Create Rack Type in Builder
To demonstrate the process for creating rack types with the Builder we'll create a rack type for a dual-connected L2 rack with two leaf switches that have 4-100GbE spine links and 40 dual-connected 10GbE generic systems.
- Rack types are assigned logical devices. For your application, check that the global catalog (Design > Logical Devices) includes the logical devices that you'll need for your rack type. Create them, if necessary. Our example uses predefined logical devices, so we're ready to create our rack type.
From the left navigation menu, navigate to Design > Rack
Types and click Create in Builder.
The Builder Create Rack Type dialog opens.
In the Summary section, enter a unique rack type name (17
characters or fewer) (RackType1 in our example) and an (optional) description, then (for
this example) select the L3 Clos fabric connectivity design.
For rack type parameter details, see What are Rack Types.
In the Configuration section, select
Leafs, enter a leaf name (MyLeaf1), select
AOS-48x10+6x100-1 from the Leaf Logical Device drop-down
list, and change the Links per spine to 2. This logical
device represents a device with 48-10Gbps ports that can connect to access switches, peers
or generic systems, and 6-100Gbps ports that can connect to spines or generic systems.
Notice the Topology preview on the right side shows the first leaf.
Instead of scrolling through the list in the Leaf Logical Device drop-down list you can start typing in the field to filter the list based on your input.
Click Add new leaf, enter a name for the second leaf (MyLeaf2),
select AOS-48x10+6x100-1 from the Leaf Logical Device
drop-down list, and change the Links per spine to 2. Notice
the Topology preview on the right side now shows both leaf devices.
If the second leaf is identical to the first one, you could save time re-entering details by clicking the Clone button (next to the trash can button) in the first leaf, then changing the name of the second leaf, accordingly.
Click Generic Systems, click Add new generic system
group, enter a generic system name (MySystemGroup1), change the
Generic system count to 20, then select
AOS-2x10-1 from the Logical Device drop-down list. This
logical device represents a device with 2-10Gbps ports that can connect to access switches
or leaf devices. Notice that the Topology preview changes as you configure the rack
The logical device drop-down list doesn't include logical devices with multiple panels. To specify multiple port groups (each port group has a different speed), create a logical device with a single panel that has multiple port groups. It will then be available in the drop-down list.
The drop-down list also doesn't include logical devices with generic port role (for example, generic-to-generic is not allowed) because of the current built-in validation logic.
Now let's add links between the first leaf device and the generic systems. Click
Add logical link, enter a logical link name (MyLogicalLink1),
select the name of the first leaf you created from the Switch drop-down list
(MyLeaf1) select LACP (Active) for LAG Mode, then change
Physical link count per leaf to 2.
- Let's add another group of generic systems, for the second leaf. Click Add new generic system group, and create the second group in the same manner. Enter a name (MySystemGroup2), change the Generic system count to 20, then select AOS-2x10-1 for the logical device.
Click Add logical link, enter a name (MyLogicalLink2), select
the name of the second leaf you created from the Switch drop-down list (MyLeaf2),
select LACP (Active) for LAG Mode then change
Physical link count per leaf to 2.
Since we're using the same generic systems and links for the second leaf, you could clone the generic system group, then change the names of the cloned generic systems and logical links, and change the switch to the second leaf.
To review the logical device details that you've configured in the rack type, click
Logical Devices in the Preview
- Click Create to create the rack type in the global catalog and return to the Rack Types table view.