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Create a Resource Group

A resource group contains the resources required to successfully deploy a vSRX Virtual Firewall VM in Azure. It is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. In Azure, you logically group related resources such as storage accounts, virtual networks, and virtual machines (VMs) to deploy, manage, and maintain them as a single entity.

If you do not have an existing resource group in your subscription, then follow the steps outlined in this procedure.

To create a resource group in Azure:

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Azure portal using your Microsoft account username and password. The Dashboard appears in the Azure portal (see Figure 1). You see a unified dashboard for all your assets in Azure. Verify that the dashboard includes all subscriptions to which you currently have access, and all resource groups and associated resources.
    Figure 1: Microsoft Azure Portal Dashboard Microsoft Azure Portal Dashboard
  2. Click Resource groups from the menu of services to access the Resource Groups blade (see Figure 2). You will see all the resource groups in your subscription listed in the blade.
    Figure 2: Resource Groups Resource Groups
  3. click Add (+) to create a new resource group. The Create Resource Group blade appears (see Figure 3).
    Figure 3: Creating a Resource Group Creating a Resource Group
  4. Provide the following information for the new resource group.



    Resource Group Name

    Enter a unique name for your new resource group. A resource group name can include alphanumeric characters, periods (.), underscores (_), hyphens (-), and parenthesis (), but the name cannot end with a period.


    Select your Microsoft Azure subscription.

    Resource Group Location

    Select the location of the Microsoft Azure data center from which you intend to deploy the vSRX Virtual Firewall VM. Specify a location where the majority of your resources will reside. Typically, select the location that is closest to your physical location.

  5. Click Create. The resource group might take a few seconds to create. Once it is created, you see the resource group on the Azure portal dashboard.