Juniper Garage: AI-Native Networking Platform

Juniper Garage: AI-Native Networking Platform
An IT revolution is upon us—a revolution led by Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform. And it couldn’t have come at a better time. Legacy systems—overly complex, highly constrained, unpredictable networks—can’t handle the demands of now. Our AI-Native Networking Platform can. With comprehensive, end-to-end AIOps, delivered from a common cloud, it makes every connection count.
You’ll learn
Why AI engine, with 9 years of learning behind it, understands more data with fewer errors so you can navigate your network with confidence.
How AI-Native Networking proactively reduces trouble tickets and automates previously manual tasks.
Who is this for?
0:00 it is the best of times it is the worst
0:03 of times for networks the Advent of AI
0:06 doth show enormous promise but Legacy
0:09 systems bring only
0:12 despair increased Network complexity
0:15 constrained resources network
0:18 unpredictability but it doesn't have to
0:20 be this way see an IT Revolution is upon
0:28 us
0:30 hi I'm Paul welcome to the Juniper
0:33 garage and whether it's work or play
0:36 every connection Counts from schools to
0:38 stores to hospitals and hotels Network
0:41 outages and poor experiences can
0:44 adversely impact your brand and your
0:47 bottom
0:50 line what's that you say you want a
0:53 [Music]
0:55 revolution well you know our AI native
0:58 networking platform can change your
1:01 world it makes every connection count
1:04 with Comprehensive endtoend AI Ops
1:07 delivered from a common Cloud it assures
1:10 the most predictable reliable end user
1:13 experiences period ensuring anyone can
1:16 connect however and whenever they want
1:19 to what matters most so what goes into
1:23 our revolutionary platform what do you
1:26 get out of it let's find out first it
1:30 gives you the right data our AI engine
1:32 has been learning for the past 9 years
1:35 uniquely designed to ingest experience
1:37 First Data it understands more with
1:40 fewer errors so you can navigate complex
1:43 networks with confidence by pulling in
1:46 real-time Telemetry from Network and
1:48 security devices from across all domains
1:51 down to the client and sessions you can
1:53 see more optimize more and predict user
1:57 experiences with Incredible accuracy
2:01 then it gives you the right real-time
2:03 response reacting to every trouble
2:06 ticket getting to root cause is a
2:08 timeconsuming manually intensive process
2:11 especially so with limited resources our
2:15 platform keeps the network running
2:17 optimally surfacing issues before they
2:20 impact user experience Marvis our
2:23 virtual Network assistant unique to
2:25 Juniper proactively notifies you when a
2:28 potential issue emerg es ask Marvis
2:31 questions in your own words get simple
2:34 answers and as you scale so do the
2:38 demands of the network that's where the
2:40 right secure infrastructure comes in our
2:43 AI Ops runs on an open and modern
2:45 microservices Cloud giving you elastic
2:48 storage power and high performance at
2:51 scale to handle workloads now and in the
2:54 future and with connected security we
2:56 protect your data and users every step
2:59 of the way all these AI native benefits
3:03 lead to some very Real Results up to 90%
3:06 fewer networking trouble tickets up to
3:09 85% reduction in networking Opex up to
3:13 50% less time on incident
3:16 resolution but don't just take my word
3:19 for it take ones from our very happy
3:21 customers Juniper network simplifies
3:24 operations for it by allowing our
3:26 Engineers to really focus on um the
3:29 complex challenges while the Juniper
3:31 network uh effectively manages and
3:35 maintains
3:36 itself want to learn more please visit
3:39 our AI native networking platform page
3:42 in the link below if you want to hear
3:44 from the experts sign up for the AI
3:47 native now virtual event today until
3:50 then you have a good
3:58 one