Operationalizing Security

Explore Juniper Connected Security, where networking and security come together anywhere and everywhere. Hear from Juniper’s Senior Director of Connected Security Marketing, Kate Adam at AI in Action 2023.
0:49 Juniper Connected Security
1:58 Juniper's Security Industry Recognition
3:20 Securing Data & Access to Data
3:55 Juniper Connected Security in Action
7:07 Juniper Secure Edge Deep Dive
8:29 Operationalizing Security with AI & Automation
11:25 Taking the Pain Out of Security Deployments
15:14 Operationalize the Security Experience
18:41 Closing Statements
You’ll learn
How the network and security come together
What is Juniper Connected Security
Who is this for?

0:00 [Music]
0:10 thank you
0:13 guys ready for the best session
0:16 I'm super biased because security is my
0:18 favorite topic
0:20 um networking Schmidt working
0:23 um no what is what is a network without
0:25 security well it's not going to be a
0:28 network for very long or at a minimum
0:30 it's not going to be your network for
0:31 very long
0:32 we know that security and networking
0:35 have to come together right that's the
0:38 future right and networking without
0:40 security is
0:43 these days are numbered and you can't
0:45 have security without a network to
0:47 secure
Juniper Connected Security
0:49 this is Juniper's vision and what we've
0:53 been executing on with security for the
0:56 last four or five years this is Juniper
0:58 connected security
1:00 where networking and security come
1:02 together
1:04 everywhere right to better protect your
1:07 users your devices including iot and all
1:11 the data in all your applications
1:13 wherever they may be
1:16 in addition it's actually leveraging the
1:19 network itself
1:21 to come to its own defense
1:24 this is the threat aware Network this is
1:26 Juniper connected security
1:29 and if AI
1:31 and our use of it missed Marvis all the
1:34 cool things you heard Cydia talk about
1:36 all the cool things you heard Mike talk
1:38 about that's no secret right
1:41 if that's no secret Juniper's best kept
1:44 secret is its security right this
1:48 connected security strategy using the
1:51 entire network all the things that make
1:53 it go
1:55 to help the network come to its own
1:57 defense
Juniper's Security Industry Recognition
1:58 I've actually gotten some pretty good
2:00 recognition as this being where the
2:03 industry itself needs to go we're
2:06 already doing it
2:09 but I think the biggest piece of
2:12 validation that not only is Juniper on
2:14 the right path with regards to our
2:16 security strategy and how we're using
2:19 the entire network
2:20 but the fact that if you buy you invest
2:24 in security technology what do you want
2:26 it to do you want to actually protect
2:28 your network right
2:29 otherwise it's money down the drain
2:31 these test scores right we we don't just
2:34 test ourselves and say just trust us
2:36 right zero trust is a way of life my
2:38 friends
2:40 we have multiple third-party tests that
2:43 validate that not only is our
2:45 performance what we say it is right not
2:47 only is it easy to deploy and manage but
2:49 where security matters can it actually
2:52 protect you against exploits can it
2:54 actually protect you against malware
2:56 overwhelmingly best in Industry yes yes
3:00 it can this is this is Juniper right
3:04 multiple third-party tests multiple use
3:07 cases consistently the most effective
3:10 security in the industry today
3:13 and uh I'm just gonna do this
3:18 you know we we use
Securing Data & Access to Data
3:22 you know our our security is about
3:24 securing the entire network right it's
3:25 not just one place security has to be
3:27 everywhere and it's in its most
3:29 simplistic form security can be broken
3:32 down into kind of two very very basic
3:35 concepts one it's about protecting data
3:37 right you've got to protect your data
3:40 and then you got to protect access to
3:42 that data
3:43 that sounds simple right but we all know
3:46 that actually doing it is pretty hard
3:51 security is challenging
3:54 but doesn't need to be
Juniper Connected Security in Action
3:56 and so this is how Juniper is
3:58 operationalizing security
4:01 protecting data wherever it lives
4:03 everywhere it lives
4:05 on-prem in the cloud in multiple clouds
4:08 and protecting access to that data again
4:11 whether your users and your device is
4:14 accessing that data are in a campus
4:16 somewhere or in branches somewhere or
4:18 you know all of us were on the road I
4:21 see some laptops out
4:22 your access needs to be protected and it
4:25 needs to be protected consistently
4:27 and with that same level of efficacy
4:29 that you just saw on the slide prior to
4:31 this
4:32 that's what we do
4:34 so how do we do this well I'm glad you
4:36 asked
4:38 we've used security as a horizontal
4:40 business unit at Juniper the means that
4:43 the security business unit works with
4:46 every single other product team because
4:48 security can't just be one place in the
4:51 network it has to be everywhere it has
4:53 to be consistent it has to provide
4:54 visibility effective threat protection
4:57 everywhere and especially with a lot of
5:01 new use cases and changing architectures
5:03 that is more important than ever so how
5:05 do we do this well first we're going to
5:07 protect your access at your Edge
5:09 wherever your Edge is again whether you
5:13 are in the office
5:15 traveling or you know in Vegas enjoying
5:18 the Cosmopolitan
5:20 your access you your access is protected
5:24 consistently
5:25 we're protecting connectivity across the
5:27 Wan right all that data that's going
5:31 back and forth making sure that your
5:33 network is not just up but good part of
5:36 good means secure
5:39 so we're doing that across the WAN and
5:40 then finally protecting the data it's
5:43 not just about the data center anymore
5:45 it's centers of data your data is
5:47 everywhere and it's moving right we are
5:51 in the era of hybrid cloud and security
5:53 has to be everywhere and it has to be
5:56 consistent so we're not only protecting
5:58 access to the data center we are
6:01 consistently protecting applications the
6:03 data that resides in them and the data
6:05 as it moves from App a to app B right
6:09 from user a to user B right wherever it
6:12 goes it will be protected consistently
6:14 across every cloud
6:17 and we do this all
6:19 through one single management experience
6:21 and I think that's the most important
6:23 piece right who wants to be looking at a
6:27 billion dashboards I don't mostly
6:29 because I just get confused and then you
6:32 know need to take some Excedrin
6:34 um
6:36 you need to see everything and you need
6:37 to see everything in one place you need
6:39 to be able to control everything and
6:41 control everything in one place and more
6:43 importantly you need to be able to
6:44 ensure that the policies that you have
6:47 set up at your Edge wherever your Edge
6:49 is align with all the policies that
6:52 you've set up across all your centers of
6:54 data
6:55 and you need you to be able to do that
6:56 as quickly and effectively as possible
6:58 and that's all done through security
7:01 director Cloud excuse me security
7:03 director cloud
7:06 so how does this really work right so at
Juniper Secure Edge Deep Dive
7:09 the edge we do some really cool stuff at
7:10 the edge right wired Wireless
7:13 sd-wan and security
7:16 we can protect your Edge wherever it may
7:19 be
7:20 across whatever architecture you may
7:22 have right if you're got deployed a kind
7:25 of a traditional campus and Branch ngfw
7:27 cool we've got you
7:29 if you're on your sassy Journey whether
7:32 you're just starting and you're kind of
7:34 halfway through or you're like no I want
7:36 to be at the Promised Land
7:38 we've got you
7:40 we've got you with consistent security
7:42 efficacy we've got you with zero touch
7:45 provisioning and a very easy
7:48 management experience
7:51 in the data center again
7:54 very consistent easy to use you can
7:58 create policies that follow your apps
8:00 wherever they go if you're in the
8:02 process of moving apps from your
8:04 on-premises data center to a public
8:06 Cloud environment or from cloud a to
8:09 Cloud B it doesn't matter
8:11 you can create a policy that follows the
8:13 app so you don't have to come back in
8:15 and go oh man
8:16 I gotta recreate this potentially
8:19 introduce some human error I gotta
8:21 figure out you know all of these new
8:23 configurations no no we've got you
8:27 so now on to the nerdy stuff
Operationalizing Security with AI & Automation
8:29 how we are using Ai and automation to
8:32 operationalize security across the
8:34 network
8:35 um
8:36 I saw a a new segment a week or two ago
8:40 one of our you know big security
8:43 competitors the CEO came on and he was
8:46 talking about you know the future of
8:47 security is AI and I was like yeah man
8:50 yeah and then you know he said something
8:52 that you know AI for security that's the
8:55 future
8:58 we're doing it today
9:00 so how well first of all
9:03 we're using AI to protect your your
9:05 networks right we have we've been using
9:08 you know machine learning algorithms
9:10 using automation we've we've been using
9:12 artificial intelligence to not only
9:15 detect new threats and changes in the
9:18 attack landscape but provide protection
9:22 in such a way that you don't need to you
9:26 know
9:27 stress over every minute that goes by
9:30 so we're doing some cool things like
9:32 predictive domain generation detection
9:34 in malware so that we can protect you
9:38 your users your hosts
9:41 in a second
9:43 we're also doing some cool things with
9:44 AI to kind of strike this balance that I
9:48 don't think anyone ever really thought
9:49 was possible Right security and privacy
9:51 typically they're on opposite ends of
9:53 the spectrum right
9:55 well you can't have privacy if you have
9:57 to crack open every session but you
9:59 can't have security if you have to keep
10:01 everything private and encrypted and you
10:03 can't break it open right
10:04 when we are doing both you can have both
10:07 so what we're doing is we're able to
10:09 through looking at Network Behavior
10:12 looking at sessions looking at
10:13 certificates used
10:15 we don't have to decrypt we can tell you
10:18 if that traffic contains a threat or not
10:21 with over 90 accuracy
10:24 which is huge and less than one percent
10:26 false positives even bigger
10:28 so you don't have to decrypt and you
10:30 still get the security that you expect
10:32 and then lastly
10:35 bringing the network to come to its own
10:37 defense right so there's some cool stuff
10:39 we're doing here literally using all of
10:43 the network infrastructure routers
10:45 switches access points to to enable this
10:49 one of the cool things about this um is
10:53 being able to leverage the access points
10:55 I know you all have or are soon going to
10:57 be purchasing
10:59 for security
11:01 if you have a compromised user or you've
11:03 got a compromised iot device
11:06 the minute it becomes compromised
11:08 you can see it within your missed
11:10 dashboard
11:12 and not only that you can actually use
11:14 the AP to quarantine that host or kick
11:17 that user to the guest Network right
11:20 super cool stuff
11:22 the network comes to its own defense
Taking the Pain Out of Security Deployments
11:25 so I'm gonna ask another question here
11:28 how many of you have dealt with firewall
11:31 rules in your professional lifetime
11:35 yeah okay so then of those people who
11:37 raise your hands how many of you have
11:40 dealt with the crippling anxiety
11:42 of creating or changing said firewall
11:46 rules
11:47 yes
11:50 I hear you yes
11:52 so what if you didn't have to deal with
11:55 that what if you could make a change on
11:56 your firewall
11:58 stress-free
12:00 I know I know it seems crazy but we are
12:02 doing this today
12:04 with our rule intelligence
12:06 so we're looking at your policy set and
12:09 not only can we tell you hey you got
12:11 this set of rules that literally has
12:13 never been touched or will not be
12:14 touched because they are shadowed
12:17 here are some duplicate rules you can
12:18 get rid of those
12:19 but that rule that you're creating
12:22 based on how you're writing it we're
12:24 going to tell you exactly where it
12:26 should go
12:27 to be most effective but also to not cut
12:31 connectivity for any important users
12:33 that's huge
12:35 so not only can you get rid of that
12:38 anxiety
12:40 but you can also you know that that
12:43 those firewall rules that are 10 000
12:45 rules long I know you all have them
12:47 because I've seen them
12:49 they don't need to be that long
12:51 at least not ten thousand you can minim
12:53 you can you know take take a couple of
12:55 those rules off that will never be
12:57 touched get rid of all those duplicates
12:59 more importantly you know you can you
13:02 know reduce your the anxiety meds that
13:04 you have to be on as a result of working
13:06 with firewalls day in and day out
13:10 next you know you can't have security
13:12 without visibility and not just
13:15 visibility into you know what's going on
13:17 on your Edge what's going on on all your
13:19 centers of data but
13:21 actually looking at risk what's your
13:23 risk right now
13:26 well security director Cloud provides
13:28 that to you with adaptive risk controls
13:31 so what you can do is you can take a
13:33 look and say hmm have I had an attack on
13:35 my network lately
13:36 cool I have well that sucks where is it
13:40 along the you know along the attack kill
13:43 chain oh I had a product that just
13:45 stopped it cool I'm done or oh there's
13:48 an attack going on click a button
13:51 mitigates it not just with juniper
13:54 products but with any third-party
13:56 product literally any third product I
13:57 don't say this with an asterisk I
13:59 literally mean any third product
14:02 third-party product that you have in
14:03 your network today
14:05 and then lastly transformation
14:07 architectural transformation
14:10 security is hard already but throw in
14:13 the fact that
14:15 we're undergoing architectural
14:17 transformation at the edge with sassy in
14:20 the data center to hybrid Cloud throw in
14:24 the imperative now that you probably are
14:26 all dealing with with hey we have to
14:28 implement zero trust totally love it but
14:31 it is a lot harder than it sounds and
14:34 then on top of that how many open head
14:36 counts do you have on your security team
14:38 that have not been filled in the last
14:41 five years
14:43 this has been the story we are you know
14:45 we have a million unfilled security head
14:47 counts
14:49 sucks man so it makes transformation
14:51 even harder
14:53 we make it easy you can take what you
14:56 already have
14:58 and in three clicks
15:00 you can transform that policy into any
15:03 architecture
15:04 that is you know that is your
15:06 destination
15:07 it's really transformative stuff it
15:09 sounds simple but it is
15:11 really transformative
Operationalize the Security Experience
15:14 and then you know across the network
15:15 operationalizing The Experience right AI
15:18 makes the network experience amazing and
15:21 it makes your experience with the
15:23 network amazing
15:24 that extends to security so not only are
15:27 we providing you the answers to
15:29 questions like hey
15:31 which user is doing the worst stuff who
15:34 are my naughtiest users
15:36 which devices are you know doing some
15:40 things that indicate it's they're
15:42 probably compromised
15:43 what is my what are my users experience
15:46 with security on the network we answer
15:49 those for you we make
15:52 things that are very complex like data
15:55 center architectures incredibly simple
15:57 and that's not just the networking but
15:59 the security as well right being able to
16:02 take a security policy apply it to an
16:04 application and literally wherever it
16:06 moves
16:07 that policy can move with it and the
16:09 same is true at the edge
16:11 create a policy that follows your users
16:14 wherever they go
16:16 doesn't matter where they go if they're
16:18 on the road at home
16:21 or on the beach or in Vegas that policy
16:24 follows them
16:25 so you can automate
16:27 how you transition to zero trust you can
16:30 operationalize security and that's what
16:33 we've been doing we do this today it's
16:36 very exciting stuff
16:38 so again
16:39 security is already hard enough right
16:43 but with the power of AI and automation
16:46 our full portfolio the AI driven
16:49 Enterprise the cloud ready Data Center
16:51 and our automated Wan security wraps
16:54 around all of them not only providing
16:56 security to cross your entire network
16:59 consistently and with the best efficacy
17:01 in the industry consistently for the
17:04 past four years
17:06 but we're utilizing those same things so
17:10 that the network can come to its own
17:11 defense make your jobs a lot easier
17:15 one of the cool stories that I've heard
17:17 from a customer of a customer who had 30
17:20 000 users and this was you know near the
17:23 start of the pandemic they're like oh my
17:24 gosh like we we have to transition to
17:26 this whole work from home thing
17:28 30 000 users 70 of them are going to
17:31 remain work from home or work remote
17:35 and this team had four I.T guys
17:40 and they had 60 days
17:43 to figure this out
17:47 utilizing Juniper networking both are
17:50 campus switching our data center
17:52 switching sd-wan and security both with
17:56 the SRX firewall and with our Juniper
17:59 secure Edge SSE
18:01 they were able to do that for guys they
18:04 met that 60-day deadline and they
18:06 remarked that this was really easy
18:09 it was super easy to do and on top of
18:11 that we got a an unexpected use case
18:14 where they were able to use their qfx's
18:19 to
18:21 quarantine infected servers
18:24 they didn't need to put endpoint
18:25 protection on those servers who could
18:27 right it's a server
18:28 they were able to
18:30 lock down those servers if compromise
18:32 happened very quickly
18:34 that's the threat aware Network and that
18:36 is the power of juniper connected
18:37 Security in Juniper Networks so I'm um
Closing Statements
18:42 security Is My Jam
18:45 and security is the jam of the entire
18:48 Juniper Networks portfolio so I'm I'm
18:52 really excited that we've been on this
18:55 path and will continue to be on this
18:56 path that we've been leveraging Ai and
18:59 automation to
19:01 not just make the network you know work
19:04 but make it really good and really
19:07 secure
19:08 so I appreciate the time thank you guys
19:10 so much and next up I would love to
19:14 introduce Brian O'Connor he's the VP of
19:16 solutions engineering from Granite
19:18 Telecom thank you thank you so
19:21 [Music]