Juniper Wired and Wireless Solutions

Want the best user experiences? Start here.
See first-hand how Juniper helps you deliver the best possible experiences for both wireless and wired users. From client to cloud, it all starts with Mist AI.
You’ll learn
How wired solutions powered by Juniper’s Mist AI and Wired Assurance simplify network operations
How the Marvis Conversational Assistant transforms how IT teams interact with enterprise networks
How Juniper’s revolutionary AI-driven approach to wireless delivers optimized user experiences
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:00 at juniper networks we know that
0:02 experience is everything when it comes
0:04 to networking in the cloud era
0:06 that's why we designed our wired and
0:08 wireless access solutions to deliver the
0:10 best possible experiences from client to
0:13 cloud
0:14 let's explore juniper wired access
0:16 solutions
0:17 juniper access switches born in the
0:19 cloud and driven by mist ai deliver the
0:22 performance and scale you expect from
0:23 juniper with zero touch provisioning
0:26 proactive troubleshooting and
0:27 self-driving automation for ongoing
0:30 operational simplicity
0:32 provision deploy and operate juniper ex
0:35 series access switches from the juniper
0:37 mist cloud
0:38 wired assurance and marvis virtual
0:40 network assistant apply the power of
0:42 missed ai using streaming telemetry to
0:45 enable simple operations rapid mean time
0:47 to repair and the best visibility into
0:50 device experiences
0:51 the marvis conversational assistant
0:53 leverages missed ai to transform how i t
0:57 teams interact and engage with
0:59 enterprise networks
1:00 with natural language processing a
1:02 conversational interface prescriptive
1:04 actions self-driving network operations
1:07 and integrated help desk functions
1:09 marvis streamlines operations and
1:11 optimizes user experiences
1:14 juniper mist wired assurance allows it
1:17 teams to streamline operations and
1:19 deliver a new generation of experience
1:22 first networks
1:23 risk profiling driven by missed ai
1:26 brings juniper connected security to the
1:28 distributed access network edge
1:30 providing deep network visibility and
1:32 enhancing policy enforcement at every
1:35 point of connection
1:37 now let's explore juniper's wireless
1:39 access solutions
1:40 ai driven automation and insight coupled
1:43 with the agility and reliability of a
1:45 microservices cloud allows juniper to
1:47 deliver optimized experiences and
1:50 simplified network operations
1:52 now it teams can streamline operations
1:55 while delivering innovative and
1:57 strategic projects with iot and location
2:00 services that boost user engagement
2:02 locate assets and support proximity
2:04 tracing with ease and accuracy
2:07 mist ai uses machine learning and data
2:09 science techniques to optimize user
2:12 experiences and simplify operations
2:14 across the wireless access wired access
2:17 and sd-wan domains
2:19 juniper is leading the convergence of
2:21 wi-fi bluetooth le and iot with our
2:24 enterprise-grade access points
2:27 juniper access points work in
2:28 conjunction with the juniper mist cloud
2:30 architecture and missed ai to collect
2:33 and analyze metadata from all wireless
2:36 clients in near real time
2:38 when you combine juniper wired and
2:40 wireless access solutions with juniper
2:42 sd-wan solutions all driven by missed ai
2:46 you get end-to-end automation insights
2:48 and actions for the best end user
2:50 experiences from client to cloud
2:54 [Music]