Cmdr. Raymond Schenk, US Navy (retired)

Wired vs. Wireless Networks

Rymond Schenk Headshot
Title slide shows the title of the presentation. The text reads, “Topic: Wired: vs. Wireless.” The background for the title is an illustration of a high-tech network with something that looks like silicon chips and blue lights and a laser beam.

Get schooled on wireless vs. wired networks.

Wired, wireless, or both? AP computer science teacher Raymond Schenk breaks down the differences between the two types of networks and helps you decide which one is better for you. 

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You’ll learn

  • The various features of wired and wireless networks and which is better for each feature

  • Wireless is less expensive than wired, but bandwidth and speed is better with wired

  • Wireless wins on coverage and range of course, but wired wins on interference and reliability 

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Rymond Schenk Headshot
Cmdr. and Professor Raymond Schenk
US Navy (retired)


0:01 [Music]

0:07 welcome back

0:08 in this video i want to take a very

0:10 short look

0:11 at the difference between wired and

0:13 wireless

0:15 networks because a lot of times we just

0:18 kind of go with what we have

0:20 and we don't really think about it from

0:22 a feature standpoint

0:24 but today's going to come when you have

0:25 to make a decision do i need to do wired

0:27 wireless or both

0:29 and it's just a good idea to pay some

0:31 attention to this

0:32 even though it's not a really big

0:34 concept and it's certainly not hard to

0:36 understand a lot of it's very much

0:39 common sense

0:40 but if you've never done it never

0:41 thought about it it's really a good

0:43 discussion to have

0:44 so here we go we're going to talk about

0:47 a bunch of different

0:48 aspects and we're just going to talk

0:50 about the differences

0:51 okay we're just going to lay it out and

0:53 i'm going to put a little plus sign on

0:55 the screen

0:56 by which one is better when you consider

1:00 things in general about that type of

1:02 networking so this will be really really

1:04 simple when we talk about

1:05 speed i've actually had students tell me

1:08 that they think wireless is faster

1:10 so let's see if they're right they are

1:12 not wired

1:14 is wire speed is faster than wireless

1:18 it just is okay when you go through a

1:21 wire

1:21 the transmission rate of those bits is a

1:24 lot faster

1:25 than when you have to go through the air

1:27 why you could have noise

1:29 you could have signal weakness a wire

1:32 is a wire if it's connected it's moving

1:34 okay

1:37 digital transmission

1:40 of ones and zeros can actually be set up

1:43 like in the hdmi

1:45 protocol to where it even knows it got

1:48 all the bits

1:49 so that you have no transmission loss

1:51 okay

1:52 wire speed if you're on a wired network

1:55 and by wired i also mean fiber

1:58 okay it's just faster okay that's all it

2:00 is it's just faster

2:01 bandwidth because it's faster you can

2:04 get more bandwidth

2:05 through a wired network okay att brings

2:08 a fiber cable up

2:10 comcast brings a coax cable up to your

2:12 house

2:13 okay whether you're or a business okay

2:15 t1s

2:16 are wired or fiber okay

2:20 so bandwidth you get more bandwidth on a

2:22 wired network that's just the way it is

2:24 of course a wired network is not real

2:26 mobile and we'll get to that

2:29 installation cost wireless wins here

2:32 because you literally turn it on find

2:34 the network or plug it in

2:36 you've got a router or a switch that's

2:38 working wireless you connect to it

2:40 right i mean you make sure it's

2:42 handshaking turned on right the right

2:43 passcode

2:44 to the mac id and the default thing they

2:47 give you and you're off to the races

2:49 okay so wireless is less expensive

2:53 to buy the cabling or the fiber

2:56 and to get all of that put in the house

2:58 and the conduit and things like that

3:00 it costs more to have a wired network

3:02 but companies are going to pay for that

3:04 because of the bandwidth and speed

3:06 okay cost well wireless is obviously

3:10 cheaper we just talked about that

3:12 because there's less insulation so

3:15 there's less cost

3:16 okay it's just cheaper all right

3:19 mobility guess what

3:20 wireless always wins on mobility right

3:25 you can't make a cord long enough that

3:26 you can take your cell phone

3:28 to the store with you and still be

3:30 talking the whole way to the store

3:32 right that's a hands down winner for

3:33 mobility so if you're on the go

3:37 you're not even close to thinking about

3:38 a wired network okay

3:41 now coverage and range wireless wins

3:44 again

3:45 because there are certain lengths that

3:47 you can go with a network cable

3:48 and then you have to put in another

3:50 repeater or a booster

3:52 to keep going okay wireless you can have

3:55 a series of cell towers for example and

3:58 you can just drive across the country

4:00 yakking on the phone

4:01 okay so coverage and range i give that

4:04 one to wireless as well

4:06 okay now interference we're back here on

4:09 the wired is the winner

4:11 okay because it's a lot easier to have

4:14 wireless radio interference and noise

4:18 that downgrades the signal okay and

4:21 makes it harder

4:22 to get those ones and zeros through the

4:24 air to the destination receiver

4:27 so there's a lot less interference with

4:30 wired especially i mean

4:31 you can do shielded cabling okay there's

4:34 a focus cable that runs from the

4:36 mainland to the island that was my

4:38 command

4:38 and it's over 70 miles of undersea cable

4:42 and we got high speed fiber in

4:44 milliseconds

4:45 okay interference there was none

4:49 it was beautiful okay so you can have

4:52 a lot of cable and not a lot of

4:55 interference

4:56 you can have interference on a wire but

4:58 if it's shielded properly

5:00 it's not going to be a factor okay so

5:03 cabling certainly

5:04 wins the interference battle and

5:06 reliability

5:07 has to go to wired now wireless is

5:10 getting pretty darn good

5:13 okay but when you're talking about a

5:15 system that you know

5:17 it needs to be there and connect as a

5:19 network

5:20 partly due to the speed and the

5:22 bandwidth the reliability

5:24 of a wired network is always going to be

5:26 better

5:27 our school computers for example are

5:29 wired

5:30 through switches to the campus area

5:32 network of our high school

5:34 which is then connected across the metro

5:36 area network to our county school system

5:39 and wherever it's wired it's reliable

5:42 our wi-fi goes down

5:44 frequently when we have testing going on

5:46 with a bunch of kids with one-to-one

5:47 devices

5:48 okay so the reliability i can tell you

5:51 if you've ever lived in a high school

5:53 the reliability of the wire network is

5:55 always better than the wireless

5:57 okay that's a really easy example to

5:59 pull

6:00 okay so that's kind of where we're at so

6:03 when you're building your home network

6:05 you got to think about this all right or

6:07 a small business

6:08 right because anymore half our small

6:10 businesses are in our basements now

6:12 okay so i took my router

6:15 from the cable company and i put drops

6:19 in my wall of rj45

6:21 and ran the wires overhead or through

6:23 the walls whatever i needed to do

6:25 so that i could plug in in a number of

6:27 rooms

6:29 my hardware so that it would be faster

6:30 more reliable etc

6:32 if i'm sitting down here i also have my

6:35 tablets i have this thing

6:36 connected wirelessly to the network

6:39 because it's fast enough i don't have

6:40 that many computers in here

6:42 although i have a lot but the bottom

6:44 line you get my point right

6:46 so you may need a combination of these

6:49 to serve whatever it is you need i

6:52 guarantee you if you're going to do some

6:53 programming

6:54 you're going to be working on wired

6:55 systems a lot

6:57 again wireless is getting really good so

7:01 there are a lot more and more examples

7:03 of people just going wireless

7:04 for the cost and the simplicity and it

7:07 works well enough for what they need to

7:08 do

7:09 okay but these are kind of the raw

7:11 differences if you will

7:12 so in the next one we're going to begin

7:15 to talk about

7:16 serial technologies and again i'm not

7:19 going to go too deep in each of these

7:20 because there's a number of them

7:22 but i want to go through them and have

7:23 you get familiar with what's out there

7:26 and what you're going to come in contact

7:27 with

7:28 and then as we begin to use some of

7:30 these you'll understand kind of where

7:31 they came from

7:32 okay so i'll see you on the other side

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