Explainable AI Whiteboard Technical Series: Natural Language Processing

Everything you need to know about NLP is right here.
This short but informative episode of the Whiteboard Technical Series explores how Juniper Mist AI™ uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and key data science tools to power the AI-driven enterprise. Using NLP and Marvis, problems that would normally take days to resolve are solved with a single question. Watch and learn more about how NLP works, and how it can move your business forward.
You’ll learn
How NLP enables Marvis to become a virtual member of your IT operations team
The important benefits NLP brings to your enterprise
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0:10 today in the tech whiteboard series
0:12 we talk about nlp or natural language
0:15 processing
0:16 and how it impacts networking and more
0:18 specifically
0:19 ai ops natural language processing gives
0:23 machines the ability to derive meaning
0:25 from human language
0:26 nlp is a combination of linguistics and
0:28 ai specifically
0:30 machine learning right here is where nlp
0:33 lies
0:35 let's take a look at a question you
0:36 might ask marvis our virtual network
0:38 assistant
0:40 nlp converts this question into more
0:42 general meaning that our models know how
0:44 to interpret
0:45 to provide you with actionable insights
0:47 about your network needs
0:49 let's take a look at what's really
0:50 happening here the first step in nlp is
0:53 to clean up the text
0:54 and convert the words into a form the
0:56 computer can understand
0:58 first stop words or unimportant
1:01 information like and
1:02 and the are removed the remaining text
1:05 is then split into smaller units like
1:07 words and phrases
1:09 a process called tokenization next
1:12 featurization occurs meaning each word
1:14 is transformed into a vector
1:17 vectors numerically capture the features
1:19 or information about a word in a way
1:21 that the computer can understand and
1:23 process
1:24 here's an example of vectorized words
1:27 more semantically similar words fall
1:29 closer together
1:31 this is a crucial concept that allows
1:33 nlp to be possible
1:36 vector representations of words can
1:37 extend past 3d
1:39 higher dimensional vectors can
1:41 numerically capture more meaning about a
1:43 word
1:44 while each word is represented by a
1:46 vector we need to come up with an
1:47 encoded vector representation for the
1:49 overall sentence
1:51 sentence encoded vectors are valuable
1:54 because they allow information about the
1:55 order of the words to be captured
1:57 because words can have varying meanings
1:59 depending on their context
2:00 or position in a sentence at this point
2:03 in the process
2:05 embedding models are used embedding
2:07 models map
2:08 categorical data such as words or
2:10 sentences into high dimensional vectors
2:12 which capture semantic meaning about the
2:14 text
2:15 embedding models are usually pre-trained
2:17 on a large amount of data outside of
2:19 your own
2:20 like wikipedia which harnesses the power
2:22 of transfer learning
2:24 or leveraging prior knowledge from one
2:26 domain and task
2:27 into a different domain and task an
2:30 example of a pre-trained embedding model
2:32 is word to vec
2:33 which is trained on all the word data in
2:34 wikipedia meaning it's able to embed
2:37 extra meaning about the semantics of
2:39 text
2:39 into vectors because it's learned from
2:41 so many examples
2:42 what words can mean in certain contexts
2:45 the embeddings can now be fed into a
2:47 machine learning model
2:49 the machine learning model learns how to
2:50 understand the meaning of unseen words
2:53 by comparing
2:54 the similarity between the input word
2:56 vectors and the word vectors whose
2:57 meanings are known from your training
2:59 data
3:00 you can make sure that your model is
3:02 able to recognize certain meanings by
3:04 including them in your training data set
3:07 words that are semantically similar will
3:09 be closer in multi-dimensional space
3:11 which is how the model learns how to
3:13 predict the meaning of unseen words
3:15 the closest vector with a known meaning
3:16 in the vector space is the predicted
3:18 meaning
3:20 as a result of decades of
3:21 troubleshooting top-tier networks at
3:23 juniper
3:23 we've created a high-level structured
3:25 set of training data born from decades
3:27 of in-depth networking knowledge
3:30 we take real customer questions and
3:32 annotate them to create our training
3:34 data set
3:35 annotation includes flagging the tokens
3:37 in the question as intense
3:39 intended actions like troubleshoot count
3:42 list
3:43 or entities information about the intent
3:45 like device name or time frame
3:48 the training data questions are also
3:50 made into vectors and sentence encoded
3:52 vectors
3:53 with information about the annotation
3:54 flags
3:56 so when unseen questions are asked our
3:58 model can predict the user's desired
4:00 intents and entities
4:01 based on how similar the unseen vectors
4:03 are to the known vectors which have been
4:05 trained
4:07 the benefits of nlp are clear resolving
4:10 network issues in minutes
4:11 not days just by asking a single
4:13 question as opposed to poking around the
4:16 network looking for clues
4:17 and the versatility of using that same
4:19 interface to perform tasks
4:21 such as firmware upgrades allows marvis
4:24 to become a virtual member of the it
4:26 operations team
4:28 in networking we use nlp to allow our
4:30 customers to interface with marvis
4:32 pushing ai ops to the next level
4:35 we hope this episode helped uncover some
4:37 of the magic and mystery behind our
4:39 ai-driven network solutions