Juniper Networks Assists T-Systems in Modernizing Their Data Center

Isn’t it time you upgraded your data center, too?
T-Systems, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom and a premier cloud provider in Germany, recently modernized its data center networks with Juniper to meet new performance, availability, and scalability requirements for digital transformation and cloud. Here, T-Systems’ Robert Semjon explains how the company’s upgraded data centers are meeting customers’ stringent performance and availability expectations.
You’ll learn
Why T-Systems chose to partner with Juniper to introduce new technologies
The goals and objectives T-Systems set for working with Juniper
Why automation was a key requirement for T-Systems, and should be for your data center, too.
Who is this for?

0:03 hi my name is robert simeon i'm the head
0:05 of data center network operations team
0:07 inside of the systems and i'm located in
0:10 kosice in slovakia so we have decided to
0:14 introduce chiliper networks into our
0:17 networks family due to the reason that
0:19 we i have a longer experience with
0:22 juniper not necessarily from the past
0:24 from our land perspective but mostly
0:27 from security perspective but we have
0:29 very rich experience and
0:31 we had very positive experience and
0:33 feedbacks on that so we have also
0:35 decided to go into the land area
0:37 together with juniper in order to
0:39 enlarge
0:40 our software-defined network
0:42 possibilities to be more or more
0:45 software defined ready for our customers
0:48 it is super important to always to
0:51 introduce the best possible technologies
0:54 in order to achieve the highest grade of
0:57 operation state towards our customers
1:00 and in we wanted also to introduce
1:03 new and better technologies to our
1:05 operation teams in order to achieve
1:08 more automation to you know more
1:10 availability more uh experience uh
1:14 within our networks
1:16 together not only with uh juniper
1:18 switches and routers but also
1:21 introducing abstract into our
1:23 environment which we do
1:25 hope in the future very heavily
1:28 uh simplify our network operations and
1:31 also increase our rate of automation in
1:34 day-to-day operations
1:37 [Music]
1:44 [Music]
1:47 you