Juniper Mist Premium Analytics Datasheet

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Product Overview

The Juniper Mist Premium Analytics cloud service offers network visibility and business intelligence to drive your digital transformation journey. This service provides insights into your network and business operations while overcoming the complex challenges associated with the influx of big data from the multitude of networks and clients.


Product Description

Juniper Mist™ Premium Analytics is an advanced, cloud-based analytics service that provides enterprises with end-to-end network observability. IT and line-of-business users can gain unique networking and location insights based on any combination of Juniper Mist AI-driven data sets and, optionally, third-party data sets. Simple dashboards make it easy to:

  • Specify criteria and filters
  • Identify issues and trends
  • Generate, schedule, and email customized reports

Premium Analytics is the only analytics service of its kind that stores up to 13 months (or more) of data. This feature extends observability of historical data beyond the 30 days available with the standard Juniper Mist analytics service, enabling users to perform long-term historical time series analyses of network, app, visitor, and employee behavior to enhance business decision-making.

IT professionals can use Premium Analytics to obtain insights across their entire network – wired, wireless, and WAN – to help them plan their IT infrastructure, manage resources, and improve IT operations. Professionals in a range of vertical markets – including retail, healthcare, education, and hospitality – can use Premium Analytics to analyze long-term trends, visitor behavior, and zone movement. Additionally, Premium Analytics provides facilities managers with insights they can use to optimize space and manage assets and occupancy.


Features and Benefits

Wireless, Wired, and WAN Network Insights

To ensure that IT assets and controls meet the business expectations of your digital business, end-to-end network visibility, continuous monitoring, and actionable insights are critical. This involves not only identifying network infrastructure misconfigurations and issues, but also addressing deficiencies impacting applications, end users, and client devices.


Figure 1: Use case examples for IT professionals

Figure 1: Use case examples for IT professionals

With the Premium Analytics service, networking teams gain insights from client to cloud, allowing them to effectively identify and solve sub-par experiences. They can also use client and traffic utilization data for better planning, resource management, and public safety. Here are some sample networking use cases:

  • Monitoring and behavior reports for applications, traffic, and clients
  • Monitoring historic and average service-level expectations
  • WAN visibility for link and application quality of experience 
  • Ingestion and reporting from Juniper and third-party network devices (not managed by Juniper Mist cloud architecture)
  • Insights on device OS and device manufacturers
  • Traffic metrics on the basis of service set identifier (SSID), switch interfaces, or WAN zones


Line of Business Insights

Business insights, including customer and employee engagement, occupancy analysis, and proximity tracing, have become top priorities for digital transformation initiatives, especially in hybrid workforce environments. Whether analyzing retail traffic flows, space occupancy and utilization in the enterprise, optimizing staff operations, or conducting real-time reporting of congested areas, enterprises from different verticals want network data insights to drive decisions around staffing, product placement, real estate planning, and proximity tracing.

Figure 2: Use case examples for retail professionals

Figure 2: Use case examples for retail professionals

Premium Analytics combines location services built into the platform and those available through technology partnerships. User Engagement and Asset Visibility are the location services from Juniper Networks. The result of this combination of location services and analytics is fast access to business insights that support requested analytics about customers and guests.


Figure 3: Use case examples for facilities managers

Figure 3: Use case examples for facilities managers

Enterprises and retailers that segment their end users and subscribe to the User Engagement or Asset Visibility service will see areas where customers visit, allowing them to drive more interactions with associates and customers for higher basket sizes. Retailers can also use the digital platform to help them support industry best practices for cross-selling, omnichannel initiatives, and day-to-day practices like social distancing.

To learn more about Juniper’s use cases that support new social practices at work, please visit solutions/contact-tracing/.

Popular business analytics use cases include:

  • Visitor segmentation and trends with dynamic categorizations
  • Unique visitor trends with popular motion flows for user journey mapping and proximity tracing
  • Ingestion and customized reporting with third-party data


Table 1: Available Dashboards
Networking Dashboards
Wireless Wireless Network Insights
  • Long-term SLE and Traffic Trends 
  • Client Distribution by Device-type, OS, 802.11 protocols 
  • Traffic & Applications Insights by SSID & Clients 
  • Busiest AP and SSID
Wireless IDS
  • Long term storage Rogue & IDS events 
  • Filter by Site, BSSID, RSSI 
  • Trending & Distribution views
RF Health and Utilization
  • Channel Utilization analytics for RF bands 
  • Interference, Neighbor count and co-channel metrics 
  • Filter by Org, Site and AP
Wired Wired Network Insights
  • Traffic metrics of Wired network by Site, Switch, Port, VLAN 
  • Traffic trends - By Switch, Port, VLAN 
  • Port Utilization trends 
  • Switch SLE Metrics
WAN WAN Network Insights-SRX
  • WAN SLE Metrics 
  • Application Distribution by Users, 
  • Traffic Metrics by Site, SRX, Zone, Time
Events Wireless Client Events
  • Organization wide client-failure analysis 
  • Failure types and distribution by Site, WLAN, AP, Client type, OS 
  • Detailed Failure Analysis 
    • DHCP, DNS, Authorization, Association, Roaming
Other Audit
  • Long term storage of audit logs 
  • Top Actions by Type 
  • Top Actions by User
  • Organization wide Inventory report 
  • Firmware and Model details


Line of Business Dashboards
Location Engagement Analytics
  • Visitor footfall metrics 
    • Loyalty Visitor, One time Visitor, Passerby Visitor 
  • Monthly and weekly trends of Visitor footfalls 
  • Dwell time Metrics and Trends 
  • Zone ranking & Zone Movement Analytics
Occupancy Analytics
  • Occupancy & Dwell-time details of Sites, Floors and Zones 
  • Zone Ranking and Heatmap 
  • Filter Occupancy sources from Wi-Fi, BLE Tags, BLE App clients
Proximity Tracing
  • User Journey Map 
  • Proximity Tracing filtered by engagement duration 
  • Filter by multiple input sources – Wi-Fi, BLE, Tags


Network IT Dashboards

Figure 1: Wireless network insights

Figure 4: Wireless network insights

Figure 2: Wired network insights

Figure 5: Wired network insights

Figure 3: WAN repor

Figure 6: WAN network insights

Figure 4: Wireless IDS report

Figure 7: Wireless IDS


Figure 5: Audit log report

Figure 8: Audit log


Figure 6: Client events report

Figure 9: Client events

Figure 10: RF health and utilization

Figure 10: RF health and utilization

Figure 8: Inventory dashboard

Figure 11: Inventory

Table 2: Wired, Wireless, and WAN Network Insights
Features Basic Premium Analytics
Networks insights on wired and wireless Y Y
Security insights–rogues and honeypots Y Y
Client connections–trend and counts Y Y
Application visibility from Juniper Mist Wireless Y Y
Queries (rank, list, trend, and counts) Y Y
Custom queries–Unique devices on multiple WLANs (trend and counts) N Y
Average and historic service-level expectations beyond 7 days N Y
Trend reports for applications, traffic, and clients N Y
Insights on device OS and device manufacturer N Y
Traffic metrics on the basis of SSID, switch, switch interfaces, or WAN zones N Y
Access point ranking by clients and traffic N Y
Wireless security threat distribution and rogue access point trends N Y
Audit log reports for longer period N Y
Inventory reports N Y
WAN visibility for link QoE and application QoE N Y
Ingestion and reporting from Juniper Network Devices (not managed by Juniper Mist Cloud) N Y


Line-of-Business Dashboards

Figure 9: Engagement analytics dashboard

Figure 12: Engagement analytics

Table 3: Engagement Analytics
Features Basic Premium Analytics
Visitor segmentation and reporting based on user-defined dwell times Y Y
Dwell time that includes trends and averages for predefined labels for visitor segmentation Y Y
Unique visitor trends based on predefined labels for visitor segmentation Y Y
Dwell and visits per site, floor, and department Y Y
Visitor segmentation between new and repeat based on a fixed, 7-day rolling window Y Y
Heat maps including real-time and historical replay of visits and dwell times Y Y
Visitor segmentation between new and repeat based on flexible and configurable time duration N Y
Data segmentation and reporting based on dynamic aggregation of dwell times for visitor segmentation N Y
Dwell time that includes trends and average for dynamically defined labels for visitor segmentation N Y
Unique visitor trends based on dynamically defined labels for visitor segmentation N Y
Ability to reprocess historical data sets based on changes in criteria N Y
Popular motion paths including traffic flows between zones N Y
Ingestion and reporting with location and third-party data such as sentiment, weather, and so on N Y


Figure 10: Occupancy analytics dashboard

Figure 13: Occupancy analytics

Table 4: Occupancy Analytics
Features Basic Premium Analytics
Heat map of floor and zone occupancies based on preconfigured maximum capacity restrictions Y Y
Ability to customize timeframe and location sources Y Y
Occupancy trends over time N Y
Zone ranking based on capacity and dwell time N Y
User ranking based on dwell times N Y
Figure 11: Proximity tracing dashboard

Figure 14: Proximity tracing

Table 5: Proximity Tracing
Features Basic Premium Analytics
Ability to rewind and replay the location history of individuals N Y
Ability to identify users who were in close proximity to a selected individual N Y
Ability to identify encounter duration N Y
Ability to customize encounter duration and historic timeframes N Y
Heat map of zone occupancies based on preconfigured maximum capacity restrictions N Y


Ordering Information

Juniper Networks products are sold directly as well as through Juniper partners and resellers. Please contact your Juniper account team or partner for licensing. For more information on how to buy, please visit:


About Juniper Networks

At Juniper Networks, we are dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security, and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability, and equality.



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