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REST API HTTP Response Codes

Here’s the full list of HTTP response codes and definitions:

Juniper Mist uses the following response codes:

Table 1: HTTP Response Codes
Status Description
200 OK. The Mist API understood the call and answered it without errors.
400 Bad Request. The API endpoint exists but its syntax/payload is incorrect, detail may be given. Validate the data provided as part of the JSON payload and make sure it matches the API documentation.
401 Unauthorized. The authentication towards the Mist API failed. You could receive this code when your token is wrong or if your token was not sent to the API with the proper format. Validate your authentication information.
403 Permission Denied. You will receive this code if your privileges do not allow you to access some features. For instance, a user with read-only privileges will not able able to send POST, PULL or DELETE API calls.
404 Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist, or the resource doesn’t exist. Validate the full URL of your API call and make sure it matches the API documentation.
429 Too Many Requests. The API Token used for the request reached the 5,000 API Calls per hour threshold.