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Nortel VPN Gateway

The JSA Nortel VPN Gateway DSM accepts events by using syslog.

JSA records all relevant operating system (OS), system control, traffic processing, startup, configuration reload, AAA, and IPsec events. Before you configure a Nortel VPN Gateway device in JSA, you must configure your device to send syslog events to JSA.

To configure the device to send syslog events to JSA:

  1. Log in to the Nortel VPN Gateway command-line interface (CLI).
  2. Type the following command:


  3. At the prompt, type the IP address of your JSA system:

    Enter new syslog host: <IP address>

    Where <IP address> is the IP address of your JSA system.

  4. Apply the configuration:


  5. View all syslog servers currently added to your system configuration:


    You can now configure the log source in JSA.

  6. To configure JSA to receive events from a Nortel VPN Gateway device: From the Log Source Type list, select the Nortel VPN Gateway option.