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JSA provides the IBM AIX Audit and IBM AIX Server DSMs to collect and parse audit or operating system events from IBM AIX devices.

IBM AIX Server DSM Overview

The IBM AIX Server DSM collects operating system and authentication events using syslog for users that interact or log in to your IBM AIX appliance.

The following table identifies the specifications for both IBM AIX DSM Server:

Table 1: IBM AIX Server DSM Specifications





DSM names

IBM AIX Server

RPM file names


Supported versions

V5.X, V6.X, and V7.X

Protocol type


JSA recorded event types

Login or logoff events

Session opened or session closed events

Accepted password and failed password events

Operating system events

Automatically discovered?


Includes identity?


More information

IBM website

To integrate IBM AIX Server events with JSA, complete the following steps:

  1. If automatic updates are not enabled, RPMs are available for download from the Juniper Downloads. Download and install the most recent version of the following RPMs on your JSA Console:

    • DSM Common RPM

    • IBM AIX Server DSM RPM

  2. Configure your IBM AIX Server device to send syslog events to JSA.

  3. Configure a syslog-based log source for your IBM AIX Server device. Use the following protocol-specific parameters:



    Log Source Type

    IBM AIX Server

    Protocol Configuration


To collect syslog audit events from your IBM AIX Server device, redirect your audit log output from your IBM AIX device to the JSA Console or Event Collector.

Configuring Your IBM AIX Server Device to Send Syslog Events to JSA

To collect syslog audit events from your IBM AIX Server device, redirect your audit log output from your IBM AIX device to the JSA Console or Event Collector.

  1. Log in to your IBM AIX appliance as a root user.

  2. Open the /etc/syslog.conf file.

  3. To forward the system authentication logs to JSA, add the following line to the file: @JSA_IP_address

    A tab must separate and the IP address of JSA.

    For example:

  4. Save and exit the file.

  5. Restart the syslog service:

    refresh -s syslogd

IBM AIX Server Sample Event Message

Use this sample event message to verify a successful integration with JSA.


Due to formatting issues, paste the message format into a text editor and then remove any carriage return or line feed characters.

IBM AIX Server sample message when you use the Syslog protocol

The following sample event message shows that the sshd connection is closed.

Table 2: Highlighted Fields

JSA field name

Highlighted payload field name

Event ID

sshd + Connection closed (extracted from the payload)

Device Time

Nov 21 16:19:05

Source IP

IBM AIX Audit DSM Overview

The IBM AIX Audit DSM collects detailed audit information for events that occur on your IBM AIX appliance.

The following table identifies the specifications for the IBM AIX Audit DSM:

Table 3: IBM AIX Audit DSM Specifications





DSM names


RPM file names


Supported versions

V6.1 and V7.1

Protocol type


Log File Protocol

JSA recorded event types

Audit events

Automatically discovered?


Includes identity?


More information

To integrate IBM AIX Audit events with JSA, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the latest version of the IBM AIX Audit DSM from the Juniper Downloads.

  2. For syslog events, complete the following steps:

    1. Configure your IBM AIX Audit device to send syslog events to JSA. See Configuring IBM AIX Audit DSM to Send Syslog Events to JSA .

    2. If JSA does not automatically discover the log source, add an IBM AIX Audit log source. Use the following IBM AIX Audit-specific values in the log source configuration:



      Log Source Type

      IBM AIX Audit

      Protocol Configuration


  3. For log file protocol events, complete the following steps:

    1. Configure your IBM AIX Audit device to convert audit logs to the log file protocol format.

    2. Configure a log file protocol-based log source for your IBM AIX Audit device. Use the following protocol-specific values in the log source configuration:



      Log Source Type

      IBM AIX Audit

      Protocol Configuration

      Log File

      Service Type

      The protocol to retrieve log files from a remote server.


      If you select the SCP and SFTP service type, ensure that the server that is specified in the Remote IP or Hostname parameter has the SFTP subsystem enabled.

      Remote Port

      If the host for your event files uses a non-standard port number for FTP, SFTP, or SCP, adjust the port value.

      SSH Key File

      If you select SCP or SFTP as the Service Type, use this parameter to define an SSH private key file. When you provide an SSH Key File, the Remote Password parameter is ignored.

      Remote Directory

      The directory location on the remote host where the files are retrieved. Specify the location relative to the user account you are using to log in.


      For FTP only. If your log files are in a remote user home directory, leave the remote directory blank to support operating systems where a change in the working directory (CWD) command is restricted.

      FTP File Pattern

      The FTP file pattern must match the name that you assigned to your AIX audit files with the -n parameter in the audit script. For example, to collect files that start with AIX_AUDIT and end with your time stamp value, type AIX_Audit_*.

      FTP Transfer Mode

      ASCII is required for text event logs that are retrieved by the log file protocol by using FTP.



      Change Local Directory?

      Leave this check box clear.

      Event Generator


      The Event Generator applies more processing to the retrieved event files. Each line of the file is a single event. For example, if a file has 10 lines of text, 10 separate events are created.

Configuring IBM AIX Audit DSM to Send Syslog Events to JSA

To collect syslog audit events from your IBM AIX Audit device, redirect your audit log output from your IBM AIX device to the JSA Console or Event Collector.

On an IBM AIX appliance, you can enable or disable classes in the audit configuration. The IBM AIX default classes capture a large volume of audit events. To prevent performance issues, you can tune your IBM AIX appliance to reduce the number of classes that are collected. For more information about audit classes, see your IBM AIX appliance documentation.

  1. Log in to your IBM AIX appliance.

  2. Open the audit configuration file:


  3. Edit the Start section to disable the binmode element and enable the streammode element:

  4. Edit the Classes section to specify which classes to audit.

  5. Save the configuration changes.

  6. Open the streamcmds file:


  7. Add the following line to the file:

  8. Save the configuration changes.

  9. Edit the syslog configuration file to specify a debug entry and the IP address of the JSA Console or Event Collector:

    *.debug @ip_address


    A tab must separate *.debug from the IP address.

  10. Save the configuration changes.

  11. Reload your syslog configuration:

    refresh -s syslogd

  12. Start the audit script on your IBM AIX appliance:

    audit start

The IBM AIX Audit DSM automatically discovers syslog audit events that are forwarded from IBM AIX to JSA and creates a log source. If the events are not automatically discovered, you can manually configure a log source.

Configuring IBM AIX Audit DSM to Send Log File Protocol Events to JSA

Configure the script to run each time that you want to convert your IBM AIX audit logs to a readable event log format for JSA.

Ensure that Perl 5.8 or later is installed on your IBM AIX computer.

To send log file protocol events from IBM AIX to JSA, you must edit these files:

Audit configuration file

The audit configuration file identifies the event classes that are audited and the location of the event log file on your IBM AIX appliance. The IBM AIX default classes capture many audit events. To prevent performance issues, you can configure the classes in the audit configuration file. For more information about configuring audit classes, see your IBM AIX documentation.

Audit script

The audit script uses the audit configuration file to identify which audit logs to read and converts the binary logs to single-line events that JSA can read. The log file protocol can then retrieve the event log from your IBM AIX appliance and import the events to JSA. The audit script uses the file to convert the binary audit records to event log files JSA can read.

Run the audit script each time that you want to convert your audit records to readable events. You can use a cron job to automate this process. for example, you can add 0 * * * * / to allow the audit script to run hourly. For more information, see your system documentation.

  1. Log in to your IBM AIX appliance.

  2. Configure the audit configuration file:

    1. Open the audit configuration file:


    2. Edit the Start section to enable the binmode element.

    3. In the Start section, edit the configuration to determine which directories contain the binary audit logs.

      The default configuration for IBM AIX auditing writes binary logs to the following directories:

      In most cases, you do not have to edit the binary file in the bin1 and bin2 directories.

    4. In the Classes section, edit the configuration to determine which classes are audited. For information on configuring classes, see your IBM AIX documentation.

    5. Save the configuration changes.

  3. Audit on your IBM AIX system:

    audit start

  4. Install the audit script:

    1. From Juniper Downloads, search for the and select the download that corresponds to your release of JSA.

    2. Download the file.

    3. Copy the audit script to a folder on your IBM AIX appliance.

    4. Extract the file:

      tar -zxvf

    5. Start the audit script:


      You can add the following parameters to modify the command:




      Defines the results directory where the audit script writes event log files for JSA.

      If you do not specify a results directory, the script writes the events to the following /audit/results/ directory. The results directory is used in the Remote Directory parameter in the log source configuration uses this value. To prevent errors, verify that the results directory exists on your IBM AIX system.


      Defines a unique name for the event log file that is generated by audit script. The FTP File Pattern parameter in the log source configuration uses this name to identify the event logs that the log source must retrieve in JSA.


      Defines the name of the last record file.


      Defines the maximum number of audit files to retain on your IBM AIX system. By default, the script retains 30 audit files. When the number of audit files exceeds the value of the -m parameter, the script deletes the audit file with the oldest time stamp.


      Defines the directory that contains the audit trail file. The default directory is /audit/trail.

The IBM AIX Audit DSM automatically discovers log file protocol audit events that are forwarded from IBM AIX to JSA and creates a log source. If the events are not automatically discovered, you can manually configure a log source.