State and Local Government

The NOW Way to Network is simplified, seamless government networking and operations. Juniper solutions offer assured, reliable connectivity between constituents, agencies, officials, and communities. Juniper Network's AI-Native Networking simplifies networking so you can deliver experience-first constituent services that make every constituent and agency connection count.

Modern City life in Shanghai,china

GovLoop Roundtable: How to Set Up Your Agency for AI Success

Thought leaders from government and IT share some of the best ways to achieve the benefits of AI innovation and automation while maintaining vigilance and security.


Read the summary

How Juniper can help

Wherever your constituents need you, your government network is essential. Juniper AI-Native Networking empowers seamless government networking and operations by enabling connected, experience-first constituent services, automating agency IT operations for efficient performance, and unifying comprehensive government network protection.

Smiling senior active couple sitting on the bench looking at tablet computer. Using modern technology by elderly.

Experience-first constituent services

Enable connected, experience-first constituent services. Juniper is the only vendor with end-to-end assurance across the full networking stack, offering constituents the confidence to engage in digital services in places of government.

Electrical engineer repairing the electrical network on an elevation boom

Efficient agency IT operations

Need a flexible and scalable network for resilient government operations? We’ve got you covered. Automate your agency IT operations for efficient performance while achieving faster feature rollouts with no downtime.

Busy 911 call center with police officers responding to emergencies, surrounded by advanced monitoring equipment. Copy text space available.

Comprehensive government network protection

Unify your comprehensive government network protection with Juniper’s exceptional threat detection to seamlessly secure connectivity to enable agency access and information sharing.


California Department of Water Resources takes a sustainable approach

Water is precious, and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) works to sustainably manage the state’s water resources to benefit the people and protect, restore, and enhance the environment. 

California Department of Water Resources Image

State and Local Government FAQs

How can Juniper AI-Native Networking solutions help improve my state and local government operations and constituent experiences?

Juniper’s AI-Native Networking state and local government solutions help governments modernize their networks, creating secure and smart communities. The reliable network infrastructure foundation, powered by Juniper Mist AI™, enables limitless scalability with seamless connectivity and faster access to data that supports essential constituent services, limited agency resources, and constituent experiences while optimizing operations to reduce costs. Juniper cloud-ready data center networks let IT teams build, scale, and maintain reliable government data center environments that deliver seamless experiences across communities to all users.

Why is AI-Native Networking important for state and local government?

Complete client-to-cloud enterprise solutions modernize and future-proof state and local government operations. In addition, campus and branch solutions offer the lowest TCO and OpEx, allowing government to effectively utilize their limited budgets and resources. With Juniper AI for IT Operations (AIOps), you can optimize central IT with scalable and secure data center networks. You’ll gain peace of mind against the high rate of cybersecurity threats by using Juniper Connected Security, which unifies all network elements into a threat-aware network and enables dynamically enforced security policies across every connection point.

What are the components of Juniper state and local government solutions?

Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Mist platform is built on a modern microservices cloud architecture with an AI engine and wireless access pointsJuniper Mist Wi-Fi AssuranceJuniper Mist Wired AssuranceJuniper Marvis® Virtual Network Assistant, and EX Series Ethernet campus core.

Access switches enable state and local governments to deliver exceptional constituent and agency experiences for government services with scalable, secure access while simplifying everyday troubleshooting and network performance and operations.

Who uses Juniper state and local government solutions?

Juniper state and local government solutions are used by constituents, communities, agencies, and IT departments within state and local governments worldwide.

Explore these case studies to see how our customers leverage Juniper’s experience-first state and local government solutions to enhance their constituent experiences and agency operations: