Paragon Pathfinder Overview

Juniper Learning Byte: A Paragon Pathfinder Overview
In this Juniper Learning Byte, Gordon Mosley shares the information you need to know about Paragon Pathfinder: what it is, what its capabilities are, and how it can help you run and manage your network more efficiently.
You’ll learn
How Paragon Pathfinder can perform path computations that can dynamically manage LSPs and large service provider WANS
Exactly how to use the Paragon Pathfinder UI to examine network topology and provision an MPLS LSP
How Paragon Pathfinder can use live network topology maps to automate the discovery of nodes, links, and paths from the network, and also view node status, link utilization, segment routing paths, and LSPs
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:12 hello welcome to the paragon pathfinder
0:15 overview learning byte i'm gordon with
0:17 the education services department at
0:19 juniper networks let's get started
0:23 during this learning by we will examine
0:25 paragon pathfinder
0:30 paragon pathfinder is an application
0:32 that is a member of the paragon
0:34 automation suite there's paragon
0:36 pathfinder paragon insights and paragon
0:39 planner
0:40 paragon pathfinder is able to acquire
0:44 the topology of a service provider or a
0:48 large enterprise mpls wan and it is an
0:52 sdn controller it is capable of
0:56 performing path computations
0:59 for segment routed or rsvp signaled lsps
1:03 and then communicating that signaling
1:06 information to routers so the lsps can
1:08 be signaled on your network and so it's
1:09 a centralized path computation engine
1:12 that can dynamically manage lsps and
1:14 again large service provider or large
1:16 enterprise wands mpls lands
1:19 again it supports segment routed lsps
1:21 rsvp signaled lsps and it is traffic
1:24 engineering aware um the network
1:27 topology information that it ingests
1:30 includes the information that's stored
1:32 in a network's
1:34 traffic engineering database their igp
1:36 traffic engineering database
1:38 and so it's completely aware of network
1:41 information like link administrative
1:43 groups
1:45 available bandwidth reserved bandwidth
1:48 traffic engineering metrics and so it's
1:51 very aware of your network it supports
1:53 scheduling the instantiation and the
1:55 teardown of mpls lsps
1:58 and performing path computations after
2:01 removing network components that may not
2:04 be available because of maintenance
2:06 reasons
2:07 i'm going to connect to a paragon
2:08 pathfinder installation and we'll take a
2:10 look
2:13 paragon pathfinder uses the paragon
2:16 automation web interface and this is a
2:19 network topology it's a very simple
2:20 topology but it'll work i i have six
2:24 nodes
2:25 paragon pathfinder remember is able to
2:27 discover the nodes and the links that
2:29 make up your wan
2:32 there are two of these routers vmx1 and
2:34 vmx2 that are mpls ingress in egress
2:38 routers and
2:40 vmx345 and 6 or simply mpls transit
2:43 routers
2:44 and paragon pathfinder uses a protocol
2:47 called psep to peer with mpls english
2:50 routers and discover label switched
2:52 paths it uses bgp to discover your
2:56 network topology the nodes
2:59 and the links
3:00 and it's an active topology again since
3:03 it uses routing protocols to discover
3:05 that apology topology if a link is down
3:08 it's immediately known
3:10 by paragon pathfinder and that link can
3:12 be removed from the network topology
3:15 path computations can be performed and
3:18 affected pass
3:20 can be re-signaled on the network using
3:23 alternate paths
3:25 so it's real live information a lot of
3:27 people like paragon pathfinder just
3:30 because of the visibility
3:32 i can select a node i can adjust values
3:36 for nodes for example i can include
3:38 longitude and latitude values on these
3:41 node objects and apply a country map and
3:44 have the nodes automatically located
3:46 based on
3:48 those latitude and longitude values i
3:50 can see all the links
3:52 in my network right this is part of the
3:54 topology i can select a link
3:57 it's highlighted in the topology map i
3:59 can right click and view traffic that
4:01 flows through the link i can assign
4:03 labels to the links labels to the nodes
4:07 i can view timelines of events so i can
4:10 for example for this particular link
4:12 over a certain timeline what are the
4:14 most recent events and again this is
4:16 part of the topology acquisition the
4:19 real-time capabilities and the real-time
4:21 visibility you can get
4:23 from paragon pathfinder
4:25 now we mentioned mpls lsp management
4:29 uses a protocol called psep
4:31 to discover and manage the lsps in the
4:34 network and there are three existing
4:36 lsps
4:38 automatically discovered their status
4:40 information is updated in real time this
4:42 is one of the benefits of psup i can
4:44 select a particular tunnel view its path
4:47 through the network
4:49 the status setup priorities hold
4:51 priorities bandwidth that's been
4:53 reserved for a particular tunnel it's
4:55 fun to provision a tunnel if there's a
4:58 provision option and i'm just going to
5:00 provision just a very simple tunnel
5:03 between a pair of nodes you can
5:05 provision using netcomp or psep we'll
5:08 provision using psep in this case
5:10 because i have configured
5:12 nodes for that
5:14 we can use rsvp or segment routing to
5:17 signal the label switch path on the
5:20 network
5:22 we'll give a tunnel a name like learning
5:24 byte
5:27 i can specify the nodes involved i think
5:31 for node a
5:33 i'm going to pick vmx2 i'd like that to
5:35 be the ingress node and in node z let's
5:37 just go pick vmx1 so these are the nodes
5:40 that were discovered as part of my
5:41 topology
5:43 um it's going to be i can do primary
5:45 pass secondary standby i'm not going to
5:47 name the path let's reserve i don't know
5:50 maybe
5:51 something fun how about like 50 megs of
5:53 bandwidth right let's do that
5:56 and you can specify a setup priority
5:59 hold priority the default routing method
6:02 between vmx2 and vmx1 when it provisions
6:05 this tunnel would be the igp
6:08 you know traffic engineering shortest
6:09 path between those two nodes but you can
6:11 route based on delay
6:13 mileage the distance right you can have
6:16 administrative weights
6:18 so it's very flexible in the values that
6:20 it can use to determine the optimum path
6:22 for a particular tunnel it supports
6:24 dynamic bandwidth
6:26 sizing
6:27 constraints for example i only want this
6:30 tunnel to diverse links that are members
6:32 of this administrative group like the
6:34 platinum administrative group or the
6:35 bronze administrative group
6:37 you can assign a maximum delay this is a
6:39 very latency sensitive customer so
6:42 between ingress and egress nodes if we
6:44 can't have a path it's more than let's
6:45 say 300 milliseconds in latency right in
6:48 and this all is part of the path
6:50 computations that are will be performed
6:52 once this tunnel once you click add
6:55 right this is how the explicit route
6:56 objects will be calculated and then
6:58 forwarded to vmx2 for signaling on the
7:01 network using rsvp
7:03 there's some advanced options
7:05 if you want to make like a symmetric lsp
7:07 i want to make sure this lsp uses this
7:10 diversity group you can specify link
7:12 level and site level you know diversity
7:15 so you have to have redundant paths
7:18 for lsps it supports network slicing so
7:22 this can be part of a particular network
7:24 node slice
7:26 let's look at some more so it's more
7:27 it's kind of fun the default again is is
7:29 it will dynamically figure out the
7:32 based on the igp metric shortest path
7:34 between vmx2 and vmx1 but you can
7:36 specify
7:38 loose
7:39 hop routing strict hop routing you can
7:42 specify hop by hop by hop how you want
7:45 this tunnel to be provisioned i'm going
7:47 to keep it simple just dynamically
7:49 figure this out for me and you can
7:50 schedule this lsp by default when i say
7:53 add this lsp will be provisioned but i
7:55 can say oh i i only need this lsp on the
7:57 weekends or just certain during certain
7:59 hours or it's a one-time event it's very
8:02 flexible in the capabilities
8:04 very powerful so let's add
8:07 this
8:08 new lsp
8:10 refresh my network info here's our
8:13 learning bytes
8:15 lsp and that just so happens to be the
8:17 path that was computed that met all the
8:19 constraints
8:20 that we define when we provision this
8:22 label switch path so i just wanted to
8:25 provide you a little bit of visibility
8:27 and a little bit of overview
8:29 about paragon pathfinder
8:32 to learn more about paragon pathfinder
8:34 juniper networks education services
8:37 department has a juniper paragon
8:39 automation in the wan jpaw j-paw course
8:43 four days it introduces multiple paragon
8:46 automation applications including
8:48 paragon pathfinder paragon planner and
8:51 paragon insight hands-on labs with all
8:54 of those components view the schedule
8:56 for this course at
9:01 in this learning byte we examined
9:03 paragon pathfinder thank you very much
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9:37 [Music]