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Zscaler NSS Sample Event Message

Use these sample event messages as a way of verifying a successful integration with JSA.


Due to formatting issues, paste the message format into a text editor and then remove any carriage return or line feed characters.

Sample 1: The following table provides a sample event message for Firewall logs feeds when you use the Syslog protocol for the Zscaler NSS DSM.

Table 1: Zscaler NSS Syslog sample message for Firewall logs feeds supported by Zscaler NSS

Event name

Low level category

Sample log message


Firewall Deny

Jun 02 16:34:55 zscaler-nss: LEEF:1.0|Zscaler|NSS-FW|
5.5|Drop|usrName=GCL->SBL-1\trole=Default Department
or Unknown\tdestcountry=United States

The following table provides a sample event message for Web logs feeds when you use the Syslog protocol for the Zscaler NSS DSM.

Table 2: Zscaler NSS Syslog sample message for Web logs feeds supported by Zscaler NSS

Event name

Low level category

Sample log message


Network Threshold Policy Violation

<13>Feb 21 06:56:02 zscalar.nss.test zscaler-nss:
LEEF:1.0|Zscaler|NSS|4.1|IPS block outbound request:
adware/spyware traffic|cat=Blocked devTime=Feb 21
2019 06:56:02 GMT devTimeFormat=MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss
z src= dst= srcPostNAT=
realm=Location 1 usrName=User01 srcBytes=175
dstBytes=14798 role=Unauthenticated Transactions
policy=IPS block outbound request: adware/spyware
traffic url=qradar.example.test/?
recordid=6660343920943824897 bwthrottle=NO
useragent=Unknown referer=None
hostname=qradar.example.test appproto=HTTP
urlcategory=Suspected Spyware or Adware
urlsupercategory=Advanced Security urlclass=Advanced
Security Risk appclass=General Browsing
appname=generalbrowsing malwaretype=Clean
Transaction malwareclass=Clean Transaction
threatname=Win32.PUA.Jeefo riskscore=100
dlpdict=None dlpeng=None fileclass=None
filetype=None reqmethod=POST respcode=40