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Configure Syslog Events for Motorola Symbol AP

You can configure the device to forward syslog events to JSA.

  1. Log in to your Symbol AP device user interface.
  2. From the menu, select System Configuration > Logging Configuration.

    The Access Point window is displayed.

  3. Using the Logging Level list, select the desired log level for tracking system events. The options are:

    0 - Emergency

    1- Alert

    2 - Critical

    3 - Errors

    4 - Warning

    5 - Notice

    6 - Info. This is the default.

    7 - Debug

  4. Select the Enable logging to an external syslog server check box.
  5. In the Syslog Server IP Address field, type the IP address of an external syslog server, such as JSA.

    This is required to route the syslog events to JSA.

  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Logout.

    A confirmation window is displayed.

  8. Click OK to exit the application.

    The configuration is complete. Events forwarded to JSA are displayed on the Log Activity tab.