Maruf Yunus, Lab Network Architect, Juniper Networks

Automating Junos Using BASH Scripts

Learning Bytes Operations
Maruf Yunus Headshot
A screenshot of a terminal window with code.

Juniper Learning Bytes: BASH scripts to automate Junos device changes

This short Learning Byte, hosted by Juniper’s Maruf Yunus, takes you step-by-step through the process of automating Junos administration with BASH, a powerful programming language for system administrators. 

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You’ll learn

  • What BASH scripts are and the benefits of using them

  • How to create and run BASH scripts to configure Junos devices

  • The best thing about BASH, according to Maruf 

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Security Professionals


Maruf Yunus Headshot
Maruf Yunus
Lab Network Architect, Juniper Networks


0:00 [Music]

0:12 hello

0:12 uh welcome to juniper network's learning

0:14 byte uh my name is marufinus

0:17 i'm a lab architect within education

0:18 services lab team in this starting byte

0:21 i'm going to show you how to automate

0:23 journals using patch scripts okay so

0:26 what is bash scripts and and the

0:27 benefits of using this method

0:29 right so bash stands for

0:32 born again shell is actually a unique

0:35 shell and command line language

0:37 and it is installed by default on most

0:41 linux based distributions same thing

0:43 with the ssh

0:45 which is also available on almost all

0:47 linux based distributions

0:49 is familiar by most uh server

0:51 administrator

0:52 uh who are familiar with you know linux

0:54 servers you always need to use ssh and

0:56 bash is this a common thing

0:58 within the server admins and there is no

1:02 additional third-party tool is needed if

1:04 you want to automate junos with bash

1:07 in most cases you can just use bash and

1:08 ssh to do

1:10 many assistive admission administration

1:12 or configuration changes uh

1:14 that you want to do on a journal device

1:15 which i'll be showing you a little bit

1:17 and then you can expand always

1:18 you know based on your need so without

1:21 further ado i'm gonna

1:22 go to my server environment and show you

1:25 how i do

1:26 it so let me go to my server

1:29 so i have this uh linux server which is

1:32 running uh

1:33 centos right now uh so i think it's

1:36 running uh

1:37 right hand release this center seven

1:39 doesn't matter any linux description can

1:41 be used

1:41 ubuntu centos or whatever you you like

1:44 uh

1:45 you can use that uh to perform this task

1:48 i have two

1:48 vmx routers on my environment so these

1:52 are

1:52 vmx1 i call it

1:55 which is configured with passwordless

1:58 key based authentication so basically

2:02 uh you can do that by following uh we

2:05 have a separate video

2:06 to demonstrating how to do that and also

2:08 you can google it up or

2:09 even juniper known as base has some

2:11 article about that so

2:13 if you are managing a lot of uh devices

2:16 you can configure

2:17 a public key based authentication

2:18 without so that you don't have to

2:20 go through the login prompt every single

2:22 time and you know

2:24 enter the password it's very handy for

2:26 automation tasks

2:27 this device is configured with that and

2:30 you know right now uh you know it has

2:33 this uh

2:34 ssh key authentication created and i

2:37 have ssh services enabled as well so

2:39 that's important

2:40 as well for bash scripts to be able to

2:43 log into this device and perform

2:45 tasks automation tasks so i have ssh

2:48 authentication enabled with no password

2:50 authentication so this one doesn't

2:52 accept a password-based authentication

2:53 it's going to only accept key based

2:55 application

2:56 for this vmx okay and what i'm going to

2:59 be doing is add a name server entry into

3:01 this

3:02 vmx as well as the description to an

3:04 interface which i will show you pretty

3:05 soon

3:06 and the other one that i have the other

3:08 router that i have is bmx 2 it's called

3:11 bmx2

3:12 and that one request password so that i

3:13 kept it as with password

3:15 to show you that this script will be

3:17 able to handle uh you know you can use

3:19 the skip to

3:20 also uh connect to uh juno's device that

3:24 has

3:24 uh you know password-based

3:26 authentication and in that case the only

3:28 downside is you have to i have to enter

3:30 password right when it asks for that

3:32 and then the commands will be run

3:34 through bash

3:35 okay so uh just to show you both

3:37 scenarios

3:38 and i'm gonna show you my script here

3:40 and it's called update

3:42 devices ssh so i created this update

3:45 device

3:46 update uh devices shell script uh

3:49 using uh you know editor and you can use

3:51 vi or g80 whatever you want to do

3:53 so this kit basically tells in the first

3:55 time it's a bash script right

3:57 and these are my devices i have two

3:59 devices vmx1 and vmx2

4:02 and the commands that i want to run on

4:03 this uh two devices okay

4:06 is basically go to the configuration

4:07 mode uh because

4:10 i need to go to configuration module

4:12 change the configuration and then

4:13 semicolon basically send the next

4:15 command is going to be

4:17 set system name server with my name

4:19 server ip

4:20 and then semicolon the next command i'll

4:22 be running is set interfaces

4:24 you know g000 description is isp

4:27 interface so that nobody deletes that so

4:29 add a description there and then i will

4:31 just show compare

4:33 uh to see what i'm changing and then

4:35 commit okay

4:36 that's it that's what this script is

4:37 gonna do and it's gonna go to both of

4:39 these uh

4:40 routers connect to both these routers to

4:42 ssh

4:43 and then run these commands so think

4:46 about if i had 10 devices i could do the

4:48 same thing with 10 devices

4:49 right right now i'm doing a sequential

4:51 mode but you can do with the

4:53 background mode as well by putting an

4:54 ampersand but i'm going to do sequential

4:56 mode

4:56 uh you know to save uh so i can kind of

4:59 moderate

4:59 uh easily so that's exactly what the

5:02 skip is going to do is going to loop

5:03 through these devices

5:05 variable which will have these two

5:07 devices and then

5:09 for each uh device it's gonna go through

5:11 the

5:12 uh ssh and then run the command okay you

5:15 could also put a device in a

5:17 listing if in a file we could read

5:20 through bash

5:21 if you learn more about bash you can you

5:23 know go more advanced

5:24 but this is very simple uh way to do it

5:27 okay and the best thing about bash is

5:29 basically

5:29 you know you can you can run automation

5:31 just you know quick and dirty like you

5:33 know ad hoc

5:34 says you have something you need you

5:35 don't want to learn

5:37 anything else you don't know ansible or

5:38 any other tools

5:40 you just want to get it done right get

5:41 your job done you can you can do it

5:43 through this method

5:44 in many cases obviously if you have a

5:45 very large environment

5:47 we suggest you know you go for some

5:49 advanced automation tool like ansible

5:51 or anything else okay so i'm going to

5:53 close it out now actually

5:56 save it because i think i may change

5:59 save it

6:00 okay so uh let me clear my screen and

6:03 i'm going to run the script

6:04 so once i create the script i have to

6:06 make sure the script executable and you

6:08 can do that by doing shimod

6:10 755 update that makes this script

6:13 executable

6:14 and then to run it i just do like this

6:16 on the device

6:18 okay so it's gonna work on the as you

6:20 see it's just it's running

6:22 uh working on vmx1 it made the change

6:25 commit complete and then i can go

6:28 my bmx2 which is gonna ask my password

6:31 and it's gonna do the same thing

6:33 done okay so now i'm gonna go to both

6:36 devices and see that

6:38 uh verify if i if it did is task

6:42 configuration let's see if my uh

6:47 name server is there there you go name

6:49 server is there

6:50 i make sure g00 yes it added that

6:53 description

6:54 now let me go back to the other one

6:56 think about typing this

6:57 in both router manually right it will

6:59 take some time if you have 10 of those

7:02 it may take a long time right and as i

7:04 say

7:05 you can go way advanced with this

7:08 same approach if you want to be advanced

7:10 right so you can do all

7:12 kind of stuff so yeah it did it in both

7:14 the cases so it added a description

7:16 and the service added cool there you go

7:19 so i hope

7:20 this video helps and thank you for

7:22 watching

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