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Nortel Threat Protection System (TPS)

The JSA Nortel Threat Protection System (TPS) DSM records all relevant threat and system events by using syslog.

Before you configure a Nortel TPS device in JSA, take the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Nortel TPS user interface.
  2. Select Policy & Response >Intrusion Sensor >Detection & Prevention.

    The Detection & Prevention window is displayed.

  3. Click Edit next to the intrusion policy you want to configure alerting option.

    The Edit Policy window is displayed.

  4. Click Alerting.

    The Alerting window is displayed.

  5. Under Syslog Configuration, select on next to State to enable syslog alerting.
  6. From the list, select the facility and priority levels.
  7. In the Logging Host field, type the IP address of your JSA system. This configures your JSA system to be your logging host. Separate multiple hosts with commas.
  8. Click Save.

    The syslog alerting configuration is saved.

  9. Apply the policy to your appropriate detection engines.

    You can now configure the log source in JSA.

  10. To configure JSA to receive events from a Nortel TPS device: From the Log Source Type list, select the Nortel Threat Protection System (TPS) Intrusion Sensor option.