Webhook Topics
Use the following tables to learn more.
Topic | Purpose and Payload Details |
alerts (alarms) | User-selected alarms for devices and infrastructure, Marvis actions, and security. To find alerts in the Juniper Mist portal, select Monitor > Alerts > Alerts Configuration from the left menu. Examples
Depending on the type of alarm, the payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization and site, the event type, the severity, and the count of each event type during the aggregation interval. To see which alarms are available and get examples of their payloads, from a REST API client, issue the following API call:GET /api/v1/const/alarm_defs |
audits | A topic that all Mist configuration changes trigger this topic. The payload includes details such as the administrator’s name and username, the device ID, the type of change, and the timestamp for the change. |
client-join | Client connections only. The payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization and site; the MAC address and name of the AP that the client connected to; and the WLAN ID, band, SSID, RSSI, and timestamp for the connection. |
client-sessions | Client session information. The payload includes details such as the MAC address and name of the AP that the client roamed to or disconnected from, the WLAN ID, the band, the device family (“Mac,” “iPhone,” “Apple watch”), the client manufacturer and model, the timestamps for the connection and disconnection, the float duration, the RSSI, and the termination reason. |
device-events | Events affecting access points, switches, and gateways. This topic includes events such as port up or down, AP power changes, and channel changes. The payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization and site, the MAC address and name of the device, and the timestamp of the event. To see which alarms are available and get examples of their payloads, issue the following API call from a REST API client:GET
/api/v1/const/device_events |
device-updowns | Device disconnects, reconnects, and restarts. The payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization and site, the type of event, and the device’s MAC address and name. To configuredevice-updowns in
the Juniper Mist portal, select Monitor >
Alerts > Alerts Configuration
from the left menu. Here you can configure more granular control of the types of
devices and alert thresholds. |
mxedge-events | Juniper Mist Edge physical and LACP link status. |
ping | A ping event that goes to the webhook URL. The payload includes the site ID, the webhook ID and name, and the timestamp. |
Topic | Purpose and Payload Details |
asset-raw-rssi | Replaces deprecated topic named asset-raw. Raw data from packets emitted by named and filtered assets. The payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization, site, map, AP, antenna, and asset; the AP location; the RSSI; the beacon UUID and manufacturer; the service packets; and data. |
discovered-raw-rssi | Raw data from packets emitted by passive BLE. The payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization, site, map, reporting AP, and antenna; the MAC address; the asset ID, manufacturer, and UUID of the asset/beacon; and the RSSI. |
location | Location data for Juniper Mist SDK clients, wireless clients, and assets. Data includes details such as the site and map IDs, X and Y coordinates, timestamp, the type of client, and the client ID or MAC address. |
nac-accounting | This webhook triggers with any Juniper Mist network access control (NAC) account event (ACCOUNTING_START, ACCOUNTING_STOP, ACCOUNTING_UPDATE). The payload includes details such as timestamp, AP, client_ip, SSID, username, client_type, client_mac, nas_vendor, site_id, rx_pkts, and tx_pkts. |
occupancy-alerts | Occupancy status based on the configured occupancy limits. The payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization, site, map, and zone; the event (“COMPLIANCE-VIOLATION” or “COMPLIANCE-OK”); the timestamp; the occupancy limit; and the current occupancy. |
rssi-zone | Devices near an access point. This topic provides information about devices entering or exiting a zone around an AP where the RSSI received by the AP is above a configurable threshold. You can create a new RSSI zone for each AP and include the RSSI Zone name and an RSSI Zone threshold. |
sdkclient-scan-data | Location data for Juniper Mist SDK clients.The data includes details such as the band, channel, SSID, BSSID, and RSSI for the connection; the AP’s MAC address; list of neighboring APs; the timestamp when the client was last seen; and the timestamp for the scan. |
vbeacon | Devices near a virtual beacon. This topic provides information about devices in proximity to a configured vbeacon. Use this webhook with the Juniper Mist SDK. |
wifi-conn-raw wifi-unconn-raw |
Raw data from packets emitted by connected and unconnected devices. The payload includes details such as the IDs of the organization, site, map, and reporting AP; the location coordinates of the AP; the RSSI and band; and the payload from the Wi-Fi beacon. It does not include the client’s location data. |
zone | Location data for virtual beacons on your floorplan, pushed when a client enters or exits a zone. The data includes details such as the site, map, and zone IDs, the timestamp, the trigger (enter or exit), the client type (SDK client, wireless client, or asset), and the ID or MAC address of the client. |
client-latency |
DHCP, DNS, and authentication latency information aggregated across all the client devices at the site level. Latency data is provided for a 10-minute window at 10-minute intervals. We recommend that you use this webhook to receive network latency data instead of polling through the API. Note:
You'll need a Marvis subscription to subscribe to this webhook. |