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Collect Show Tech: Onbox Agents (CLI)

We recommend using the Apstra GUI to obtain onbox agent show tech files, but you have the option of using the Apstra server Linux CLI instead, as described below.

  1. SSH to the device.
  2. For Arista devices, run bash to go the Arista Networks EOS shell, then run the command sudo python3 /usr/bin/aos_show_tech --platform eos as shown below.
  3. For Cisco devices, run guestshell, then run the command sudo python3 /usr/bin/aos_show_tech --platform nxos as shown below.
  4. For SONiC devices, run the command sudo python3 /usr/bin/aos_show_tech --platform sonic as shown below
  5. Locate the file archive in the /tmp directory (for example, aos_show_tech_20240723_181532.tar.gz) and copy it, via SCP, to a local computer with the ability to upload.
  6. Upload the show tech file to your customer case.