此选项,您可以使用 Web 开发人员专门为您的业务和用例设计的登录门户。

在 WLAN 设置中选择 转发到外部门户 。然后输入门户 URL 并配置其他可选设置。

WLAN Settings Window Showing the Guest Portal Options with Forward To External Portal Selected

如需帮助,请参阅 使用外部门户进行访客访问

使用身份提供程序进行单点登录 (SSO)

来宾使用标识提供者的登录页访问 Internet。(一些示例包括 Okta、Microsoft Azure 和 OneLogin,但大多数 IdP 都受支持。

在 WLAN 设置中选择具有 身份提供程序的 SSO 。然后输入 IdP 的设置。

WLAN Settings Window Showing the Guest Portal Options with SSO with Identity Provider Selected

有关帮助,请参阅 使用身份提供程序进行来宾访问