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Juniper Telemetry Commands

This section assists network administrators in understanding why telemetry alarms exist, and how they are generated. This is a partial list of interface commands.

Apstra uses CLI to retrieve telemetry from Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved devices.

Table 1: Juniper Telemetry Commands
Service Command
Interface Counters show interfaces extensive
Interface Error Counters show interfaces extensive
Interface Status show interfaces terse
LLDP neighbors show lldp neighbors
BGP sessions show bgp neighbor
Hostname show system information
ARP show arp no-resolve

Provides the ARP information. This is combined with show configuration routing-instances which provides the VRF membership for interfaces.

MAC Table

Apstra has two collectors for retrieving MAC telemetry:

show ethernet-switching table extensive is used with CLIs

gRPC collectors use Xpaths.


Routing Table show route table inet
Port Channel show lacp interfaces