Roaming SLE
Use the Roaming SLE to track successful and unsuccessful roams between access points.
Roaming is one of the wireless Service-Level Expectations (SLEs) that you can track on the Monitor page.

To find the Wireless SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the left menu, and then click the Wireless button.
What Does the Roaming SLE Measure?
Juniper Mist tracks the percentage of successful roams between access points and assigns a quality score from 1 to 5. A score of 1 indicates excellent roaming, and a score of 5 indicates poor roaming.
You don't need to set this threshold. It's assumed that you want very good to excellent roaming, so this threshold is automatically set to 2.
When the roaming threshold is not met, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classifiers. The classifiers appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 8 percent of the issues were attributed to Stability and 92 percent to Signal Quality. (See the classifier descriptions below the example.)

Latency—Roaming time was excessive.
Latency has different sub-classifiers for different roaming options:
Slow 11r Roams—This classifier applies to fast roaming as defined by 802.11r. The roaming time exceeded 400 ms.
Slow Standard Roams—This classifier applies to standard roaming. The roaming time exceeded 2 seconds.
Slow OKC Roams—This classifier applies to clients using RADIUS-based authentication with Opportunistic Key Caching (OKC). The roaming time exceeded 2 seconds.
Stability—This classifier tracks the consistency of AP choice and 11r usage during client roams. Juniper Mist assigns this classifier if a user capable of fast roaming on a fast- roaming enabled SSID experiences slow roaming for more than 2 seconds. This classifier contains one sub-classifier: Failed to fast Roam.
Signal Quality—This classifier tracks the RSSI of clients during a roaming event.
Interband Roam—This sub-classifier tracks when clients roam between bands.
Suboptimal Roam—This sub-classifier tracks when clients roam to an AP:
With more than 6 dBm decrease in RSSI compared to the client's RSSI in the previous AP
If the RSSI in the new connection is worse than the configured coverage SLE threshold. Note that the default coverage SLE threshold is 72 dBm.
Sticky Client—This sub-classifier tracks the events when a client remains connected to an AP even when more roaming options are available to improve the RSSI by more than 6 dBm.