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Tags (Datacenter)

Tags Overview

You can apply tags to nodes, links and connectivity templates in your blueprint. When you create a blueprint, if you added tags to the design elements used to create that blueprint (rack types and templates), those tags are added to the blueprint Tags catalog. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Catalog > Tags to go to the tags blueprint catalog. You can add, clone, edit and delete blueprint tags. You can also import global catalog tags to the blueprint catalog and export blueprint tags to the global catalog.

Search Tags

You can filter tagged elements based on tag names and/or element types.

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Catalog > Tags and click Query to open the dialog.
  2. Enter search criteria:
    • To see elements associated with tags, enter tag name(s) in the Name field.
    • To see tags that elements are associated with, select element type(s) from the drop-down list in the Applied To field.
    • To filter both by tag name and element type, enter details in both fields.
  3. Click Apply to see filtered results in the table.
  4. To go to the table view for a filtered element type, click the element type in the Applied To column. From there you can drill down for more details on a specific element.

Find by Tags

With Find by Tags, you can search the entire blueprint for nodes, links, and connectivity templates that have associated tags.

  1. From any page in the staged (or active) blueprint click Find by Tags (right side).
  2. Either start typing to filter tags for selection, or select one or more check boxes.
  3. Click Find tagged objects to display all objects with those tags.