Wired Successful Connect SLE
Use the Wired Successful Connect SLE to assess clients' experiences connecting to your wired network.
Successful Connect is one of the Service-Level Expectations (SLEs) that you can track on the Wired SLEs dashboard.

To find the Wired SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the left menu, and then click the Wired button.
What Does the Wired Successful Connect SLE Measure?
Juniper Mist monitors client connection attempts and identifies failures. This SLE helps you to assess the impact of these failures and to identify the issues to address.
This SLE will show data only if you use 802.1X on the wired network to authenticate clients or if you have DHCP snooping configured.
When connection attempts are unsuccessful, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classifiers. The classifiers appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 100 percent of the issues are attributed to Authentication. (See the classifier descriptions below the example.)

DHCP—Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) snooping enables the switch to examine the DHCP packets and keep track of the IP-MAC address binding in the snooping table. This classifier adds a failure event every time a client connects to a network and fails to reach the ‘bound’ state within a minute (DCHP timeouts).
Note:The SLE dashboard shows DHCP failures only for those switches that have DHCP snooping configured.
Authentication—Each time a client authenticates, a client event is generated. These could either be successful or failed events. This classifier helps you identify issues that caused authentication failures. Here's a list of possible reasons for an 802.1X authentication failure:
If a single switch port fails to authenticate, it could be due to a user error or misconfigured port.
If all switch ports fail to authenticate, it could be because:
- The switch is not added as a NAS client in the RADIUS server.
- A routing issue exists between the switch and the RADIUS server.
The RADIUS server is down.
If all switch ports on all the switches fail to authenticate, it could indicate a temporary failure with the RADIUS server at that specific moment.
If a specific type of device, such as a Windows device, fails to authenticate, it may suggest an issue related to certifications.