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Assigning a Role to a User

  1. Log in to the Google Admin Console, and then click Users to access the Users page.
    Figure 1: Google Admin Users Google Admin Users
  2. Click the name of the user that you want to grant access to.
  3. Click in the Admin roles and privileges section to open the Admin roles and privileges page, and then click Edit to assign a role that includes reports access for the selected user.
    Figure 2: Admin Roles and Previleges Admin Roles and Previleges
  4. Optional: If the Super Admin role was not used in Step 3, create a new role that has reports access. By default, the Super Admin role has this privilege.
    2. On the Admin roles page, click CREATE A NEW ROLE.
      Figure 3: Create a New Role Create a New Role
    3. On the Privileges tab, select the Reports check box, and then click Save.
      Figure 4: New Role Previleges New Role Previleges

      This role appears in the roles section as an option when you assign a role to a user.