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Install Apstra CLI Utility

Augment Juniper Apstra GUI functionality with Apstra CLI, Apstra's command line utility. You can use Apstra CLI on any system that's running a compatible version of Docker.

Install Apstra-CLI

  1. Download the Apstra CLI Utility for your Apstra version from the Application Tools section of Juniper Support Downloads.
  2. Copy the Apstra CLI Docker container tar.gz file to the Apstra server. (The file name is something like, apstracli-release_4.2.0.11.tar.gz.) For example:
  3. Load the provided Docker image into Docker with the docker image load command. For example:

Start Apstra CLI

  1. Start the Apstra CLI Docker container with the docker run command. In the example below, replace with your Apstra CLI version, and replace with the IP address of your Apstra server. The password is your Apstra GUI password (not the VM password).
  2. Apstra CLI comes with a built-in feature that auto-completes commands. Press the TAB key, then the up and down arrow keys to explore this tool and its functionality. You can also type --help for descriptions of each function.
For examples of how to use apstra-cli, see Apstra-CLI Commands in the References section. For assistance with using Apstra CLI, contact Juniper Support .