Time to Connect SLE
Use the Time to Connect SLE to assess your users' experience connecting to the Internet through your wireless network.
Time to Connect is one of the wireless Service-Level Expectations (SLEs) that you can track on the Wireless SLEs dashboard.

To find the Wireless SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the left menu, and then click the Wireless button.
What Does the Time to Connect SLE Measure?
Time to Connect is the number of seconds that elapse between the point when a client sends an association packet and the moment when the client can successfully move data.
You can click the Settings button (above the SLE blocks) to set the number of seconds to use as the success threshold for this SLE.

When the Time to Connect threshold is not met, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classifiers. The classifiers appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 86 percent of the issues were attributed to Association and 14 percent to DHCP. (See the classifier descriptions below the example.)

Authorization—The time to go past the authentication state was more than 2 sigma from the average authentication latency for this site.
Association—The time to go past the association state was more than 2 sigma from the average association latency for this site.
Internet Services —The time to access external networks was more than 2 sigma from the moving average for this site.
DHCP—(DCHP timeouts) The time to connect to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) was more than 2 sigma from the average time for fully completed successful connections for this site.
Sub-Classifiers for DHCP: