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Configuring the Date and Time on CTP Devices (CTP Menu)


This topic describes how to configure the date and time on CTP devices. CTP devices must be set to UTC time or CTPView software will not gather and display statistics graphs properly.

To configure the date and time on a CTP device using the CTP Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select 5) Node Operations.
  2. Select 1) Change Node Date/Time and configure the date and time as described in Table 2.

Table 2: CTP Device Date and Time Settings in the CTP Menu

FieldFunctionYour Action

Change Node Date/Time

Specifies the date and time setting on the CTP device

Answer y to change the date and time, and fill in the following parameters:

Do you want to change it? y[n]:
Enter new Month:  (1-12)[1]: 
Enter new Day:    (1-31)[5]: 
Enter new Year:   (1-2037)[2011]: 
Enter new Hour:   (0-23)[14]: 
Enter new Min:    (0-59)[28]: 
Enter new Sec:    (0-59)[46]: