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Edit Logical Device

If you're editing a logical device that was previously used (embedded) in a rack type or template, that rack type or template is unaffected. This prevents them from being changed unintentionally. If your intent is for a rack type or template to use a modified logical device, you can update the rack type in the template.

You can edit custom logical devices. If you edit one of the predefined logical devices (the ones that ship with Apstra), instead of changing it Apstra automatically creates a clone of it, preserving the predefined logical device as is.

  1. Either from the table view (Design > Logical Device) or the details view, click the Edit button for the logical device to edit.
  2. In the dialog that opens, edit the logical device as needed.
    • To change port group details, access the dialog by clicking its description.
    • To add or remove ports from a port group, drag from the bottom-right corner of the port group layout to resize it. If you're adding ports, enter the port speed and role(s).
    • To remove a port group, click the delete button (upper-right).
    • To add a panel, click Add Panel and enter relevant port group details.
  3. Click Update (bottom-right) to update the logical device in the design (global) catalog and return to the table view. If you edit one of the predefined logical devices, the system doesn't change the predefined one; it automatically clones it and adds 'copy' to the end of the existing name.