Open RAN Service Management and Orchestration & RAN Intelligent Controller Demo

This demo highlights how service providers can bring new levels of service agility, automation and operational efficiency by unlocking the innovation and value in the RAN. We take a deeper look at the RIC Admission Control use case demonstrated with Vodafone Turkey, in a live network running commercial traffic.
You’ll learn
How the Juniper RAN Intelligent Controller works
How to apply RAN Intelligent Controller to different use cases
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0:00 [Music]
0:01 hi everybody I am nataraj and
0:03 krishnamurthy product marketing manager
0:05 for Juniper open range Solutions and
0:08 today I am going to talk about how
0:10 service providers can achieve new levels
0:13 of service agility Automation and
0:15 operational efficiency by unlocking
0:17 Innovation and value in the ram so we
0:20 are going to talk about two Juniper
0:22 Solutions Juniper ran intelligent
0:23 controller and Orion service management
0:25 and orchestration so let me start with
0:27 juniper Ryan intelligent controller I am
0:30 happy to share that Juniper Ryan
0:31 intelligent controller has been awarded
0:33 the glomo award for best network
0:36 software breakthrough at Mobile World
0:37 Congress 2023. this is in partnership
0:40 with rakutan Symphony for the record and
0:42 Sim World platform with juniper Ryan
0:44 intention controller Juniper provides a
0:46 ran intelligent controller platform
0:48 which is fully compliant with uran
0:50 Alliance specifications and interfaces
0:53 we have the near real time rig we have
0:56 the non-real time rig as well as the X
0:58 apps and the RX
1:00 platform also provides an open API and
1:03 an SDK to onboard applications from
1:06 third-party vendors this gives greater
1:08 flexibility and choice of suppliers to
1:11 service providers in this demo we are
1:13 showcasing three different use cases
1:15 admission control traffic steering and
1:17 Energy savings
1:18 the admission control and traffic
1:20 steering use cases were demonstrated
1:22 with Vodafone on a live Network running
1:25 commercial traffic parallel Wallace was
1:27 providing the rent for that deployment
1:30 so let me get into this admission
1:32 control use case admission control is
1:34 used to deliver Priority Services for
1:35 any user type at any time for example it
1:39 could be for Public Safety users schools
1:41 hospitals Etc this is the setup that we
1:44 use to kind of validate this use case so
1:46 parallel Wireless was providing the rent
1:48 we had the Juniper near real time brick
1:49 non-real time brick and Juniper was
1:52 providing the admission control RF and X
1:54 app traffic steering RF was coming from
1:56 juniper and traffic steering except was
1:58 coming from parallel Wireless this is an
2:01 example of how a third party vendor has
2:03 developed plan except on top of juniper
2:05 near real time brick platform so let's
2:08 get into this use case so we have a
2:10 landscape with a suburban area and a
2:13 rural area
2:13 so let's start with by configuring
2:16 admission controller so we are first
2:18 starting with juniper non-real time
2:19 brick where we are going to onboard the
2:22 admission control RM the next step is we
2:25 have two near RT rigs where we are going
2:28 to onboard admission control accepts so
2:30 here you could see two admission control
2:32 accepts running one in the rural area
2:34 one in the Suburban area
2:36 the tenant we have here is a public
2:39 safety tenant he has subscribed for 2000
2:42 us as SLA by default 1000 have been
2:46 allocated to the suburban area thousand
2:48 has been allocated to the rural area we
2:50 have a normal situation here there is no
2:52 emergency the number of active duties is
2:55 well within this thousand limit so you
2:57 don't see any rejections here now let's
2:59 say we have an emergency uh in the rural
3:01 area there is a fire in the rural area
3:03 you have First Responders firefighters
3:06 Healthcare Personnel arriving in the
3:09 rural area and trying to connect to the
3:10 network and you suddenly see a kind of a
3:13 strike in the number of active ues in
3:15 the rural area you have about 242
3:17 rejections for this tenant so this is
3:19 not a situation that we want so this is
3:21 where Rick comes into picture Rick can
3:23 get triggered by an external enrichment
3:25 server or it can identify on its own
3:28 that there are rejections in the rural
3:30 area and automatically increase the
3:32 allocation of resources in the rural
3:34 area
3:35 here you could see the trick has
3:37 increased the allocation in the rural
3:38 area from 1000 to 1800 it has reduced
3:41 allocation in suburb from 1000 to 200
3:43 and you can see here that the number of
3:45 rejections has come in the rural area
3:47 has come down to zero
3:50 and you could see that on the in the
3:52 rural area all the active ues who needed
3:54 connections are getting connections
3:56 this is a simple deployment where we are
3:59 showing a single tenant but in a typical
4:02 deployment you could have hundreds of
4:03 such tenants each of them having needing
4:06 their own resources and that's why you
4:09 need something like a rig to be able to
4:10 manage this now the emergency situation
4:12 has gone away
4:13 so the allocation has gone back to a
4:17 thousand each in Suburban rural area so
4:19 in summary admission control is able to
4:21 provide Dynamic allocation of network
4:23 resources without having to over
4:24 provisioning resources at each location
4:26 and the services here are automatically
4:28 optimized by the ram based on real-time
4:31 data since this is based on open run if
4:33 you develop an application once it can
4:35 be used across all vendors without
4:37 having any vendor specific
4:38 implementations you will take a quick
4:40 look at the oran service management
4:42 orchestration
4:43 before we get into the demo let's look
4:45 at why do you need a new approach to
4:47 service management and orchestration the
4:50 first is evolving architectures service
4:52 providers are moving from closed
4:54 monolithic solutions to virtualized
4:56 disaggregated and open Solutions second
4:59 massive scale with 5G and orange
5:01 services are going to be delivered from
5:03 thousands of clouds and tens and
5:06 thousands of radio sites the third is
5:09 drive for on-demand service models
5:11 service providers want to spin up new
5:13 custom services on demand and deliver
5:16 them under SLS and charge them on a as a
5:19 service basis to overcome this
5:21 complexity Juniper has is providing a
5:23 service management orchestration
5:24 platform for open Ram its fully standard
5:28 compliant supporting 3gpp TMF and open
5:30 run standards it implements the Ryan
5:32 Network slice management function it has
5:35 the near real time brake non-real time
5:36 brick it has 4com which is Federated Oak
5:39 load management and orchestration which
5:41 takes care of management of
5:43 infrastructure resources like data
5:45 centers clusters on top of which the
5:48 network functions are going to be
5:49 deployed it has the network function
5:51 orchestrator the nf4 which takes care of
5:54 orchestrating the network functions such
5:56 as ODU ocu near real time brick on top
5:59 of this cloud
6:01 so we are going to demonstrate Oran
6:03 smo's capabilities with this topology
6:05 which we have a Barcelona landscape
6:07 where we have a regional Cloud three
6:09 different Edge clouds along with their
6:11 orus
6:13 we are going to show how Quran Smo can
6:15 be used to deploy and manage slices to
6:18 an Enterprise as well as an industry we
6:21 will be walking through the entire life
6:22 cycle of a network slice starting with
6:25 the preparation phase where we are going
6:27 to onboard Cloud infrastructure designs
6:29 license service templates reduce service
6:32 creation do service activation do
6:34 service operations to ensure the slas
6:36 within the confirmed limits and as well
6:39 as flash termination Juniper Smo has
6:42 been designed with a clean slate
6:43 architecture to implement and monetize
6:46 Network slicing it uses open interfaces
6:49 across the entire architecture to
6:51 support multi-vendor purposes