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有线 SLE 仪表板

总结 开始使用有线服务级别体验 (SLE) 仪表板来评估服务级别,以影响用户的因素,例如吞吐量、连接和交换机运行状况。

™ Juniper Mist云持续收集网络遥测数据,并使用机器学习来分析最终用户体验。您可以通过Juniper Mist有线服务级别预期 (SLE) 仪表板访问这些信息,这有助于您评估网络的用户体验并主动解决问题。有线 SLE 仪表板可显示网络上有线客户端在任何给定时间点的用户体验。您可以使用这些交互式仪表板,在用户痛点成为棘手问题之前识别它们,从而主动测量和管理您的网络。

查找有线 SLE 仪表板

要查找有线 SLE 仪表板,请从左侧菜单中选择 “监控 > 服务级别 ”,然后单击“ 有线 ”按钮。

Wired Button on the Monitor Page


仅当您拥有所需的订阅时,才会显示这些按钮。有关这些要求的信息,请参阅 Juniper Mist人工智能原生运维指南

Wired Assurance:第 2 天 - 有线服务级别预期 (SLE) 视频概述

One of the coolest features of Wired Assurance is the Service Level Expectations, or SLEs. SLEs were first introduced with Wi-Fi Assurance to help you understand the client experience. Now the SLE framework has been extended to Juniper EX switches.

You can see what the performance and experience for wired devices is, categorized into throughput, successful connect, and switch health. In the throughput SLE, there are classifiers, congestion, interface anomalies, storm control, etc. This is where you can drill down to get an accurate sense of what is going on in the network.

The distribution table breaks it down by clients, VLANs, interfaces, and switches. You can also sort by failure rate or biggest overall impact. Double-click into affected items by switches, VLANs, interfaces, and clients.

Going over to the switch health SLE, we immediately see there are CPU issues. The EX4300 shows the overall impact at 74%. The screen shows CPU utilization spiking over 100%, mapped to a time graph to help you narrow in on the issue.

Wired SLEs measure wired experience with pre and post-connection performance metrics to help you understand how the network experience is for your users, wired devices, and IoT endpoints.

使用有线 SLE 仪表板

有关 SLE 的一般介绍,请参阅服务级别预期 (SLE)。

如需解释有线 SLE 和分类器的帮助,请浏览本章中的其他有线 SLE 主题。