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配置 WLAN 模板

在瞻博网络 Mist 门户中,无线 LAN (WLAN) 是模块化元素,其中包含服务集标识符 (SSID) 的安全和其他配置设置。WLAN 模板是 WLAN、访问策略和隧道策略的集合,可用于简化组织级别的 WLAN 配置和管理。

WLAN 模板是模块化的,可以附加不同的站点或设备配置文件。通过这种方式,您可以混合搭配 WLAN、站点和接入点的任何排列组合,以涵盖组织中的所有用例。您的无线客户端将只能看到您希望它们看到的 SSID。

使用 WLAN 模板时,通常最好在设置站点之后(在声明 AP 之前或之后)创建它们。为了在 Mist 门户中保持清晰,为 WLAN 模板指定与 WLAN/SSID 相同的名称会有所帮助(这是客户端将看到的名称)。所有这一切背后的想法是,一旦创建了所有站点、WLAN、WLAN 模板和设备配置文件,就可以轻松进行关联。

对于每个模板,您可以选择要包含的 AP,即哪些 AP 将广播 SSID。如果给定 WLAN 或 WLAN 模板中的设置与为给定 AP 指定的设置冲突,或与应用于整个站点的设置冲突,系统将提示您选择应优先的设置。


Let's create a WLAN and get a client connected. In the older video, we showed you how to create a single WLAN, which worked just fine. Now from a lot of customer experience, we wanted to show you the proper workflow that will enable you to scale to as large as you want. We suggest you click the org tab and click configuration templates.

We don't have any, so let's create one. I'm calling it Matt main org. And now from here we can do some very cool things. Let's set up a WLAN and maybe a little more.

I'll call it Matt test and I do like to turn off legacy clients. This and all the other features on this screen will be covered elsewhere in the documentation. Let's just get a single PSK going. We can reveal it.

Where do we want to see this organization now? I have created some dummy sites, so let's say I want to see it in the whole org, but not in my RTP engineering site. And for fun, let's add a policy rule. Just to see how easy it is.

We add a rule on the user side, let's say the guest network which I configured earlier. And let's say we allow guests anywhere except Facebook. So we did a little bit more than just creating a WLAN, but it wasn't very hard, was it? Now let's move over to my MacBook Air and see if it's connected and it has, and by clicking the hamburger menu.

The amount of customization here is just amazing. Choose what you want to see. What where do you want to see it in? And there you have it.

Let's take a look at the experience from its point of view. We've got a browser window open. First, let's try Facebook. Not looking so good? Let's go to New York Times.

That's OK and maybe Yahoo usually works. Yep, it's working as we configured. Now back to the Mist Dashboard. Let's take a look at that client once again.

When we click in, we could see a lot more information about this client. And when I click insights, we see a whole lot more. In client events, we see every state change for this client, but I wanted to leave you with was showing you exactly what those block Facebook attempts look like.

要创建 WLAN 模板:

  1. 从瞻博网络 Mist 门户的左侧菜单中,选择“组织>无线 |WLAN 模板
  2. 单击WLAN模板页面右上角的创建模板
  3. 在“新建模板”窗口中,输入“模板名称”,然后单击“创建”。

    该名称将显示在 WLAN 模板列表中。使用与 SSID 相同的名称通常最方便,尽管它可以是唯一的。

  4. 添加至少一个 WLAN:
    1. 单击添加 WLAN。
    2. 至少输入 SSID 名称,选择安全类型,然后设置 VLAN。
    3. 根据需要输入其他设置。
      注意:有关各种 WLAN 设置的提示,请参阅 WLAN 选项
    4. 单击创建 WLAN 窗口底部的创建
      瞻博网络 Mist 生成一个 WLAN ID。每当您需要查找此 ID 或编辑 WLAN 设置时,只需单击 WLAN 列表中的 WLAN 即可。
    5. 如果需要,请重复这些步骤以向此模板添加更多 WLAN。
  5. 通过完成以下一个或多个部分来指定此模板的范围:
    • 适用于 - 如果您完成此部分,则模板仅适用于您在此处指定的站点和站点组。单击添加图标 (+),然后从列表中选择一个选项。根据需要重复此操作以添加更多网站和网站组。
    • 除 - 如果完成此部分,则模板可用于除您在此处指定的站点之外的所有站点。单击添加图标 (+),然后从列表中选择一个选项。根据需要重复此操作以添加更多站点。
    • 仅限于 — 如果完成此部分,则模板仅适用于具有您在此处指定的设备配置文件的接入点。
  6. 根据需要,定义用户访问策略和/或支持第三方隧道。


  7. 单击模板页面右上角的保存