Cloud Metro & the Future of Sustainable Networking

For service providers, sustainability has become an important priority because of the impact that growing demands on the network have on energy consumption and carbon emissions.
In addition, at the “new edge” where connectivity, distributed cloud and customer experiences converge, metro networks face traffic growth of 500 percent, by 2027. The current cost per bit of service delivery is not sustainable.
You’ll learn
How we can apply cloud principles to transforming metro networks
How operators can enable sustainable business growth
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0:00 foreign
0:06 as the new Edge where connectivity distributed cloud and customer experiences converge Metro networks face
0:13 traffic growth of 500 percent that by 2027 amid these conditions operators
0:18 can't sustain the current cost per bit of Service delivery here to tell us how
0:23 we can apply Cloud principles to networks while enabling sustainable business growth with future-proof
0:30 systems architectures and AI enabled automation as a service are telefonica's
0:35 Diego Lopez we also have Mano lelanovis of Juniper
0:40 Networks and last we have Terry Jensen that with telenor and gentlemen welcome to the program
0:47 um so Diego I hope you don't mind I'm going to start with you so how important is sustainability for your Technology
0:53 Innovation strategy and is it mostly in the charter of really corporate ESG or
0:58 has it become an important consideration for let's say vendor selection product roadmap development social
1:04 responsibility and of course cost reduction well currently is becoming more and more
1:10 important and is part of a normal uh procurement practices
1:16 we have uh we started the journey towards uh enhancing the sustainability
1:22 of like in general a long time ago when we started our program of of measure
1:28 virtualization and civilization um and and right now we are we are addressing the different aspects of our
1:35 sustainability in some cases they are well Advanced and they're very much connected to the as I said with the with
1:41 the government practices in other cases we are still trying to evaluate
1:47 how to um apply or request the the
1:53 results of the of the evaluation of the different Technologies we have made so so yeah it's it's very important and
2:00 we're trying to apply as much as we are sure that we can request from our
2:07 um providers anterior Advantage anything you want to add to that before we move
2:12 on yeah if I may if I so of course sustainability is a very wide area I
2:18 think so it's addressing everything on social environmental and economics so it's all about people planet and the
2:23 purpose I guess so so uh and within that there's a lot of different things exactly what what Diego said so so uh so
2:31 that's about both on the Strategic level uh or of course on Executive levels we have set targets for example don't
2:37 climate what we want to achieve there we have also a set Targets on on uh on this science-based uh Targets this SPD and
2:45 also the engagement with suppliers there that means hoping the suppliers it needs
2:51 to be uh stating their their targets there as defined by the U.N so on and so on so so that's uh you know both on the
2:58 executives and operation levels on and it's very high and then of course you're using like Energy Efficiency directly
3:03 into the into the into the selection of our partners and also looking into of
3:09 course what comes as part of the product roadmaps both on the energy side but also support Ai and Automation and all those aspects
3:17 so I think there's a lot of factors and and if it's uh typically the organization uh on a number of levels so
3:22 no different aspects uh and uh so and it's it's exactly what Diego said I
3:28 think the importance of this is growing and you can just being in Barcelona I think for example a couple of months ago
3:35 and say that everyone was talking about climate and sustainability um Manos
3:40 much like Diego interior said I think Jennifer networks is also focusing actually emphasizing a lot on putting
3:48 um a lot of you know sustainable focus on Corporate social responsibility and
3:53 you know we have pledged you know carbon neutral commitments across Global operations by 2025 uh also a lot of
4:00 focus on sbti the science-based targets and how we can do actually better than our goals additionally if you look at
4:06 our offices Tunica office in Bangalore is nearly 100 solar powered headquarters is completely Leed certified we're using
4:13 100 composable compostable materials for everything for product packaging and a lot more efforts and sustainability will
4:20 talk so overall is a big Focus for Juniper Networks so Terry I know you just mentioned this
4:25 uh on sort of a 30 000 foot level but can you go into a little more detail on the aspects of sustainability that
4:31 you're focusing on really in this near term and long term yeah no thanks baby I think we can go
4:37 maybe to a couple of areas and as I said there are the number of areas and topics uh that are part of the of the under the
4:43 the headline of sustainability uh but one clear candidate of course is on the energy on the climate so so I think uh
4:50 if you're looking to tell Laura for example if I remember correctly it's roughly uh three quarter 75 to 80
4:57 percent over uh total emissions uh Wisconsin into the climate it's part of scope three uh so that means that you
5:04 know all the the what the suppliers are doing and what's happening there is very important to uh to to address as part of
5:11 part of this then of course energy our own and energy consumptions is is also very important and we'll probably come
5:18 back to that later in the session as well but uh roughly 90 percent uh all the total energy consumption in telenor
5:25 is is related to the networks uh meaning of course that uh consuming and all the
5:30 efficiency we can do there uh will uh will contribute to to states to sustainability and it's not only about
5:37 you know Energy Efficiency of the existing equipment what we have in operation but it's also quite important
5:44 to phase out Legacy systems call it old systems if you want so for example we
5:50 just decommission the copper Network in in Norway as one of the first incumbent
5:55 operators actually to to fully decommission that you can immediately see that on the on the energy
6:01 consumption uh we also are Switched Off have switched off 3G for example in in
6:07 three of the over eight countries and we're also facing out I.T systems for example which are also uh which are part
6:14 of the Legacy portfolio so of course these kind of things are also contributing to the to sustainability
6:20 and energy consumption in that sense then that's part of the others uh it's for example power purchasing Agreements
6:26 are are important to address which is then of course about the clean energy and the last part which is easily
6:32 forgotten is about the circular economy or reusing equipment recycling equipment which is also a quite important part of
6:39 it to you know make sure that all these rare Metals For example are are kept
6:45 into the to the new delivery so that's one part of the which is more than the energy on the and the climate part of it
6:52 the other side of climate uh we are of course also the hit by as an operator uh
6:58 is for example the racing sea levels uh more floods fires and all those things which is also important which is
7:05 probably the other side of the coin event way that uh that we need to to start looking into that uh and it's
7:11 interesting to see that for example we are in Bangladesh and foreign
7:18 countries is close to the Sea uh so that there is so so there's a high risk for
7:23 or impact from from racing sea level for example but the same goes into Thailand for example the and the Bangkok area
7:30 there so so there are quite a few countries which are potentially at risk when the when the sea levels are rising
7:36 for example so that's another aspect of course of climate which is also then of course linked to to sustainability uh
7:44 but of course the whole optimization of the of the Telco networks is another area which you probably are coming back
7:49 to and how we are redesigning and re-architecting the network in order to
7:54 uh to address this which is basically around the uh more the financial part of it on optimizing resources as I said and
8:01 also customer experience as as part of that then of course as I think you also raised earlier on the Innovation there
8:08 are a lot of Engagement there of course on Innovation uh and hope to uh to make
8:14 the the equipment smarter and also help to manage and operate the the equipment smarter and I think there's someone
8:21 calling the the statement like if there should be if there are zero uh bits there should be zero Watts which is not
8:27 really easy to to uh to deliver on uh but it requires quite a lot of innovation in order to uh to to try to
8:34 to to get to that level meaning that if there is no traffic there shouldn't be any energy consumed either so there are
8:42 quite a lot of things going on today we're using Automation and AI for example and uh and also of course the
8:47 simplification of uh of the whole setup and definitely also working closer with uh with Partners in in various aspects
8:54 I'm quite sure we will come back to some of these topics later in the session absolutely uh Manos back over to you and
9:01 Diego if you want to respond to this please do so so we've been hearing a lot about Cloud Metro the idea of really
9:07 applying Cloud principles to transform Metro networks can you share a bit more on the details of how that really
9:13 contributes to sustained sustainability so if you look at the general Cloud
9:20 Metro solution our focus is on you know sustainability in three different pillars one is architecture other is the
9:28 actual systems that's being deployed on the network and third is operations so if you look at architecture it's about
9:35 resource sharing which means that we can accomplish more with less it's also
9:41 about avoiding the resource duplication you know reducing the number of devices so if you look at you know architectural
9:47 capabilities like Network slicing IP Optical conversions we accomplish both
9:52 resource sharing as well as avoiding resource duplication which in turn means we're reducing the carbon footprint or
9:58 the carbon emissions second if you look at systems optimized system design is always good you know in
10:05 terms of you know reducing the utilization of power as well as space for instance according to the ACG research the Juniper Metro Cloud
10:12 Solutions today consume about 70 less power and saves about 64 more space
10:18 compared to a competitive solution so longer shelf life means it also reduces E-Waste again good for the planet good
10:25 for the environment and so on last but not least which is one of the areas which is a super interesting topic
10:31 for us which is that operations can be fundamentally changed with AI in these
10:36 days of chat GPT and everything is going on Juniper has been you know per you know one of the pioneers of AI in Cloud
10:42 delivered operations so Ai and Cloud delivered argument automation together can reduce the number of truck rolls
10:48 required you know no more worrying about problems you can proactively solve problems and in case when there are real
10:55 problems they cannot be proactively installed you avoid the truck roll by you know some of the automated operations so and also the next step is
11:03 basically look at turning off parts of the systems you know which are not being used you have a large system and in in
11:08 the nighttime part of the system is not being used can you shut it off so there's a lot of effort and research
11:13 we're putting in to make sure that this is possible today so this is these are the three areas we focused on in the
11:19 cloud Network solution which is getting rave reviews from our customers and from analysts well speaking of customers
11:25 Diego any any comment on that well when it comes to these the relative
11:31 to uh important aspects would you connect clouds and uh at the provision
11:37 of the uh of services at that as close to the uh to the users as possible
11:43 because first of all in that in those cases is when you have the highest density of equipment and where any
11:51 savings or whatever the nature of materials are on energy or we're talking let's say talking about Savings in Imani
11:58 are more intensive because simply the the multiplication of the number of devices of or virtual Appliance by the
12:06 number of uh of users that you are serving is is higher and to think that the cloud-like
12:15 approach uh brings is on on the one hand is much better granularity and the
12:21 decisions that you make with with respect with whatever the the sustainability it's not the same that
12:27 you have a big box that you have to switch on and off and it's the only option that you have then what you have
12:33 is a number of software pieces that you can decide to activate the activate run
12:39 under certain conditions Etc this is one thing the second thing that is important and I'm not sure that we have mentioned
12:45 this before is about the possibility of taking advantage as well of of a circular economy approaches that allows
12:53 you to reuse searching uh um equipment or sitting iron that otherwise would be
13:01 the commission for certain uh services that probably are not so much demanding
13:07 of uh of a high performance in some aspects and that allows allows you to
13:13 reuse and extend their lifetime of the of the uh of the physical elements that
13:20 would require you know of uh rarer so or or materials that are
13:27 closely in all terms to produce um Terry now over to you and man knows
13:33 if you want to respond to this please do us do so as well uh so Edge Edge Cloud new traffic patterns and new
13:39 Partnerships are really all contributing to the sustainability objective so when you look at different parts of the
13:45 networks which uh which part of that uh could have really the biggest opportunity to contribute to the
13:51 sustainability objective and why no I think uh that's uh at least from
13:57 from uh we see it as a network operator access I think Diego mentioned that as well access is clearly the the main
14:03 consumer of energy is clearly at least so uh if I remember correctly there was
14:09 a gsma study on this uh from mobile operator of course and so they concluded
14:15 that based on that input of course that the base stations that means that the radio part of it typically consumes
14:21 something between uh 65 to 80 percent of the total energy all the all the network
14:27 uh so so of course that will be the the main part to try to optimize further on
14:33 the on how to do this and there are various ways to do that I think the egg also mentioned it but basically it's
14:39 around trying to optimize of course the the emitted energy that it hits the uh
14:44 or or or it reaches also the relevant users in the most effective way and then
14:50 switch off other kind of uh either beams or Spectrum the plants for example or or
14:57 even equipment if that's needed so optimizing the base stations is clearly one of the one of the things there and
15:04 there as I said I think also Diego mentioned that there are AI algorithms to do that for example uh there are of
15:11 course very important to to uh to face out uh and short of old equipment
15:16 because in every kind of new generations and this is not only 2G 3G 4G
15:22 Generations but it's also about the radio and cheap Generations it comes with a energy Improvement so so it's
15:28 important to to uh to to have an eye on that so so of course clearly access and
15:33 then of course Metro and and aggregation or the or the main sources of uh of
15:39 energy so so what we are doing of course is that as I said there are there's energy optimization to to uh to look
15:45 into but it's also back to the question about the traffic and how to steer and and control and optimize the the
15:52 resources there and I think also so Diego mentioned that it's it's very important to as we see it at least to to
15:59 try to manage that as close to the source as possible and then we are working with with Enterprises for
16:06 example uh on on the mobile private Network and Edge Cloud which are uh one
16:12 a couple of ways to uh to handle the traffic local and locally means for
16:17 example it could be could be with on the premises but it could also be you know local in the terms of regional uh so uh
16:25 so we have some cases for example with the commercially with the at the prices where they are connecting quite a lot of
16:31 high definition cameras uh which they're then using for uh for processing the the
16:37 the video for example recognizing objects or recognizing people moving dangerous areas and so forth and of
16:44 course these HD cameras generate several megabits per second each of them so when
16:49 you have maybe a few tens of these cameras on a certain area or even on a say for example in smart smart 4K so
16:57 like on a single Crane and you have 20 cranes for example you can just do the mathematics yourself from homework
17:02 traffic uh we'll come out of that then it's important to do this video analysis for example very local meaning on the
17:09 premises of the port for example so that's another example of try to keep the traffic locally and and to avoid
17:15 that you are spending more resources from the network than we have to do because uh a reason for that is uh quite
17:22 a lot of those those video streams are actually not really containing any information uh so so we have a I have
17:29 people start laughing uh sometimes when I talk about a fish farm in case we are doing for example where we're actually using uh cameras submerged into the
17:37 water to to recognize this fish uh and and it's actually a complete uh uh
17:43 mandatory from the government uh requirements from the fish farms that have to report the percentage of dead
17:49 fish for example and Homo anilysis there are on each of the fish as an average at
17:54 least they have to do regularly and typically so far they have done this manually meaning lifting the fish out of
18:00 the sea starting counting and so on so you can do this automatically and of course A lot of these video frames are
18:06 not really containing the information you need so you just need to throw away more than 99 actually of the video
18:12 information so so it will be a really a waste to you know carry all those video frames uh we would say into the to the
18:19 Central site and then throw away the information so so uh just a simple example on the traffic and resource
18:25 optimization I think Diego also mentioned that so it's a key one of the key areas to how to manage this manage
18:32 anything to add like teria mentioned I think things have changed in the last decade or so before
18:39 before the last decade the traffic pattern also says that you know the backbone or the core of the network was
18:44 where the majority of the traffic was and to the point which was discussed earlier has more and more things and way
18:49 towards the edge the traffic now has increased in the access part of the network it's in the radio Access Network
18:54 it's in the Metro Network so the with the traffic pattern shift the focus on the radio Access Network as well as the
19:01 axis you know Metro network uh to make it more energy efficient has gone up because now in many ways you know access
19:09 is the new core on the new backbone so that shift has happened and a lot of focus is specifically on that so tend to
19:16 agree with tyrian Diego that this is where the world is going and that's where the focus is the other part is uh
19:22 as you have more and more services being delivered out of centralized clouds you know whether it's hyperscaler cloud or
19:27 service provider Edge cloud or whatnot there is a increasing need for making sure that sustainability is in a printed
19:34 Center as we scale out these large servers and storage systems and I think that's a big Focus which uh meaning for
19:39 Cloud Florida customers are focused on and we're supporting them so D.A go over to you and you touched on
19:45 this already Ontario went into a little bit as well so let's talk about the role uh that Network automation plays and how
19:51 does AI Ops and Cloud deliver Technologies really enhance uh these benefits Diego
19:58 well this the uh this kind of approach to a sustainability optimization and the
20:06 reduction of all uh the uh indicators that imply a cost
20:14 in terms especially in terms of of energy and to to support these
20:20 sustainability goals that we were talking about required some degree of automation
20:25 um whatever we're talking about I'm not uh personally I'm not sure that it needs a
20:33 very high degree of of intelligence in many cases that we have already have in
20:39 the in the Telco industry and elsewhere mechanisms to apply automation Loops
20:47 that are not necessarily I mean that don't require the approach based on a neural network or a deep deep learning
20:55 or whatever in many cases this can be done with a simple automation techniques
21:02 I'm talking simple because or let's say well known techniques in which one we
21:07 are playing is basically all an algorithms or algorithmic approaches or
21:12 or in the best in the most complicated cases on some kind of heuristics by uh
21:17 by rules provided by experts Etc it's true that there are decisions that well
21:25 more than this there are problem spaces that we have no
21:30 not explored yet and that AIA allows us to consider this so I would say just to
21:37 summarize automation is essential AI to achieve the goals that we can
21:46 foresee for the for the short term probably AI is not so essential but for
21:52 sure it is worth exploring what AI can bring in the future to uh to provide
21:59 new Solutions or to address behaviors that for us are where we we are limited
22:06 the same the same way that we are limited in other in other aspects and we rely on on the help of in other
22:14 intelligent systems or other intelligent beings like dogs horses or or whatever
22:21 Terry anything to add to that no I think uh of course from our side uh
22:28 we think automation is is very very important uh it's also aiming for for fully automated to the extent that that
22:34 can be can be done of course there are typically you know we are working on the in the physical business as well there
22:40 are always uh or typically some equipment to be shipped uh requires some typically some manual intervention
22:46 that's all but we are aiming for for a full uh full truly automated uh all the
22:51 processes not only on technical side but also uh on the financial and HR so so it's important not to to uh to forget
22:59 about this process is uh and it's also the reason why we are doing it is uh
23:05 that we see that the customers uh expectations are changing they are actually expecting us to deliver Services quicker uh than than than
23:14 before so meaning that they need to support self-service and and a lot of these processes and then of course needs
23:21 to be carried out uh freely or automatically through all these systems
23:26 so I think and we also of course want to embrace and embed AI into all the steps
23:32 where that is relevant and I think that what's this uh Diego was also saying is so so it needs to make a difference of
23:39 course uh we all claim of course to be smart but sometimes it could be you know help to get some AI smartness into that
23:46 to supplement our smartness so so so uh and it's uh particular when you talk about you know processing a lot of data
23:52 and information and finding patterns which which might not be easy to find with uh with a simple uh ice for example
24:00 but uh so so but it needs to of course be a value from from using air but automation yes of course exactly what
24:06 they are Diego will say manage anything you want to add I already tested topic earlier on you
24:13 know Ai and automation how it helps to you know reduce the carbon footprint by you know reducing the truck rules you
24:19 know turning off parts of the system which is not in use you know it saves on energy and all of that stuff but I want to also touch a different topic which is
24:26 you know all of service providers today faced a shortage of skill staff it's one of the
24:32 biggest challenges as we are going through a very you know sort of a aging technical Workforce and the expectation
24:39 to have more from the network and with this change automation AI has a huge
24:44 role to play you know for for example you know you want to have your people work on your staff work on the smart
24:52 work right so with respect to Ai and Cloud delivered automation can simplify many of the mundane work streams and
24:58 freeze up your valuable stuff for more you know creative creation service creation projects uh so that's one uh
25:06 the other part is a and automation you know will enable you to do things you know have Services up and running in
25:11 minutes compared to hours and weeks before so securely scale your stream and
25:17 streamlining your workloads is actually accomplishable now with AI and automation uh last but not least I would
25:24 always say that it's all about reducing the trouble tickets at the end of the day when you look at operations it's not just the
25:30 service getting the service up and running it's also about operating the network and operating the network is where service providers run into the
25:36 largest problem sometimes from Human errors sometimes vendor errors and so on so if you can actually proactively use
25:43 AI where you can practically solve the problems when you're the problems before they happen you actually Save A Lot on
25:50 the operational efficiency and at the end of the day the end user experience is also enhanced so that's an area which
25:56 a and automation can really help Beyond sustainability so I wanted to finish the program with
26:03 some of somewhat of a futurist question um and I'll start with Terry uh we'll go over to Diego and then we'll have Nano's
26:09 rap wrap the program for so the question is this Terrier is Network sustainability as top of mind or Clearly
26:15 Now top of Mind across the ecosystem do you think the progress tour is really a
26:21 self-driving a sustainable network is moving at a pace that telenor fines
26:26 acceptable and what can we do to accelerate this pace I think it's uh it's almost uh hard to
26:33 say that uh you know it's fully acceptable with this uh with the speed of it because uh uh so we would uh I
26:40 think accelerate in in that sense given that of course we see automation clearly as uh one of the most to uh and but
26:48 having said that I think we have post 70 uh the process already automated and we
26:53 are using AI for example as we also refer to in the previous question on the in a number of steps there so it's not
26:59 like we we're starting with with blank sheets uh that uh but but of course uh
27:05 it's uh typically you know we start with automating some of the simpler processes and some of the more hard ones are you
27:12 are pushing a bit so so there are more the more more to do there and and uh so so uh I think it's very very important
27:19 to to see that of course in in automation you need to really take an end-to-end view so you are really
27:24 automating the the processes all the way from the customer engagement all the way to as you said think it was mentioned
27:31 trouble ticketing and under and he's even being proactive so you can even avoid
27:36 otgs or at least maybe notifying customers at once that something is going to happen uh and so so it's very
27:42 very important that we get managed to get to those levels and and to do that it's of course it's uh it's still quite
27:50 a lot to do I think uh on in particular when it comes to the engagement and the proactiveness and the reason why we need
27:57 to to move in that direction is as I said before is that the customer expectations are changing quite a lot
28:02 they are they are moving uh moving beyond this you know you just deliver a SIM card and some coverage on some some
28:09 basic mobile connectivity to actually they have a request for for uh enjoying
28:14 the service in terms of you know experience they want a complete solution he won't trust it uh and there are quite
28:21 a few elements that need to be in place in order to to match the customer experience in in that sense and then of
28:27 course it should be delivered instantly and also personalized uh which again is actually asking for automation clearly
28:33 to uh to to do this so so I think there requires uh quite a few other steps there to uh to do and I think one of the
28:40 one of the challenges we see is that of course there are a non-typical number of Partners or or suppliers who needs to
28:46 come together to cover the real end-to-end scope here uh meaning that it needs to be interoperability across
28:52 different partners uh a meaning also that they for example say an information models needs to be understood in the
28:58 same way and outside the industry I think we are still have a bit to go there to uh to harmonize even the
29:04 understanding of information modeling and and what is the value or or even sorry what is the understanding of
29:11 different kpis for example from from different uh different equipment so so clearly there there's there's still a
29:17 way to go there I think which we also would like to see of course that these are resolved in a collaborate manner
29:23 within the industry and also together with other Industries I think what we see that we need to collaborate with
29:29 Enterprises for example because as I said we take for example private networks then we are really delivering
29:34 connecting sensors which are used for for business critical processes in other
29:40 Industries so so you also need to be play a part of their value chain which
29:45 then comes with our their expectations on the automation so it's not only automation within the quality Telco
29:52 vertical anymore but it's also automation across different Industries and this is just something I think we
29:58 have quite a bit to uh to go there in order to get to that level so Diego uh telefonica happy again with
30:06 the pace of the sustainability objective at this point well in terms of uh I would say that in
30:14 terms of the technology and the different technologies that we're trying to apply and the collaboration with our partners and customers on this
30:21 it would say yes we are the technology is evolving in a in a way that these well I would say
30:29 that's much better than acceptable signage account that we're talking about very
30:34 um this highly distributed extremely pervasive infrastructures then you
30:40 cannot change overnight I mean something that takes time because it takes time simply because we have to reach for far
30:47 places and making the changes there as well in that sense I I believe that this
30:52 is something that we are progressing well probably we could go faster
30:59 and but there are to us one has two aspects that Talia has mentioned that
31:05 they think are very important when it's uh regarding going B Jones simply
31:10 applying automation or or AI or whatever to networks and only networks but the
31:16 possibility of collaborating with other Industries and the possibility of uh of uh addressing some of the problems
31:23 regarding sustainability of the of in general technology and Industrial
31:30 progress in the future with a holistic view this is one thing and this is very
31:35 much connected to a term that now is being coined well it's being mentioned once and again here at least in Europe
31:41 in the uh in the several UH 60 Flagship projects about going Beyond connectivity
31:47 when we're talking about networks this is one thing uh the the uh the other thing is the
31:55 need for having a clear understanding of what we're measuring and how we are
32:00 exchanging information among the different elements and we're talking about automation we're talking about the
32:08 knowledge in fact we're talking about the Aisa that are collaborating how this is exchanged
32:14 and there is a third aspects of this it may be very much connected to these and
32:19 this uh it's where we are not progressing well as usual with just when it comes to regulation I mean the Telco
32:26 environment is extremely regulated and and there is a problem and right now
32:31 that is becoming even worse because we are we are witnessing a Progressive
32:37 convergence of what has been there well that's in the in the past in the past
32:42 the uh the the the line that separated the nature from the I.T and right now we
32:49 are witnessing an aggressive convergence of of cloud and Network and it's quite uneven that whatever it
32:58 can be considered as cloud is certainly well it's certainly is it's a it's a
33:05 it's a Brownfield one you can do whatever you want and the other ones uh well whenever you call it the network
33:12 you are under a strict scrutiny strict regulation where these words is here
33:18 General perception in the industry that there are steps that can be dangerous to
33:24 be taken if you take them just because you don't know how things are gonna are
33:29 gonna impact from the regulatory side I believe that regulation has to evolve much more
33:36 accordingly to the technology Evolution has to be matched faster and for sure
33:42 much much leaner as well to facilitate this this progress
33:49 and manage how to wrap the show again uh Juniper Network's perspective on the
33:54 sustainability objective and really the pace that it's moving industry-wide first and foremost I think the
34:01 self-driving network is going to be a reality in a decade or so and that is the mission for us make things easy make
34:08 sure there is end users have the best experiences possible from an leadership is securing that should be the number
34:14 one goal so sustainability goes hand in hand with that because if you look at what happened in the whole evolution of
34:21 Uber or Lyft or whatnot it actually automation played a huge role and
34:26 Automation and making it easy for people actually draw the benefits which came through you know employing a different
34:33 set of folks instead of the traditional taxi drivers the same kind of transformation is what's going to happen
34:39 with the focus on sustainable networks which is as as long as the vendors are all
34:45 subscribing to Common apis which makes it easy for service providers to build systems around it and then service
34:50 providers can focus on leveraging itsm systems which are more common rather than creating their own cookie cutter
34:56 stuff all of these will drive to more commonality and more automation as
35:01 somebody said anything that can be automated will get automated right and when that happens and then you you know
35:08 you share you actually embrace things like the large language models um where more work can be done by
35:15 machines it automatically can help with the overall you know Energy Efficiency
35:21 and how we actually build systems so to me Automation and AI obstacles had in hand with energy and sustainability
35:27 because humans cannot do it by themselves you must need the help of machines need the help of Automation and
35:33 aarps right so leverage that it's not an enemy right because humans can focus on
35:39 more higher work if the mundane work can be done by machine teams in AI so and
35:44 the combination of the two will drive to more you know sustainable goals as an industry so I just want to touch that
35:50 different angle to sustainable you I remember in the past uh when I say the past I mean the last five years or so
35:56 that you know there were some high priority sort of top of Mind topics that we focused on uh primarily around
36:03 anything that can be monetized but there were a couple topics that we didn't necessarily focus on one of them was
36:08 security or network security and now that's so much more top of mind and we are talking about it as we should
36:15 um and then the other one is Energy Efficiency and sustainability so I feel like I know that's coming to the fore as
36:20 well as far as thought leadership and making it top of mind is top priority so
36:25 I wanted to thank all four of you for Lending us your time Diego Lopez with telefonica over in Spain and what's a
36:31 little bit later for you over there but we appreciate your time and uh visiting with us and giving us your perspective
36:38 you know we we are fond of late evening so that's uh it's okay more than okay and it was a pleasure now we appreciate
36:45 it and uh teria uh always glad to have you on the program we had you as you
36:50 mentioned uh back in Barcelona a couple months ago in person and now of course virtually and then I'm sure next time we
36:56 see you we'll be in person again so we appreciate your time as well um so thanks a lot thanks a lot Dave and
37:01 thanks for inviting pleasure we appreciate it and Manos uh certainly
37:07 great to have you on the program we haven't had you before certainly Juniper Networks is a big supporter of the
37:12 network Media Group but you in particular we haven't uh had a chance to speak to you so we appreciate your time and uh I want to say a special thank you
37:19 to Juniper Networks as well and anybody uh listening on this on this session at the moment that we appreciate your
37:25 support and uh wouldn't be able to do this session today without Juniper's uh uh support so thank you so much for that
37:33 thank you for having me on the panel thank you manage and uh to our audience out there and our speakers on cloud
37:39 Metro and the future of sustainable networking for this session on demand please go to the
37:46 so long foreign