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Configuring 4WTO Daughter Cards to Interoperate with Multiservice Interface Modules (CTP Menu)


To interoperate with Multiservice Interface modules, your 4WTO daughter card must have firmware revision 4 or higher and you must be using CTPOS 6.0 or higher.

Interoperability of Multiservice Interface modules with 4WTO daughter cards requires the following:

  • Firmware revision 4 or higher on the 4WTO daughter card.

  • CTPView releases 3.4R4 or 4.x.

  • CTPOS release 6.0 or higher.

  • Channel 1 cannot be the enabled channel.

When you enable interoperability of the 4WTO daughter card with Multiservice Interface modules, the port speed for the bundle is set as follows:

  • 64 when only channel 0 is enabled.

  • 128 when dual channel is enabled.

Before you begin:

  • Disable the bundle before you modify the bundle options.

To configure 4WTO daughter cards to interoperate with Multiservice Interface module using the CTP Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
  2. Select 1) CTP.
  3. Select a bundle from the list. The bundle port must have a 4WTO daughter card installed.

    If you select an active bundle, you are prompted to disable the bundle before configuring it.

  4. Select 3) Port Config.
  5. Select 2) Interface.
  6. Select 1) Type, and set the type to Optional Interface: Voice 4W/TO.
  7. Follow the onscreen instructions.
  8. Configure the Ms interwork option as described in Table 10.

Table 10: CTP Bundle 4WTO Port Parameter Settings in the CTP Menu

FieldFunctionYour Action

Ms interwork

Enables or disables interoperability of the 4WTO daughter card with Multiservice Interface modules.

  • Enabled—Interoperability with the Multiservice Interface module is enabled.

  • Disabled—Interoperability with the Multiservice Interface module is disabled.