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Creating a Service Account with Viewer Access

  1. On the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) APIs & Services page, click Credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Credentials.
  3. Click +CREATE CREDENTIALS > Service account.
  4. In the Service account name field, type a name for the service account, then click CREATE AND CONTINUE.
  5. From the Select a role list, select Actions Viewer, then click CONTINUE..
  6. In the Service account user role field, type the name for your user.
  7. In the Service account admins role field, type the name for your user.
  8. Click DONE.
  9. In the Service Accounts section, select the service account that you created.
  10. In the API Keys section, click Add Key.

    You need the contents of the key for the Service Account Credentials parameter value when you add a log source in JSA.