What's New
Learn about new features introduced in this release for vJunosEvolved.
Starting in vJunos 23.1R1 Release, we support vJunosEvolved platform, a virtual version of a Juniper device that runs the Junos OS Evolved.
vJunosEvolved is a single VM lab product, that simulates the fixed PTX10001-36MR Junos OS Evolved device. This virtual platform has both Junos OS Evolved Routing Engine and vBT-COSIM running on the same VM.
vJunosEvolved is available for download, free of charge and supported through Juniper’s Community pages by Engineering, PLM and TME teams. We do not provide JTAC support for vJunosEvolved.
You can install the software components of the vJunos-switch on an industry-standard x86 server running a Linux KVM hypervisor (Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 or Debian 11 Bullseye).
You can configure and manage vJunosEvolved in the same way as you manage the fixed PTX10001-36MR Junos OS Evolved device.