Michael Henkel, Principal Engineer, Software, Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks Contrail Cross-Cluster Virtual Networking Demo

Telco Cloud
Michael Henkel Headshot
Screenshot features Michael Henkel as he gives his presentation in the bottom left corner and a slide from his presentation is shown to the right. IT is three boxes on a block screen showing three Kubernetes clusters.

Virtual Demo: Contrail Cross-Cluster Networking

If you are interested in learning more about Contrail Networking’s cross-cluster virtual networking, then this demo by Juniper’s Michael Henkel is for you. 

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You’ll learn

  • How Contrail and Kubernetes resources interact together

  • How it provides added value in terms of load balancing 

  • How operators interact with Contrail as a system

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Michael Henkel Headshot
Michael Henkel
Principal Engineer, Software, Juniper Networks


0:09 my name is michael henkel i'm working in the pathfinder team in the city organization and i'm really happy to have the

0:16 opportunity to show you some of the capabilities of contrail and as i mentioned just before my statement

0:22 um one of things i want to demonstrate today is how contrail and kubernetes resources

0:29 are interacting together and how we can provide some added value in terms of

0:37 late relay for functionality around load balancing and also

0:43 one purpose of the demonstration is going to show you how

0:48 operators are going to interact with contrail as a system and how natively that works by just

0:55 following the standard ways on how people are operating the kubernetes cluster what i'm going to demonstrate

1:02 today is load balancing basically so

1:07 i have three clusters set up cluster one two and three and they are

1:12 represented here in canon s windows so we have the first cluster second cluster down here and third

1:18 cluster and what we want to achieve is that on cluster one and cluster two we

1:24 are creating an application as part of a stateful set which is going to be front-ended by an incross controller on

1:29 both clusters and cluster 3 acts as some kind of a client cluster which is communicating with the applications on

1:36 cluster 1 and cluster 2. and the goal is to load balance that traffic so when cluster tree is trying to access the

1:42 application half of the traffic is going to plus the one the other half of the traffic is gonna go to um cluster two and um that

1:50 is gonna be achieved without using any kind of external load balancer um so that's going to demonstrate some of the

1:56 multi-cluster capabilities of contrail using a concept we call the control plane federation where we exchange

2:02 dynamically routes between all clusters and it's solving a common problem that

2:08 if you have multiple clusters they all provide interest how can i make this increase accessible

2:15 in a load balanced fashion to the outside world the the resource of the features we will

2:20 work with in contrail are virtual networks subnets route targets pgp routers you

2:27 don't need to memorize all of that it's just again the purpose here is to show you how we

2:32 interact with those resources and finally what we will end up with is a vcmp load balancing

2:40 from the source in cluster 3 towards the destinations in cluster 1 and cluster 2.

2:46 the way i've laid out this demonstration is that we will first just create some standard

2:53 kubernetes resources without any control specific configuration once we have all those resources set up then we will go

2:59 to the contrary resources and create virtual networks and subnets and we'll see how the contrary resource and the kubernetes

3:06 resources are going to interact with each other okay so let's start with the first piece which is to create the

3:13 application on custom one and cluster two so it's pretty standard a stateful set it's going to create two replicas

3:20 and the application is pretty simple it's just going to report back the name of the pot and the name of the cluster

3:28 which is injected by an environment variable down here that application is front-ended by a standard service so we

3:35 are going to create this one on the first cluster

3:41 so we can see here the first replica is coming up doing this on the second cluster as well

3:51 so this one is coming up down here it's going to take a couple of seconds to pull the container images

4:00 and at the same time you can see a service has been created which is called

4:06 my service which is simply listening on port 8080

4:16 so the first port is running second part is being created right now in the meanwhile what we can do is

4:22 to install the increase controller on cluster one and cluster two

4:28 um again standard installation just taken from the manual online nothing

4:34 specific over here so we are just installing it off the internet on the first cluster

4:42 so when we go to all namespaces we can see that the increase controllers and the admission

4:48 controllers are being created on the first cluster and now we are going to do the same

4:53 thing on the second cluster and again if there's any question in

4:58 between don't be shy and interrupt me at any time so what we then will see

5:04 in the services is that we created the standard service for the increase controller again i just took the

5:11 standard manifest for the inquest controller and once we have our increased pots running

5:18 double check here increase controller is coming up we can create an increase and what that

5:23 increase is doing is basically it's connecting the service with the um

5:30 the service you create for the application with the inquest controller so basically it makes all requests for this host

5:38 being forwarded to the application front-ended by the service over here

5:44 so let's do that for the first cluster

5:49 and let's do that also for the second cluster

5:55 so up to this point everything was standard kubernetes um there is no

6:00 contrail resource involved in here besides that the overlay network in

6:06 which the applications are running is provided by contrail itself

6:15 again everything is stock kubernetes we installed an application with a service we installed increase controller we

6:22 create an inquest and we will end up with that kind of deployment over here

6:28 what we are now going to do is we create a additional service network so we have

6:34 our default service network which is part of every default installation um like we do have pod networks again

6:40 part of every default installation when you install kubernetes you add control so cni

6:45 you will end up with a default service network and you will end up with a default port network we are going to add

6:52 a second service network this is going to be the service network through which

6:57 we will make the increase available to the outside you could do the same thing with the default service network but for now

7:04 we want to keep the service the default service network internal to the cluster and we want to use a separate service

7:09 network we can expose to the outside so what we will do here is that's the first time we are actually creating a contrary

7:16 resource in order to create a virtual network we need to do two things we need to create

7:22 a subnet and the subnet is pretty much straightforward it simply contains a cider which provides the subnet

7:29 information it can be we can put more configuration in here we can define

7:35 the gateway and a couple of more attributes of the subnet but for our purpose here it's just enough to provide

7:42 the slider gateway will be auto allocated it's starting with the first ip address in the subnet and the second part is to

7:49 create the actual virtual network they have to be the same name space and

7:55 we are referencing that subnet in the spec itself so if you can see here

8:02 the name and the namespace of that subnet reference is matching the

8:07 subnet name and namespace one thing to highlight on the virtual network is that

8:12 we are assigning this attribute here um a route target and that is very specific to pgp

8:20 just for now take it as an identifier of that virtual network it's just a

8:26 unique id which is being used within bgp to identify

8:31 if two virtual networks should be allowed to communicate with each other

8:37 the format looks a little bit awkward but that's how um the road targets are

8:42 defined in bgp again just take it as a unique identifier for that virtual network so let me create

8:48 that subnet and that virtual network on the first cluster

8:54 and let me do the same thing on the second cluster

9:01 and now we can go into our virtual networks

9:09 and you can see that we do have one virtual network which is called increasvion

9:15 and the same thing over here and we have it over here and it's in

9:21 success state which means we are ready to use this virtual network now what we will do is

9:28 we are basically moving the connection of the increase controller of

9:33 the default service network onto the new service network we just

9:39 created again that's the network we want to use for external reachability

9:44 and that is quite interesting because all we need to do is we need to change

9:50 the spec of the incros controller itself sorry the

9:56 spec of the service for the inquest controller itself so basically right now and we can demonstrate that

10:03 probably over here when you install the inquest controller

10:09 as a default you can see that it's a type noteport that's the service which is being

10:16 installed default what we are going to do is we are changing that type to load balancer and

10:23 usually when you change something to type load balancer there is an expectation that you are getting appear

10:28 trusses from external load balancer which could be your cloud load balancer in gcp or

10:35 aws or azure in our case contrail is going to provide that

10:40 appeatre so we do not need an external load balancer to do that so we are just going to patch the

10:47 service with that four lines of configuration

10:52 on the first one and now you can see right away the type changed from node port to load

11:00 balancer and we do have an external ip address and doing the same thing on the

11:06 second cluster now if we check

11:12 the services here what you will see is we have the same ip address on both clusters which is dot 2.

11:20 and this is a technique called anycast ip so we are going to advertise the same

11:26 ip address to all the clients which means the client in our case it's a

11:32 contract cluster which has pgp running is going to equally distribute or almost

11:38 equally distribute the traffic across both clusters holding that application

11:43 and that's because we are advertising the same ip address we also could advertise different ip addresses but i

11:50 just want to demonstrate that through bgp we support the anycast where

11:56 bgp is smart enough to detect hey behind that single ip address i do have

12:01 different destinations now what we have not done yet is to create the control plane federation

12:08 what we have in place right now is we have three clusters and all three clusters have a local bgp router

12:15 configured and we can see that if we go into the bgp routers over here

12:21 oh sorry that one already has it configured let's go to this one

12:27 so the cluster 3 has now bgp has only oh i pre-configured them already okay so

12:34 we can basically skip that step that's okay saves us some time so what you can see here on our first

12:42 cluster we do have uh our local cluster so that's the representation of our local bgp

12:48 node and we do have a representation of the third cluster as a bgp neighbor and

12:53 we do have a representation of the second cluster as a php controller

12:59 basically all we need to tell is the ip addresses and that's going to establish a

13:04 b2p connection between all three clusters so basically what we have in place is a fully federated control plane using

13:11 php where each cluster has the other cluster configured as a bgp

13:18 pier important to mention here those pgp routers you can see they are

13:23 config entries we are not running multiple bgp processors there is a single bgp process

13:30 per cluster and those guys here are just a representation of the php peers

13:38 likewise you cannot only add contrail clusters spgps you could add any pgp

13:45 device sap here so you can use a router francisco routers from jupiter

13:51 or bird or fr or whatever kind of php software you want to use

13:56 it's a fully compliant pgp implementation itself so because i have all the bgp so um

14:03 https already set up you can basically skip that step i'm just going to give you some introduction on how the

14:09 manifest look looks like um with all kubernetes resource it has a name and a

14:15 namespace and the important pieces here are the ip addresses which are used to establish

14:21 the peering and also the autonomous system number which is again going back to how pgp works you

14:28 can assign different autonomous system numbers in our case we are using the same as number for all

14:35 b2p routers and that basically means we are

14:41 running internal bgp versus external bgp if you would use different autonomous

14:46 system numbers again that's very heavy on the networking side it's not really important for that um

14:53 demonstration over here you you mentioned that you're you're only running one bgp process i assume you

14:58 mean that there's some sort of fail over there right like that there's oh yes absolutely so

15:05 there's just not one process per bg uh bgp router entry in right

15:12 absolutely okay we can run any number of bgp controllers in the cluster and they

15:17 are always fully synced um so they are not running in any kind of active passive mode

15:24 in fact all p2p instances are always active active but

15:30 as you said they are not on a peer basis all pgp

15:35 instances connect to all bgp peers as configured over here

15:42 and also each compute node would connect to multiple control nodes and the control nodes are active active

15:51 and they are paired by a pgp even if one control node goes down the other control node picks it up

15:58 hey michael not to go back too far but i keep getting caught up on this so the can you just explain again real quick in

16:04 the manifesto the route target list is that like a bgp prefix or like an acl or is that actually establishing neighbors

16:11 or what it what is that actually doing there so the the road target itself tells p2p

16:17 that virtual networks belong together in bgp so it makes bgp to exchange routes

16:25 between so like an asmr works like an asn or something like that kubernetes has the best analogy here a route

16:31 target's like a label that we applied to a prefix and then the the routing instances themselves

16:37 like the virtual networks have a will match on a set of labels a set of route targets in this case to decide which

16:44 routes to pull in from all of the routes that it's been advertised so we attach this route target label to this the same

16:50 route target label to two virtual networks and then bgp knows to blend them together into one virtual network

16:56 that helps a lot because i i don't know why i was so caught up on that it was just so thank you that yeah that actually

17:02 worked really well just using labels like application labels and things like that i can map everything together and

17:07 it knows to exchange realms and then there are some very interesting quirks on on road targets because

17:14 you cannot simply define a route target you can also define the direction so you can basically say

17:21 you can differentiate between import and export so you can say one virtual network is only importing a certain

17:27 route target and is exporting a different route tag and we will see that later on in prasad's

17:33 demonstration you can create interesting concepts with hubba and spoke where you basically can say you have one hub

17:39 virtual network which is allowed to talk with all the spokes but the spokes cannot talk to each other by using

17:45 asymmetric raw target export so it's a little bit more powerful than just a label itself

17:52 yep no the good stuff thank you okay so we have the bgp peering up and

17:57 running so rods can be exchanged but as we just have been on the topic of broad

18:03 targets just um to remind everybody what we wanted to do is to

18:08 allow communication from the pod network in cluster 3 to the service network in

18:14 cluster one and two now in order to do that we need to

18:19 set up the road targets because right now the pod network in cluster three hopefully does not have the road target

18:26 configured so let me quickly check that so we go to the default port network and

18:33 we can see here it's a little bit overload with information but there's no route target

18:39 on that default port network in cluster 3 that means right now bgp

18:45 is not establishing a communication path between the spot network and those two

18:51 service networks in order to exchange routing information what we can do is we are simply adding

18:58 the same route target to this port network over here and that again is very simple

19:04 we can just patch the existing default port network

19:11 and if we go back here and we check it again you will see now

19:18 we added the same route target to the pod network

19:23 and now bgp understands that there is a relationship between those three networks and pgp is

19:31 allowing to exchange routing information which means we do have a path from this spot network to the service

19:38 network in the first cluster and to the service network in the second cluster now because we're using an increase on

19:44 cluster one and cluster two it's not enough to work with ipa trusts because the increase is basically checking for the

19:51 fqdn you are using when you are doing the http request so what we need to do next in

19:58 the third cluster is to inject some dns resolution for this ip address

20:04 and remember that's the ip address we are advertising from cluster one and cluster two the same ip address being

20:10 advertised through bgp so by creating a separate namespace and creating a service in cluster tree

20:18 we are simply generating a synthetic dns entry which basically

20:24 resolves a certain url or a certain fqdn to this ip address we

20:31 are exporting in the two clusters so let's check that service here

20:38 and we have the service and that service is basically saying that myapp.apps

20:44 is resolving to 192.168.

20:50 and the last step of the demonstration is basically to create a pot on the third cluster which is going to send

20:57 some http requests to cluster one and cluster two and what we expect is that we see

21:05 responses coming back from the two parts on the two clusters by

21:11 accessing this url over here and this url again is front-ended by the

21:18 increase on both clusters so let's try that

21:26 and photos

21:32 and just a few words on um the url we are using here

21:38 so that one is defined in the increase if you remember or can quickly go back to the increase we

21:43 created so basically we are using a wildcard and say everything which goes to appsdemo.com forwarded to my service

21:51 and that's what we have on both clusters so the url we are accessing is exactly

21:57 that it's myapp.appstoredemo.com and

22:03 now let's try it out okay so you can see that and i'm going to

22:09 stop it here so we can take a little bit more detailed look into it the

22:14 pot hello world one one cluster two is replying on the first request the pot hello world

22:21 one on the first cluster is replying to the second request

22:26 zero on first cluster on the third request and then zero on first cluster to the fourth request that's why i said

22:33 it's almost equal distribution um you will see and that's based on multiple factors um on

22:40 on the entropy um how much different your source type p addresses are and we can

22:45 influence that kind of load balancing based on the tuple we see um consisting

22:51 of social peer trust destination ip address ports protocols we can

22:57 more equally distributed or less equally distributed based on certain requirements

23:03 but in general what you can see is that the requests are being served by all

23:09 four parts two parts on the first cluster and just to show that back here

23:16 hey michael so you can see yes i know i totally cut you off there apologies but but what we're looking at

23:22 here we are we're using any cast this looks like dns round robin so are we doing like dns ron robin here where

23:29 we're sending between clusters or are we leveraging any cast across the clusters to also distribute this

23:35 and then you also touched on like ecmp and things like that potentially so we are just using anycast um

23:43 what we do on the third cluster is we are resolving apps sorry myapp.apps

23:49 to a single ip address so the dns entry for this url does not

23:55 have multiple iphones so there is no dns round robin at all okay okay that is pure

24:02 anycast because the traffic goes out to this thing like address and bgp internally

24:08 is distributing this traffic across the two clusters i have a follow-up question

24:14 to that michael um for that particular use case this seems like overkill if i just wanted to load balance between two

24:21 different applications running two different clusters i could use dns round robin that would be real easy so what

24:26 would be a more i guess real world application of what you're showing where you want this sort

24:32 of virtual networks and subnets that are spanning multiple clusters

24:38 one use case is if you don't have a dns federation between the clusters usually your core dns only takes care

24:46 for the internal dns resolution if you want to have dns federated across different

24:52 clusters you need to install additional software you need external

24:57 dns for example which is just coming to to live

25:02 or you would have to coordinate with an external dns system

25:08 but this is not limited to just dns based communications so you can use that to

25:15 exchange routing information between just the plain service so what we have done and again you're

25:22 absolutely right um for for that kind of setup it would be a little bit overkill i just want to use this to demonstrate

25:28 some of the capabilities what you also can do at the same time is you can

25:34 just natively export the pod network from one cluster to the

25:39 next cluster so you one pot in cluster three can natively talk to another part

25:45 in cluster one or you can just export the default

25:51 service network and if you don't have dns resolution then you don't go usually through a dns

25:58 front robin but you can directly rely on ip reachability so it basically saves you the pain of federating your dns

26:05 which there is no really good automated solution in place today yeah and if i can just add to that another benefit

26:12 that we get with anycast is um any cast will like the the clusters are all

26:17 basically directed uh directly connected in this scenario but with anycast if there was some distance between the

26:23 clusters anycast will pick the closest cluster based on vgp

26:28 but an even cooler benefit is the advertisements of the external ips are

26:35 tied to service availability so as the service comes up if it's healthy if it has enough back ends contrail will

26:41 originate that external ip using vgp if the cluster fails if the app fails the route gets withdrawn so you get failover

26:47 between all of the members of the anycast group and that's like you can do you can do

26:53 all of this with dns but with dns you would need to monitor the endpoints pull out records as service went down like

26:59 you you basically need to wrap an anycast load balancing mechanism in additional resiliency to deal with

27:05 failure detection whereas with any cast you don't so you would actually use the two concepts together i would probably front end this

27:12 type of setup with round robin dns and use any cast to pick the right set of clusters for each of the

27:20 available back ends yeah because and to add to that because you're advertising from a dns

27:26 perspective and again i'm going to pau stop after this but to your point if i configure my dns to

27:33 point to one specific ip that is in anycast configuration across

27:39 my clusters problem solved at that point right because bgp will pull a bad peer out of

27:45 out of the routing and be able to distribute appropriately this is actually pretty cool this is

27:51 actually pretty cool so thank you well thank you both for the great question it is definitely overkill in

27:56 this case but it's uh it demonstrates the concept if you go through the kubernetes

28:02 documentation around service network around services they do have one paragraph on why they don't rely on dns

28:10 for various reasons and that's mainly around tpl you you don't know how the dns clients

28:16 are being configured you could get stuck with old dns records and there are a lot of problems around just relying on dns

28:24 but combining the two having dns to provide the name resolution to an anycast ip address

28:29 gives you basically the best of both worlds because on bgp we know the availability of a certain path and if

28:36 that path is for whatever reason not available then we withdraw that path from the routing and the cool thing here

28:43 is that our bgp availability for the path is influenced by the availability of end

28:51 points so if one pot goes down in a service we are withdrawing that route to that

28:56 pot from the bgp process itself so that's the level of interaction we have between

29:02 kubernetes itself and um networking concepts like pgp

29:08 so if i put this instance say i put something in aws azure gcp

29:14 and advertise can you do it can you do an anycast advertisement across those

29:20 clouds and use something like cloudflare to front end my dns and distribute across those different cloud providers

29:26 or even on-prem as well absolutely um the only requirement we have between the three clusters or any

29:33 clusters is ip reachability very right

29:38 yes exactly very random problem is if you can't have extra iphones if you have to network at rest translate you have a

29:45 problem because pgp pro nature does not support uh network and first translation okay cool thank you

29:51 and with that we are basically true just to show the expected output is more or less uh matching what we have seen here

29:59 and that more or less concludes my demonstration and again it's not necessarily the use case you would use

30:05 it for it's just here to show you how we interact with the resources

30:11 and some of the capabilities around multi-cluster and control plane federation

30:16 you can be really creative on what you are going to use that kind of technology for

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