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Prepare to setup vSRX Virtual Firewall Deployment on GCP

Before you begin, you need a Google account and an identity and access management (IAM) role, with all required permissions to access, create, modify, and delete Compute Engine Instances and Storage Service, and Google’s VPC objects. You should also create access keys and corresponding secret access keys, certificates, and account identifiers.

Figure 1 shows an example of how you can deploy vSRX Virtual Firewall to provide security for applications running in a private subnet of Google VPC.

Figure 1: Example of a Google VPCExample of a Google VPC

You need to set up the vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 Firewall on Google Cloud Platform to deploy a vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 firewall on a Google Cloud Computer Engine instance on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Before you deploy vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0, you must create your project networks and subnetworks, and plan networks and IP address assignments for the vSRX Virtual Firewall interfaces. During the deployment, you must choose from the existing networks and subnetworks.

Subnetworks—You must create subnetworks in each VPC networks in specific region in which you plan to deploy the vSRX Virtual Firewall. A VPC Networks can add subnetworks in different region. These subnetworks are all internal network in GCP.

  • IP Address—You need to assign IP address ranges when you create interface subnetworks.

  • Range—The range for a network subnet cannot overlap with others.

  • External IP Address—During vSRX Virtual Firewall deployment you can choose to enable or disable an external IP address when you create a network interface for the vSRX Virtual Firewall, by default, an ephemeral IP address is auto-assigned. You can also specify a static address when creating a network interface.

  • Management Interface—The first network interface added to a vSRX Virtual Firewall is mapped to fxp0 on the vSRX Virtual Firewall.

    • Enable IP forwarding

    • This interface has an external IP address.

    • On vSRX Virtual Firewall, DHCP is enabled to fxp0 by default.

    • You can change the ephemeral IP address given during deployment to a static IP address, after you complete the deployment.

  • Interface Order—First network interface is mapped to fxp0, second network interface is mapped to ge-0/0/0, 3rd network interface is mapped to ge-0/0/1.

  • Number of vSRX Interfaces

    • The maximum number of virtual interfaces allowed per vSRX Virtual Firewall instance is 8.

    • To create a vSRX Virtual Firewall instance, you have to specify the machine type. The machine type specifies a particular collection of virtualized hardware resources available to a VM instance, including the memory size, virtual CPU count, and maximum disk capacity.

    • Default VPC Network—There is default network in a GCP project, you can delete the default network if unused. By default, 5 networks in a project. You can request additional networks for your project.

    • Firewall Rules—You must create a GCP firewall rules to allows access for management connection.

Before you begin, ensure to have the following ready:

  • Google Cloud Platform Account Planning

  • SSH Key Pair

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Network Planning

Step 1: Google Cloud Platform Account Planning

Before you begin deploying vSRX Virtual Firewall VM, review the licensing information and collect the information you'll need for the configuration process.

  1. Understand your vSRX Virtual Firewall license requirements.
  2. Determine private IP address for your management and other interfaces.
  3. Get required permissions for the GCP account.
    • GCP user account with a linked e-mail address

    • Identity and access management (IAM) roles as Compute Viewer, Storage Object Viewer,and Monitoring Metric Writer.

    Accounts and Permissions—Ensure you have proper accounts and permissions before your deploy vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 on a Google Computer Engine instance. Sample account roles and IAM permissions are shown in Figure 2

    Figure 2: Sample Account Roles and IAM PermissionsSample Account Roles and IAM Permissions

Step 2: Define Network Attributes and Generate SSH Key Pair for Authentication

The procedure below provides you steps to define network attributes and generate your own SSH Key pairs to allow your first time login:

  1. After choosing the machine type, you must define networking attributes in the advanced options for the VM.

    Click the VM instances tab on the home page and then click the Networking tab as shown in Figure 3. Update the networking attributes and add the required interfaces.

    Figure 3: Define Network AttributesDefine Network Attributes

    You can add up to 8 interfaces for each vSRX Virtual Firewall instance.


    You cannot choose virtual interface type. GCP supports only the VirtIO interface type. SR-IOV is not supported in GCP.

  2. vSRX Virtual Firewall manages authentication for first login only through RSA SSH key authentication. Password is not allowed, so you cannot log into vSRX Virtual Firewall through console on GCP web. Root login without password is not allowed. So you must generate your own SSH Key before your deploy a vSRX Virtual Firewall instance in Google Compute Engine.

    Generate the public key and the private key. Create an SSH key pair and store the SSH Key in the default location for your operation system.

    • If you are using Linux or MacOS: Use ssh-keygen to create the key pair in your .ssh directory. Run the ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/gcp-user-1 -C gcp-user command. Here gcp-user-1 is name of key file and gcp-user is username.


      It is mandatory to use “gcp-user” as username when you login to the vSRX Virtual Firewall for the first time vSRX Virtual Firewall.

    • If you are using Windows: Use PuTTYgen to create the key pair.

  3. Copy your public key in a text editor. You need to paste it later while deploying vSRX Virtual Firewall in the GCP Marketplace.
  4. Block project-wide SSH keys and specify an SSH key for each vSRX Virtual Firewall instance.

    Click the SSH Keys tab on the VM instances page as shown in Figure 4.


    The SSH key is used by the public key authentication for the first login. As a security measurement, you must block project-wide SSH keys and specify an SSH key for each vSRX Virtual Firewall instance.

    Figure 4: Block Project-Wide SSH KeysBlock Project-Wide SSH Keys
  5. Save your private key in .ppk format. You need this key later to authenticate the vSRX Virtual Firewall instance.

Step 3: Plan Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Network

Prepare the virtual private cloud (VPC) networks in Google Cloud Platform. You must create virtual private networks, rules, and subnetworks and configure interfaces before you start deploying the vSRX Virtual Firewall on GCP which involves:

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud console.
  2. VPC Networks—You must create a custom network specifically for each vSRX Virtual Firewall network interface.

    In the left navigation area, click VPC network under NETWORKING.

  3. On the top pane, click CREATE VPC NETWORK.
  4. Enter a name for the network.
  5. Create a subnetwork with the following details and click Create.
    • Name—Name of the subnetwork.

    • IP Address—Assign an IP address range for creating interface subnetworks. This range is used for your internal network, so ensure that the address range does not overlap with other subnets.

    • Region—Select the region where you want to launch your vSRX Virtual Firewall VM.

    • Private Google Access—Retain the default value Off.

    • Flow logs—Retain the default value Off.