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Peer-to-Peer AP Firmware Upgrade

You can use the peer-to-peer upgrade option if you need to upgrade many APs of the same model at a time. This option allows firmware image downloads directly from peer APs, instead of relying on a cloud download for every AP.

Mist randomly selects an AP as the seed AP, which downloads the firmware files from the cloud. The remaining APs then download the firmware files from the seed AP locally. You can upgrade a maximum of 10 APs using one seed AP. By limiting the cloud download to just one AP, you can decrease the time needed for upgrading multiple APs.


You can use the peer-to-peer upgrade option only if you manually upgrade the firmware.

To upgrade the firmware using peer to peer upgrades:

  1. Navigate to the Access Points page on the Mist portal.
  2. Select the APs that you want to upgrade. Note that you’ll need to select APs of the same model.
  3. Click Upgrade APs.
  4. In the Upgrade APs Firmware window, select the firmware version.
  5. Select the Upgrades using peer to peer communication check box. Note that you’ll see this check box only if you selected multiple APs of the same model.
  6. Click Upgrade.
All the APs, except for the seed AP, reboot once the firmware upgrade is complete. The seed AP reboots only after all the other APs have rebooted.