Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
G.8275.1 telecom profile and PTPoE encapsulation support (MX10004 with MX10K-LC480) —Starting in Junos OS Release 23.1R1, the MX10K-LC480 line card on the MX10004 supports the Precision Time Protocol over Ethernet (PTPoE) encapsulation as defined in the G.8275.1 telecom profile. PTPoE supports:
- PTP hybrid-over-aggregated Ethernet and PTP hybrid over LAG profile.
- Primary and secondary Synchronous Ethernet, and PTP passive ports on different line cards.
- Mixed mode of aggregated Ethernet (link with different speeds).
statements to configure asymmetry on primary and secondary links. Primary and secondary links in an aggregated interface can have different asymmetry.- PTP with hyper mode profile to enable the distribution of phase and time with full timing support. You must ensure that all the devices in the network operate in combined or hybrid mode with PTP and Synchronous Ethernet enabled on all devices. PTPoE implements the packet-based technology and helps operators deliver synchronization services on aggregated Ethernet interfaces in mobile backhaul (MBH) networks.
- Configuration of PTP client and synchronous Ethernet source on the same or different line cards.