Hewlett Packard Enterprise und Juniper Networks lehnen die Entscheidung des US-Justizministeriums, Klage zur Verhinderung der Übernahme einzureichen, nachdrücklich ab. Pressemitteilung lesen >>
Bringen Sie Ihre Netzwerkleistung mit einer modernen, Cloud-nativen, KI-nativen Architektur auf ein neues Niveau. Nur mit Juniper und unserer KI-nativen Plattform können Sie das volle Potenzial von Wi-Fi 7 für Innovationen ausschöpfen.
Die Lösung für KI-Datencenter-Netzwerke von Juniper ist der schnelle Weg, ein leistungsstarkes KI-Training und Inferenznetzwerke mit einem hochflexiblen Design, die leicht zu verwalten sind, mit limitierten IT-Ressourcen bereitzustellen.
Die KI-native Routing-Lösung von Juniper bietet leistungsfähige 400 GbE und 800 GbE -Kapazitäten für unübertroffene Performance, Zuverlässigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit im großen Maßstab.
Besuchen Sie unser Labor in Sunnyvale, Kalifornien, und erleben Sie unsere Lösung für KI-Datencenter in Aktion. Sie können auch Funktionalität und Performance Ihres eigenen Modells testen.
Die KI-native Routing-Lösung von Juniper bietet leistungsfähige 400 GbE und 800 GbE -Kapazitäten für unübertroffene Performance, Zuverlässigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit im großen Maßstab.
Webinar: Mit einem KI-Netzwerk zur erfolgreichen digitalen Transformation in der Hochschulbildung
Die digitale Transformation hat für IT-Führungskräfte im Hochschulbereich höchste Priorität. Die Grundlage für diesen Wandel ist dabei zuverlässige, unkomplizierte Netzwerkkonnektivität.
Diese Podcast-Reihe bietet praktische Lösungen und anregende Gespräche und ist eine wichtige Ressource für all diejenigen, die sich umfassend über das Transformationspotenzial von KI informieren möchten.
AI Care Services von Juniper bieten Ihnen ein gänzlich neues Serviceerlebnis
Unsere branchenweit ersten KI-nativen Services verbinden AIOps mit unserer umfassenden Expertise rund um den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Unternehmensnetzwerken. Anstatt nur zu reagieren können Sie ab sofort proaktiv Einblicke erhalten und Maßnahmen ergreifen.
KI-Datencenter-Bereitstellungsservices von Juniper optimieren Ihre KI-Modell-Ausführung
Mit unserer Erfahrung und validierten Designs unterstützen wir Sie bei Konzeption, Bereitstellung, Validierung und Abstimmung von Unternehmensnetzwerken, inklusive GPUs und Speicher, damit Sie Ihre KI-gestützte Infrastruktur optimal betreiben können.
Führende Experten und Vordenker versorgen Sie mit ausführlichen Informationen zu den Themen, die für Ihr Unternehmen besonders wichtig sind, von KI über Netzwerksicherheit bis hin zur schnellen und sinnvollen Umsetzung der Unternehmenstransformation.
Juniper Networks ist federführend bei der Gestaltung zukunftsweisender Unternehmensnetzwerke. Erfahren Sie, mit welchen Themen sich das Führungsteam des Unternehmens beschäftigt.
Juniper verfügt über ein robustes Ökosystem von Technologiepartnern, die gemeinsam daran arbeiten, durch Produktinteroperabilität und gemeinsame Vertriebs- und Marketingbemühungen erstaunliche kabelgebundene und drahtlose Erfahrungen zu bieten.
Website: https://aerial.ai
Established in 2015, Aerial Technologies is a pioneer in Wi-Fi motion detection technology. Their SaaS-enabled technology leverages existing Wi-Fi signals to detect motion and recognize human activity without the need for cameras, sensors or wearables. Aerial’s patented technology analyzes distortions in Wi-Fi signals and uses machine learning to infer human activities and enable customers and partners to build consumer and enterprise applications. Aerial Technologies leading experts’ team are paving the way to the future of motion for the technology community.
Website: https://www.airistaflow.com
AiRISTA is a leader in providing Bluetooth® LE based Real Time Location Systems (RTLS), process improvement, and workflow automation solutions. AiRISTA’s technology-agnostic Unified Visibility Solution (UVS) is an enterprise grade IoT platform which is offered for both on premise and in-cloud deployments, seamlessly integrating Bluetooth® LE based AiRISTA tags and sensory devices.
Website: https://aisera.com
Aisera leverages advanced Conversational AI and AI-powered Conversational RPA capabilities to provide the industry’s first AI Service Management solution.
Website: https://www.armis.com
Armis is the first agentless, enterprise-class security platform to address the new threat landscape of unmanaged and IoT device.
Website: https://www.aislelabs.com
Aislelabs offers an advanced Wi-Fi location marketing, advertising and analytics platform with deep learning capabilities.
Website: https://bloomintelligence.com
A powerful cloud-based Wi-Fi marketing & analytics platform that lets you see customer visit patterns, collect contact information, & bring them back.
Website: https://www.blyott.com
Blyott is a machine learning and modular real-time locating system (RTLS) that gives you the power to easily locate and track assets and devices. Obtain remote insights into your assets, and uncover where big savings can be made, how to improve efficiencies, and solve bottlenecks.
Website: https://www.cloudingenuity.com
Cloud Ingenuity offers a solution integrator that focuses on driving simplicity and modernization though automation.
Website: https://cloud4wi.com
Collect insight into customers and enrich their profiles with actionable on-premises information. Engage customers in meaningful ways and improve their experience across multiple channels.
Website: https://www.connexient.com
Connexient provides the platform, tools and services required to build and maintain Navigation-quality maps and Navigation Services as an Enterprise solution. When combined with Mist’s indoor location services, healthcare providers have a robust solution for wayfinding and proximity messaging.
Ericsson Enterprise Wireless Solutions | Wireless WAN & Private Cellular Solutions
Website: https://www.cradlepoint.com
Ericsson’s enterprise wireless solutions enable organizations to innovate, operate, and grow anywhere — without constraints. Ericsson NetCloud, Cradlepoint routers, and Enterprise 5G solutions provide the flexibility of public and private 5G, with the zero trust security of simplified SASE.
Juniper Networks Mist Cloud has been enhanced to support Cradlepoint 5G cellular adapters, adding to Juniper’s wired, wireless and SD-WAN portfolio of supported products, enhancing business resiliency and improving the user experience. This integration is generally available in the Juniper Mist Cloud service.
Website: https://convergetp.com
Our global solution approach delivers advanced analytics, application modernization, cloud platforms, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and digital workplace offerings to clients across various industries. We support these solutions with advisory, implementation, and managed services expertise across all major IT vendors in the marketplace.
Website: https://criticalarc.com
Keeping your people safe is vital for today’s organizations. CriticalArc’s SafeZone, the unified safety, security and emergency management solution, provides Safety Everywhere™ for your people, wherever you have duty of care. Through, organizations are empowered to respond faster and more effectively to incidents of any scale. And SafeZone’s Operational Insights streamlines day-to-day operations and enables unprecedented post-incident learnings to continuously improve team performance and optimize future response. Quick to deploy, scalable, and easy to use, SafeZone is transforming how leading organizations manage the safety of millions of people every day.
Website: https://www.draeger.com
Dräger manufactures medical and safety technology products. In so doing, we protect, support, and save people’s lives around the world in hospitals, with fire departments, emergency services, authorities, and in mining as well as industry.
Website: https://www.energous.com
Energous Corporation (NASDAQ: WATT) is a leading developer of RF-based charging for wireless power networks. The award-winning WattUp® technology enables wireless power networks with unlimited distance charging capabilities for today’s IoT network needs and tomorrow’s innovations.
Website: https://www.entappia.com
Entappia is a leader in custom application development. By leveraging Mist’s SDK for indoor location, Entappia brings high value services to mobile users, such as wayfinding and proximity messaging.
Website: https://www.faradai.ai
Faradai turn Net-Zero goals to reality, supporting organizations to accurately measure and report emissions and take clear steps to reduce. We help enterprises to build data driven multi-phased sustainability journeys. Our cloud platform supports you to coordinate portfolio-wide energy and sustainability programs in one place to ensure you reach your sustainability goals.
Website: https://www.forescout.com
Forescout Technologies is the leader in device visibility and control. Our unified security platform enables enterprises and government agencies to gain complete situational awareness of their extended enterprise environment and orchestrate actions to reduce cyber and operational risk. Forescout products deploy quickly with agentless, real-time discovery and classification of every IP-connected device, as well as continuous posture assessment.
Website: https://www.gecurrent.com
Current blends advanced LED technology with networked sensors and software to improve energy efficiency & productivity.
Website: https://www.gluware.com
Gluware is the leader in Intelligent Network Automation, delivering an Intent-Based orchestration engine that empowers Network Operations to successfully automate and orchestrate mission-critical networks at scale. Gluware applications keep complex multi-platform, multi-vendor networks in policy while enabling new features required as business objectives evolve.
Website: https://www.goziohealth.com
Gozio’s indoor navigation and feature-rich platform anchors your mobile strategy and enhances your patients’ overall experience.
Website: https://www.gozonewifi.com
GoZone WiFi helps businesses build better customer relationships by using WiFi networks to deliver branded content, provide customer analytics, and display advertising. GoZone’s Smart WiFi Suite of products enables WiFi monetization through rich location data, marketing engagements, and third-party sponsorships.
With access to detailed presence analytics, brick-and-mortar venues can strategically refine operations, bridging the gap between online and offline business. These analytics power omni-channel marketing messages and brand engagements, well beyond the WiFi network. In addition, locations can display sponsored content to further drive revenue and brand recognition.
GoZone WiFi’s innovative products can be used independently or together as a comprehensive suite to increase business and earn customer loyalty.
Website: https://www.hanshow.com
Hanshow offers a retail store customer a digital customer-centric store experience powered by proprietary AI, big data and IoT wireless communication technology.
Website: https://www.here.com
HERE provides comprehensive mapping content, an integrated suite of solutions, services and development tools and a marketplace for data to solve your complex location-based problems.
Website: https://www.inpixon.com
Inpixon is the innovator of Indoor Intelligence™, delivering actionable insights for people, places and things. Combining the power of mapping, positioning and analytics, they help to create smarter, safer, and more secure environments. The company’s Indoor Intelligence and mobile app solutions are leveraged to optimize operations, increase productivity, and enhance safety. Inpixon customers can take advantage of industry leading location awareness, RTLS, workplace and hybrid event solutions, analytics, sensor fusion and the IoT to create exceptional experiences.
Website: https://ipfabric.io
IP Fabric is a vendor-neutral network assurance platform that automates the holistic discovery, verification, visualization, and documentation of large-scale enterprise networks, reducing the associated costs and required resources whilst improving security and efficiency.
IP Fabric provides both the high-level overview and granular detail of your network state by creating a unique and flexible network model, which can be used to detect critical violations and business-impacting inefficiencies and verify policy compliance. This contextualized data about your network can be used to elevate network operations, fill gaps in existing tooling ecosystems, and set enterprises on the path to a self-driving network.
Website: https://jumpcloud.com
JumpCloud® Directory-as-a-Service® is Active Directory® and LDAP reimagined. JumpCloud securely manages and connects users to their systems, networks, applications, and files.
Website: https://kloudspot.com
Kloudspot Platform turns data collected from WiFI, Bluetooth, environmental sensors and connected cameras, with our AI engine, into meaningful insights to develop rules that trigger personalized engagements and a safe future of work solution.
Website: http://www.kontakt.io
Kontakt.io is the leading provider of Bluetooth Low Energy beacons and tags globally. Kontakt.io uses Bluetooth® LE beacon technology to bridge the gap between real and digital. They are empowering business in every vertical by connecting proximity-aware devices to the cloud. Future IoT solutions will require seamless connectivity, and Kontakt.io is helping build a powerful foundation through proper IoT asset tagging and tracking.
Website: https://www.kwema.co
Kwema builds wearable technology that’s discreet, easily adoptable, & designed to call for help in the moments where every second counts.
Website: https://www.locatee.com
Locatee is the leading workplace analytics solution transforming complex data into space utilization insights. Developed with a deep understanding of the CRE challenges facing the modern world of work, we empower companies to make decisions about their portfolio with confidence.
Website: https://www.locix.com
Locix creates spatial intelligence solutions that increase the efficiency and productivity of warehouses, factories, and commercial spaces.
Website: https://www.logicmonitor.com
LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based unified observability platform gives clarity across hybrid IT to meet key business demands. LM Envision brings teams together to quickly identify and solve problems across infrastructure, applications and business services. Innovate faster while improving operational efficiency for critical services.
Website: https://www.mapwize.io
Mapwize is the Indoor Mapping platform for the creation of new digital services inside buildings and events. Our maps are easy to build and even easier to integrate in your Wayfinding, Workspace Management, Maintenance or Security applications.
Website: https://medrics.net
Medrics creates the most complete and comprehensive patient experience platform. Medrics creates a digital front door for your organization and provides a tailored solution for an elevated healthcare experience for you and your patients.
Website: https://www.modolabs.com
Modo Labs offers an enterprise-scale mobile engagement and communication platform to quickly create powerful and sophisticated mobile app experiences that connects audiences with essential information.
Website: http://www.okta.com
Okta’s pre-built integrations enables organizations to both secure and manage their extended enterprise, and transform their customers’ experiences.
Website: https://www.ascom.com
Ascom is a global provider of mobile workflow solutions and their vision is a world where the right information moves people forward. They provide mission-critical, real-time solutions for highly mobile, ad hoc, and time-sensitive environments. They use unique product and solutions portfolio and software architecture capabilities to devise integration and mobilization solutions that provide truly smooth, complete and efficient workflows for healthcare as well as for industry, security and retail sectors.
Ascom’s mission is to help improve everyday decisions. Every single second, Ascom systems generate 1.3 million data points. They are here to turn these into useful and actionable information for people in the toughest operational environments – and help improve everyday decisions.
Website: https://cxapp.com
The CXApp is a platform for managing workplace experiences, events, company meetings and communities with an immersive, mobile-first, smart technology landscape. The company’s mobile app solutions empower teams to keep their finger on the pulse of the employee and visitor experience, off and on campus. With a rich partner ecosystem of over 70 integrations, The CXApp provides end to end logistics, management, and engagement touchpoints in one central hub.
Website: https://www.footprints-ai.com
As a Next-Gen Omnichannel Retail Media platform, Footprints AI bridges the consumer data gap between physical and digital retail, transforming the 85% of anonymous shoppers into predictive media audiences that enable retail data monetization to generate 10X more profits in 3 months or less.
Website: https://www.kentik.com
Kentik is the network observability company. Network professionals use Kentik to plan, run, and fix any network. With granularity, AI-driven insights, and insanely fast search, Kentik makes sense of network, cloud, host, and container flow, internet routing, performance tests, and network metrics.