What Is Experience-First Networking?

What is Experience-First Networking?

Experience-First Networking is Juniper’s AIOps-powered approach to developing hardware, software, and services in a cohesive way that optimizes the experiences of our networking customers. It’s an AI-driven networking foundation and set of standard operating procedures that together support simplified and automated IT operations, from core to cloud, with continual upgrades, feature rollouts, and accelerated troubleshooting. These improvements are collectively geared toward providing the best possible service levels and experiences to IT personnel, end-users, applications, and devices. 


What problems does Experience-First Networking solve?

Networking in the cloud era has grown complex, making it nearly impossible for human operators to keep pace with the multitude of constantly changing variables that affect today’s dynamic applications and service-level expectations. AI-driven operations are a requirement for staying on top of individual service levels in real time, troubleshooting and remediating issues before they impact service, and enforcing security policies end to end.

The Juniper Experience-First Networking model addresses all these aspects of network operations. It’s architected to deliver highly reliable features and processes that automate network planning, deployment, and maintenance with experience-level excellence in mind.  We embed Juniper networking expertise into our hardware, software, and services to ease the operation of our solutions, from deployment through day-to-day management. This approach automates, simplifies, speeds, and optimizes the following functions for all Juniper enterprise, service provider, and cloud operator customers:

  • Hardware and software upgrades 
  • Troubleshooting and remediation
  • Feature rollouts
  • Scaling to meet unexpected growth
  • Agile data storage and switching
  • Application development


What are some specific ways that Juniper Experience-First Networking improves network operations?

  • Automated WLAN, LAN, and WAN operations: We provide customers with relevant, actionable insights, derived from correlated data based on AI/ML analytics, to make networks proactive, predictive, and preemptive.
  • Intent-based data center networks: We offer zero-touch, seamless data center networking solutions. Our intent-based software automates and validates design, deployment, and operations in data center networks containing equipment from Juniper and a wide range of other vendors.
  • AI-driven lifecycle services: Juniper services streamline operations and support. With a customer-first focus, we align technology and AI across our comprehensive suite of network lifecycle services to help customers design, build, and proactively manage their networks in ways that free up time to focus on critical business initiatives.
  • Automated security: We make networks inherently threat-aware, across all points of connection, so operators can proactively block advanced attacks and keep the network clear for business-critical traffic. These capabilities are invisible to users and highly efficient for IT teams.


What is the reach of  Juniper Experience-First Networking?

  • We apply AIOps across wired and wireless access networks, cloud-centric SD-WANs, traditional enterprise WANs, and data center networks
  • The Juniper AI-Driven Enterprise component relies on Mist AI™ and the Juniper Mist cloud to improve LAN, WLAN, and SD-WAN operations by enabling secure, self-driving network processes, proactively troubleshooting issues, and quickly personalizing location services. 
  • In the enterprise WAN, Juniper Paragon delivers closed-loop automation that translates business intent into service performance. 
  • Intelligent switching equipment, zero-trust security, and an open-source software-defined networking (SDN) overlay streamline operations in the data center, while intent-based automation and optimization simplify underlay and overlay cloud management.   


How does Juniper implement Experience-First Networking?

Juniper implements its experience-first strategy in multiple ways.

  • Client-side visibility. A simplified network interface provides network personnel with near-real-time visibility into each individual user, application, device, and session for enhanced experience optimization. Instead of relying exclusively on a network-centric, aggregate view of metrics such as connection status, throughput, and latency, operators can see exactly what experience an individual client is having at that moment and take action accordingly.
  • Proactive automation. Our open, programmable, and structured intent-based networking solutions and services enable network control, observability, and root-cause identification. Juniper hardware can arrive programmed with Juniper’s Mist AI and the conversational Marvis Virtual Network Assistant. Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance, Wired Assurance, and WAN Assurance cloud services deliver AI-based insights and automate troubleshooting for improved uptime and performance enhancement across wired and wireless LANs and SD-WANs.
  • Closed-loop automation in Juniper intent-based networking software. Juniper Apstra for data center networks and Juniper Paragon applications for WAN, cloud, and multicloud environments translate business intent into service performance and assure service experiences throughout the network service lifecycle, from Day 0 to Day 2+.
  • Juniper Connected Security implements threat-awareness in all Juniper networking equipment, allowing operators to block advanced attacks in real time. Once a threat is detected, the network automatically takes the appropriate action, stopping or redirecting network access or traffic as needed.

Experience-First Networking FAQs

What’s the best way to implement Experience-First Networking?

Juniper Services help you achieve success with Advisory, Deployment, Migration, Optimization, Support, and Education offerings that ease network planning, design validation, and implementation. We also offer learning and certification services that allow you to augment your in-house stable of expertise and talent.

Who benefits from Experience-First Networking?

Network architects, builders, and operators in enterprises, service provider companies, and cloud organizations—and, in turn, their own users and customers—all benefit from Experience-First Networking. Through network automation that accelerates operations, enhances visibility, and minimizes errors, for example, an enterprise IT team with limited head count can quickly deploy and troubleshoot a software upgrade in 1,000 retail stores. A network security manager is able to protect application servers from new ransomware without inadvertently impacting application services. Cloud architects can swiftly deploy and tune new services to scale in step with business growth. 

How does Juniper deliver Experience-First Networking?

For automation, insight, and AI-driven actions to deliver maximum end-to-end networking results, from the client all the way through the cloud (or several clouds), they must be coordinated. Juniper correlates WLAN, LAN, WAN, data center, and security domains to deliver cohesive operations and experiences.