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Upgrade Junos OS Software on a vSRX Virtual Firewall Instance

This section outlines how to upgrade Junos OS software on your vSRX Virtual Firewall instance to a newer release. Depending upon your preference, you can replace the vSRX Virtual Firewall software in one of two ways:

Upgrade the Junos OS for vSRX Virtual Firewall Software Release

You can directly upgrade the Junos OS for vSRX Virtual Firewall software using the CLI. Upgrading or downgrading Junos OS can take several hours, depending on the size and configuration of the network. You download the desired Junos OS Release for vSRX Virtual Firewall .tgz file from the Juniper Networks website.

You also can upgrade using J-Web (see J-Web) or the Junos Space Network Management Platform (see Junos Space).

For the procedure on upgrading a specific Junos OS for vSRX Virtual Firewall software release, see the Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions topic in the release-specific vSRX Virtual Firewall Release Notes available on the vSRX TechLibrary.

Replace the vSRX Virtual Firewall Instance on AWS

To replace a vSRX Virtual Firewall instance on AWS with a different software release:

  1. Log in to the vSRX Virtual Firewall instance using SSH and start the CLI.

    Starting in Junos OS Release 17.4R1, the default user name has changed from root@ to ec2-user@.

  2. Enter configuration mode.
  3. Copy the existing Junos OS configuration from the vSRX Virtual Firewall. The contents of the current level of the statement hierarchy (and below) are saved, along with the statement hierarchy containing it.

    By default, the configuration is saved to a file in your home directory.

    • See Saving a Configuration File for additional background information on saving a Junos OS configuration file.

    • See file copy for information on how to copy files from one location to another location on the local device or to a location on a remote device that is reachable by the local device.

  4. Remove the vSRX Virtual Firewall instance on AWS as described in Remove a vSRX Instance on AWS.
  5. Once the vSRX Virtual Firewall instance on AWS has been successfully removed, define the specifics of a vSRX Virtual Firewall instance prior to launching it. See Configure an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud for vSRX.
  6. Launch the vSRX Virtual Firewall image using the desired software version available from AWS Marketplace as described in Launch a vSRX Instance on an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
  7. Load the previously copied Junos OS configuration file onto your new (upgraded) vSRX Virtual Firewall instance as described in Loading a Configuration File.