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System Logging

  • Support for sending system log messages from the default routing instance when the dedicated management instance is configured (EX2300, EX2300-MP, EX2300-C, EX2300-VC, EX3400, EX3400-VC, EX4100-48MP, EX4100-H-12P, EX4100-H-12P-DC, EX4100-H-24P, EX4100-H-24P-DC, EX4100-H-24F, EX4100-H-24F-DC, EX4100-24MP, EX4100-48P, EX4100-48T, EX4100-24P, EX4100-24T, EX4100-F-48P, EX4100-F-24P, EX4100-F-48T, EX4100-F-24T, EX4100-F-12P, EX4100-F-12T, EX4300-MP, EX4300VC, EX4400-24MP, EX4400-24P, EX4400-24T, EX4400-24X, EX4400-48F, EX4400-48MP, EX4400-48P, EX4400-48T, EX4600-VC, EX4650, EX4650-48Y-VC, EX9204, EX9208 and EX9214)—Starting in Junos OS Release 24.2R1, when you configure the system logging information, the system does not have to use the dedicated management instance. System logging traffic prioritizes routing instances configured at the host level. Next, it prioritizes the routing instances configured at the syslog level. If you do not configure a routing instance at either of these levels, even if the management instance is configured at the global level, the system log messages default to the default routing instance and the inet.0 routing table. Prior to this release, when the dedicated management instance mgmt_junos was configured, system logging traffic used it by default. Thus, system logs reach the host only if the host is reachable by the default inet.0 routing instance.

    [See System Logging and Routing Instances and Management Interface in a Dedicated Instance.]