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Configure the System Log

Send system log messages to files, remote destinations, user terminals, or to the system console.

Junos OS generates system log messages (also called syslog messages) to record events that occur on a switch, including the following:

  • Routine operations, such as creation of an Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol adjacency or a user login to the configuration database

  • Failure and error conditions, such as failure to access a configuration file or unexpected closure of a connection to a peer process

  • Emergency or critical conditions, such as router power-down due to excessive temperature

For the switches that you manage in the Juniper Mist portal, you can configure syslog in the switch settings.

To configure the system log:

  1. Go to the appropriate configuration page:
    • To configure an organization-level switch template—From the left menu, select Organization > Wired > Switch Templates.

    • To configure site-level switch settings—From the left menu, select Site > Wired > Switch Configuration. Click the site that you want to configure.

  2. Under All Switches Configuration, find the Syslog section.
  3. Click Enabled.
    Syslog Options on the Configuration Page
  4. Click a tab, and then enter the settings.


    • Files—Send log messages to a named file.

    • Hosts—Send log messages to a remote location. This could be an IP address or hostname of a device that will be notified whenever those log messages are generated.

    • Users—Notify a specific user of the log event.

    • Console—Send log messages of a specified class and severity to the console. Log messages include priority information, which provides details about the facility and severity levels of the log messages.

    • Archive—Define parameters for archiving log messages.

    • General—Specify a time format, routing instance, and source address for the log messages.

    Tips for Files, Hosts, and Users:
    • Click the Add link, or click an existing file, host, or user to edit.

      For example, on the Hosts tab, click a host to edit, or click Add Host.

      Location of the Add File button on the Files tab
    • In the pop-up window, add/enter the information. Or, if you're editing an existing record, you can click the delete button to remove the selected file, host, or user.

      • Use the Contents section of the pop-up window to specify the messages to be sent. Click Add Content, and then select the Facility and Level. Click the checkmark to save these option. Repeat as needed to identify all messages to be sent.

        Content Example
      • In the Archive section (for Files only), set the threshold for archiving by specifying the number of files and/or the total file size.

    • To save the settings in the pop-up window, click Addor Save at the bottom of the window.

  5. When you're finished with all your changes, click Save at the top-right corner of the configuration page.