Sudheer Matta, Group VP, Products, Juniper Networks 

Customer Panel: Why These Network Architects Choose Juniper’s Mist AI

Sudheer Matta Headshot
Still image of Sudheer Matta sitting in a white chair talking, with a black background.

Customers speak: Why Mist AI works so well — and how it can for you.

Mist AI is transforming IT, but don’t take our word for it. Four network engineers from various companies and one school system –– all enthusiastic Juniper customers –– took the stage at AI in Action for an informal chat about how their networks got where they are today thanks to Mist AI. You’ll hear firsthand what their networks were like before they chose Juniper Mist, and how they have been transformed in terms of visibility, user experience, management, and innovation. 

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You’ll learn

  • Brad Martin on Chick-fil-A’s smooth and successful rollout of Mist AI 

  • How much of what was promised by Mist AI was delivered in the end for one big outdoor retailer

  • What the installation and onboarding experience was like, as well as how the post-deployment operations are going 

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders

Guest speakers

John Kilpatrick Headshot
John Kilpatrick
Sr. Network Architect, Nvidia
Devon Miller
Network Engineer, Seattle Public Schools
Brad Martin Headshot
Brad Martin
Principal Network Architect, Chick-fil-A, Inc. 
Craig McGuire Headshot
Craig McGuire
Sr. Network Security Engineer, Large Outdoor Retailer


0:00 we're gonna go into four customers who have been absolute pillars for us this is what i want you

0:06 this session is for you the mics will be open we want you to ask questions of how

0:12 did they break their shackles and get here so please come on up a gentleman i'm going to introduce you as you come

0:18 uh craig uh here i'm not legally allowed to tell where he

0:23 works but he works for a large outdoor retail company so that's uh that's him

0:28 brad martin chick-fil-a a great partner devin miller seattle public schools and

0:34 uh john kilpatrick you may know john on twitter and a lot of the the the the

0:39 blogosphere uh john's very very popular absolutely a stellar rockstar customer

0:45 for us from nvidia let me start with they're all network engineers they're

0:50 not lawyers don't hold anything they say against them or their companies this is a an informal chit chat and what they're

0:58 saying mostly is their opinion not their company's opinion so please uh don't

1:03 tweet this and say wow nvidia think aruba sucks and it's like no don't say that right that's just his opinion right

1:09 so anyway so so uh with that uh let me start maybe

1:15 john i'll start with you uh uh you know uh tell us about uh sort of the right oh you know what we have a video for you

1:22 can you run that video is that possible okay if you want to know

1:28 what is a complex network this is literally john's office that he has to provide wireless for this is nvidia's

1:35 global headquarters that he has to provide wireless if any of you think you have a harder job than

1:41 john uh think again this is just the outdoor and here we go

1:46 those robots are real uh some of them are some of them are real okay so here you have to cover wi-fi for all

1:53 of this yes and now we're indoors so if you're a warriors fan this

1:58 building if you scoop out all of so if you take the shell of the

2:03 building and go all the way down to the bottom of the parking lot you can fit the entire chase center which is the warriors home court inside

2:10 of this building that's how large of a structure it is it took about three years to build

2:16 gensler our architects are stunning the video doesn't do it justice it's

2:22 it's so gorgeous inside the building next to it endeavor um a different concept but also stunning

2:28 i've said it'd be a good set for westworld uh if they ever or some future sci-fi robot killing us movie if they

2:35 really needed a place that looks like the future so john tell us uh what was your network

2:40 like before why did you choose a juniper miss well so without getting into too many names

2:47 um when wi-fi six came out uh our incumbent vendor made an interesting

2:52 choice in terms of abandoning their legacy customers installations

2:58 um their wi-fi six was going to require as they were moving forward it was an entirely new controller operating system

3:04 and so all that operational knowledge was going to be lost and based on that decision we decided to do

3:10 a clean sheet bake off you know a stamp you know scorecard and go who would we choose

3:15 today if we didn't have an incumbent and missed one that evaluation awesome thank

3:21 you actually that's a great question for many of you the the thing that that that you know holds you back is incumbency

3:28 imagine if you could ask yourself that question how would we build our network today if we didn't get a lock down with our

3:35 incumbent so great question devin thank you for joining us seattle public schools uh how did it happen

3:42 uh about four years ago or so we had realized that we had a serious lack of

3:48 visibility in the network so we started exploring user experience tools to monitor the experience from user

3:54 perspective and then when it came time to replace our legacy end of life wireless lan

4:01 we really want to focus on that went through an rfp process and juniper's solution was

4:08 heavily focused on that user experience and that's what we wanted it was really robust and polished

4:14 compared to some of the other solutions that we compared it against and it's been working out really well and the rest is history thank you very much

4:21 all right brad uh the most favorite uh uh restaurant for us for our restaurant chain wise chick-fil-a

4:27 um absolutely customer service is everything so how did how did you come to juniper

4:33 mist yeah it was back in the summer of late summer 2019. we our previous vendor

4:40 was good and a good product it served us well for over a decade and it started to show some cracks it was not

4:46 keeping up with just innovation especially around ai or api integrations for automations and

4:54 integrations so also just some support issues like uh some radio resource management just

4:59 sticky client roaming and we do you know a lot of wi-fi outside and inside i find that

5:05 the outdoor wi-fi is more challenging but i i got a call from um

5:10 uh jeff ward who's probably in this room and uh he was over sales for our region for mist at the time i think he was new

5:17 to juniper anyway he called me he's like hey have a new wireless product you need to see and i'm like uh okay i was a little skeptical uh but i agree to meet

5:24 with them so him and rich corb we've got in a room together and they showed me a demo and i

5:29 immediately i was like this is exactly what we're looking for if it works it's almost too good to be true so

5:35 it just met all requirements and i've never seen anything like it so everyone took play for 23 years and as a network

5:41 engineer we don't switch a lot of vendors out we usually build these relationships and keep them

5:46 going for a long time and you know technology always breaks so we're always you know how the companies handle that

5:53 is part of that partnership so we don't change that a lot and um we got some gear in a lab and it was fall right we

6:00 don't do a lot of changes before thanksgiving and the holidays that's usually a busy time for us so but we went into the first store in november

6:08 2019 just before thanksgiving and i got to know rich korb really well he he sat

6:14 with me for about three days and we worked through all the bumps and bugs and everything and we got things

6:20 flawless and i think it was that point i've realized hey you know these guys care it's like um you know rich and jess and

6:28 sadir yourself and sandeep and our new sc sean freeman all these people just care we like to partner with people who

6:34 care it makes it really easy so um from them you know we rolled it took a while to convince leadership

6:40 hey this is there's no one no heard of this right and this was from a brand recognition in it you know

6:46 leadership and it was like who's missed you know of course you required them so people did obviously juniper

6:52 uh at that point though i got agreement to do a five-star pilot and that went flawlessly so smooth that

6:59 it just became i didn't have to even ask it was let's just start rolling and we started rolling and something funny happened so

7:06 today we sit in june into june wait about two more weeks and we'll be done with a 20 000 ap rollout completely done

7:13 which is awesome and it has been the smoothest rollout for us so um but i look back and i'm like you know if jess

7:20 had not called and let you know i don't want to think about where we would be without without missing and the last thing i'll

7:26 say is as a network engineer you always hear about the problems you always hear when

7:32 things are broken and you never no one ever comes in and it's like hey thanks the wi-fi worked great that day

7:38 you get feedback from your boss hey you're doing a great job things you don't really get that but

7:43 what we started to see was operator store operators calling in and we have these panels too where we bring in store

7:48 operators and that kind of thing and the cio i mean it nist has juniper mist has a great brand

7:54 recognition among the chick-fil-a it leadership everything so um i've never had so many shout outs

8:00 directly from from operators end users just saying hey thank you for thanks for

8:06 investing in in the network and and missed is that name that gets attached to it so thank you for speaking to the

8:12 the people part of it brad as well thank you for being an amazing partner one thing we'll tell you uh uh sujay uh from

8:19 the very beginning we go out we say we work we work with you for life we go after for lifelong

8:25 customers even we may change vendors but fortune one fortune two fortune four

8:31 they've been with us from generations of network and jess ward actually sold you your previous network came over and uh

8:38 and the people matter thank you very much for calling that out so all right craig uh you are actually one

8:43 of our newest uh customers yeah relatively speaking uh outdoor you have a complex outdoor uh retail operation uh

8:51 how did you end up with a juniper mist uh we have a very similar story to some of these guys as well we had you

8:57 know an older incumbent older equipment uh that that just really wasn't keeping up with the business anymore um and we

9:04 we saw you know we we found that we needed greater visibility as well as more reliable coverage in our stores

9:11 the user experience being a major part of that right providing guest wifi in the stores

9:17 and as well as like inventory management systems or known as msas and things uh

9:22 to make sure orders are being processed and deliveries are being taken and such um so i mean yeah

9:29 similar thing we started out with a you know handful of uh handful of stores and just really came to

9:36 you know fall in love with it and everything was uh just you know simple and easy

9:42 so relative to the powerpoint that was presented to you how much did it actually materialize in

9:48 the deployment what promises and the opportunities that they said wow marvis is this magic thing it's going to save

9:54 your life type of thing how did how much did actually show up in the product in the store um

10:01 what was what was shown to us that that really showed up in the store i mean it was was most of it really i mean the the

10:08 the zero touchdown that's the right answer right yeah i think so you got a little bit here

10:13 uh everything was the answer i was looking yeah no the the i mean the the um the guy from aws actually did a

10:20 really good job of of covering that uh you know being able to uh like stage maps and like location ap

10:27 locations and things and simul you know simulate with with various software of course

10:34 and then actually deploying the aps and and wired infrastructure it's just plug it in and

10:40 it hits the internet and then it's on and it works awesome awesome very good so if

10:46 you have questions for them as a enterprise a school district uh a a small box retailer big box retailer we

10:54 have a diversity of verticals here absolutely shout out go to a mic raise your hand again free form uh but let me

11:02 ask you uh we're gonna we're gonna go through three things right how was the experience in the installation and

11:08 onboarding how was the experience in the config deploy operate model and then uh you know

11:14 what's the the overall operations post-deployment kind of thing but if any of you have questions do any of you have

11:20 a question for uh one of these yeah

11:26 there's things you want to take please of but there's other things like that different things but i'm curious to like uh you're rolling out these stores right

11:33 so every year you're doing some level of investment and maybe the current offerings you have maybe for the sake wireless in the next

11:40 door and switching but even the previous year you've

11:46 probably had a significant investment in new i.t equipment right you probably don't have a situation where all your equipment's

11:52 old maybe some of your older stores are old but last year you may have you know put

11:57 10 locations online and and that's with your old product now you're going to a new one so i'm kind of curious like

12:03 how you work through that knowing that like just the previous year you've made an investment in a different product already

12:10 great question anyone want to take that

12:16 so so the question tom was just last year i may have bought a different vendor right now i find this

12:24 cool new toy how do i justify going and making a different decision the very

12:30 next year after i told my it team that previous solution was was the new solution right so

12:36 any of you yeah right i'll take it i you know it's probably different for everyone but we have a five

12:42 six year refresh cycle anyway for all the equipment at the store at least as far as network goes so

12:48 you know for us we once we find something new and i said earlier it's not easy to change typically but once we

12:54 find something new that's innovative and we know it's going to take us years ahead of where we are we'll test it and

13:00 then we'll we'll make we'll get it in a few stores but we'll draw a line because we open about 150 new stores a year so

13:06 we'll draw that line and at some point that hardware is starting to flow you know the new the new solutions flowing out to the

13:12 grand openings basically and it takes so you know where it takes us about two two and a half years to do

13:19 a full refresh so by the time you know we we get done

13:24 i see what you're saying there is this you know i just bought this gear but that ends up being more towards the end of the rollout and by the time we

13:30 actually hit it it's it's two or three years old anyway so for um

13:36 excuse me for us uh you know just thinking about opening new stores like one year versus the

13:43 other right we we had new stores or we've been expanding for a while

13:49 pretty consistently and we we deployed new stores with brand new you know other vendor switches uh but uh

13:57 but the ease of management and the in deployment of the juniper solution right of the of the wired assurance piece

14:04 um it just made sense to just to just go for it i mean it was just so

14:10 much it's just so much less uh work from an installation and configuration perspective

14:16 why not so so to be honest 80 of our customers don't get to waver

14:22 one and say i'm just going to get to a new network right most of them they start with a lab pilot

14:28 a production proof of concept in a in a in a site in a in a few stores in a

14:34 floor uh something and then essentially they draw a line and say my new solution

14:40 so we say certify and then standardize so once you certify which is the poc and

14:46 the production pilot and then you standardize from there on everything that new it could be two buildings a day

14:52 the next year and five buildings the year after or you rip the band-aid uh it's so but 80 of them it's a slow

14:59 incremental bill it is uh that's the state of the network i can i can comment on that a little bit

15:05 so it's nice to hear that some people have refresh cycles that's a thing i'm not familiar with we'll run stuff till

15:11 it dies i didn't participate in your little contest because i'm pretty sure my catalyst 6500s edge routers

15:18 non-e chassis would have done pretty well in that competition that i just replaced but

15:23 for the building that's next to the building you just saw that was running on our previous vendor it was very new

15:28 by our standards and i did remove and replace it because we needed to have a contiguous rf domain and our ceo said

15:36 his vision was you want to be able to walk out of one building walk through the park hold your call and walk into

15:41 the next building and have it just have it all work and we said we're gonna have to swap out the vendor to do that the thing that they were concerned about was

15:47 the operational cost in doing it um our wiring guys hung the aps um the

15:52 fact that the bracket was even compatible with our legacy vendor was wow that was just a curious coincidence

15:58 i don't know how that happened and then they gave me a spreadsheet i uploaded it

16:04 with my echo how files i had that building up in back up in

16:09 about a day once all the aps were hung and since i did the original deployment the original appointment took two weeks

16:15 because we had like 30 percent of the aps who wouldn't join the controller and we had to hunt them down one at a time

16:20 and console into them on the ceiling and literally nothing like that ever happened we

16:26 didn't have we had a couple of we had a couple of bad aps couple doas that happens but in terms of

16:33 getting the deployment right and how easy it was to deploy one engineer did a 500 ap building in a couple of days once

16:39 they were all hung it was just it was just so easy that i and i'm very lazy so

16:47 i i like simple i like easy devon what's been your experience i just want to touch on that part where he was talking

16:52 about a few aps having issues one of my favorite features that we've got to experience we did have a couple minor

16:58 issues with aps in the field but there's an ability where the aps will talk to

17:03 neighbors via bluetooth and report issues about what's going on with it with an ap that

17:09 will come up and that way i could go well it's got an ipad it's not getting an ip address it's on everything seems

17:14 fine what's going on you can it saved a tremendous amount of time on stuff like that we were deploying it what devin's

17:20 talking about is a juniper missed ap is actually going to even if it has no cloud connectivity because ip address is

17:27 busted or port config is busted we'll be able to speak to its neighbor using bluetooth

17:32 imagine if you are a retail store chain running thousands of stores brad is and craig is or a school district all over

17:40 the city you know and running around finding these aps and what's going on that bluetooth you know talking to the

17:46 neighbor ap game changing right it's absolutely i mean in the with the previous uh vendor solution

17:53 that we had i wasn't around when they did that installation but as we were do as we're rolling this out

17:59 and we're still rolling it out um i've come to find that there are aps that just never ever came online

18:06 and no one even knew about it there's jps all over the district that no one knows anything about it it got lost it

18:12 wasn't tracked properly but it never happens we're tracking them in spreadsheets we're tracking them we have to worry about this inventory tracking and all

18:18 these other things and they just disappear and then someone says hey there's an ap here doesn't do anything at all

18:23 and now we can see them now that they're all being tracked properly and they're coming online and reporting issues properly craig you were saying i was

18:30 just thinking when it was installed there was a light on it so the installer figured it was fine but like in the miss

18:36 dashboard it'll say something like no ethernet link it's like how do i know if an ap is not working

18:43 if it doesn't have an ethernet link like that's how yeah brad you used to

18:48 maintain that you showed me a spreadsheet where you were maintaining the rf plan

18:53 for 2 700 chick-fil-a stores it was uh you had the uh 2.4 gigahertz channel

19:00 numbers uh 5 gigahertz channel numbers and the power levels that you had per store in a

19:06 spreadsheet how is rrm working for you yeah and uh it's funny so brian from

19:11 amazon that was actually touched on this point a little earlier with we did have to do a lot of tweaking a

19:17 lot of manipulation and monotonous stuff that you shouldn't have to do that's what we want to rely on the

19:22 vendor to just kind of handle behind the scenes so the the rrm um of especially the semi-directional directional

19:28 antennas is so much better um and that's you know we've seen a lot less sticky clients and that's the other

19:35 piece you know we'll get some of our clients are ipads some are you know really inexpensive iot devices and even

19:42 some legacy printers and things like that so we have to be accommodative to all these different devices and so some

19:47 behave differently but nist has that it's really really well done where it dials

19:53 back the chain doesn't just blast out you know 20 dbm of channel you know it dials it back and it really does

19:58 understand and it changes every night so it you know as the environments change and it so we've seen a lot of success

20:04 with that's actually one of my favorite pieces parts of the of your product so so so let's talk about operational

20:10 efficiency so all of this is cool you're you're all nerds you got you got more visibility now great

20:16 but how has it what has it meant for your business i mean uh maybe uh john start

20:21 with you what did in in dollars and cents and hours and people has this meant anything to you oh it definitely

20:28 has because we have a lot of offices all over the world um they don't like to pay for travel uh and so we were engaging a lot

20:35 of professional services and one of the things that we said was you know with mist we don't need

20:41 wireless deployment as part of professional services if you need someone to cable up your switches okay that's an issue not an issue me my aps

20:48 will come up as long as they're plugged in as long as they can see the internet and i'll take it from there and so i've

20:54 i've done bring ups in offices europe asia pacific just everywhere it's just like

21:01 the ap just come up you just apply a template you're done and i can tell them oh well we shipped you 20 aps for this

21:08 office and you've you know we've only got you know these aps are missing what you know what's what's going on they

21:13 haven't been seen what's going on so it it really allows us to do it without having to travel there because traveling

21:19 there is not always an option you were using professional services uh uh quite a bit actually right yes devin uh what

21:26 what was that what's been the operational impact for you you're a school district lean id um i mean we're a small team and uh it's

21:35 we've had almost no issues that i could think of really i mean it's really been impressive um so far one of one of the

21:41 big things that i'm most happy about is that recently we just finished up a lot of the assessments that were going on in

21:46 the district for students standardized testing things like that and we had a lot of issues prior to covid

21:53 with some of that going on and there were zero reports ultimately there were things that people said were

21:59 network issues and we were able to quickly go no that's somebody else not me

22:05 one of the things tom wilburn takes pride in and he talks about is we really eliminate support tickets and user

22:12 complaints right the servicenow team sajeev and satish here they've taught us this race to zero you've experienced

22:18 that you've actually we've you've seen support tickets go out of your system after this yeah brad what's been your

22:24 experience i could talk about this all day so i'll just make two quick points one is something john said earlier you know it

22:30 it's i'm not we want to free up time to do other things like there's a lot of monotonous

22:36 things you have to do with some vendors like i don't have to worry about you know does this access why are these 10

22:41 access points on on code that you know it's not compliant with where we need to be or they didn't get the config changes so with mist you know that's one big big

22:49 piece of never worry about that you set that at the restaurant level you say okay any access point that's going in here is going to be running this code

22:55 and if it once it hits that restaurant bang it gets the code and that's the end of it um config changes are also you

23:00 know super super easy here it's not pushing changes to you know devices and now we

23:06 have but i'll say that the biggest thing that i i get a lot of feedback from our help desk support

23:11 the difference between our old vendor and new vendor i'm a huge we're a huge cloud people love the cloud stuff right

23:17 but when you get a lot of devices in the cloud list you know i was kind of worried about this with miss but

23:23 you know you can put 10 access points in and it's snappy and speedy and you click and it's just working and you know our

23:28 old vendor it was very slow it's getting again we're hitting these these limitations and now you know we have

23:34 almost 20 000 aps in the miss dashboard and it's just as fast as it was day one where you're clicking around so i would

23:40 say that is just huge to be able to have your help support people going and not have to worry about latency with the

23:46 dashboard and how many how many of those things would fail on the previous footer too those push oh yeah pushing the other

23:52 configuration it was a full-time job yeah and then having tracked that well and it gets back to the ease of the deployment thing

23:58 so if you come from a controller based environment you're probably going oh i got to go touch on my switchports now

24:03 because i have to trunk down to the ap and i'm not perfect i would miss a few but

24:09 marvis would tell me you missed this vlan on this port on this switch and i'm

24:15 like oh okay okay my bad and that you just you can go and and fix it so the

24:20 visibility just makes the deployment easier you don't have to troubleshoot why didn't it the the ap will tell you why it didn't come

24:26 up it'll and that just that just saves time which saves money brad to the to the point of

24:32 responsiveness and i think we are over time so uh uh that we're getting the hook uh i'll tell you uh gmail when it

24:39 when it was founded uh gmail had a uh a measure on oh we will take those three

24:46 questions oh okay uh jenna i can't help that so gmail had a philosophy that

24:51 anything when you load in gmail should load in less than 100 milliseconds right

24:56 so at mist we said because we are a scalable elastic micro services cloud we

25:02 will throw servers at the problem we will throw more compute at the problem but a 10 ap deployment or a 10 000 ap

25:09 deployment and we actually have two customers that have sixty 1600 access points in one instance

25:16 the idea was that their responsiveness is the same right it's it's architecture it's product so we'll go to the two

25:23 three questions and then we're out so what's up uh my name is tim haney from

25:28 workday my question is how has mist enabled you to

25:34 identify misbehaving client drivers client firmware

25:39 anything that's happening on the client side that is not necessarily the network

25:45 problem but the remediation must take place down at the end point

25:53 it tells me bad bad dns servers all we've had some issues where we've had some like

25:59 misbehaving dns servers and i've had users who'll come up on slack and say yeah wireless is acting really wonky and

26:04 i go and i look at their client and i go no your dns server's acting wonky it's not it's not a network issue what about

26:10 like um you know intel could release a driver driver update or a brand new intel chipset

26:16 could come out and it has bugs on it has there been any success in correlating uh those issues uh to

26:25 minimize you know the impact as those those devices are coming onto the network

26:32 yeah and for us uh just the the sheer amount of telemetry and data that misses ingesting

26:38 um i mean it's able you know to provide that correlation right so uh a specific

26:44 device or or type of device on a specific operating system uh or or

26:49 version of said operating system it is able to very simply identify that and present it

26:57 to you um but there's a very there's a specific instance recently with us uh

27:03 you know we have a certain model of uh of cell phone um

27:09 that has had roaming issues for quite some time uh and mist was able to you

27:15 know has been able to point us in the right direction and you know now we're down to um you

27:21 know a specific model at a minimum and we are working directly with that manufacturer uh to try to

27:28 resolve that that issue and and you know the the dynamic packet capture and the telemetry that missed uh is able to

27:35 provide us has been has been crucial in in um narrowed it down in the demo i'm going

27:41 to show you we're adding more to that right uh what craig is saying is you know os uh categorization device type

27:47 categorization marvelous client for windows is something that we're actually going to

27:52 talk about today and and uh for mac coming out and you know marvelous client for android already exists that's where

27:59 the specific intel driver version the zebra handheld driver version that kind of stuff will come directly into

28:05 marvelous you'll be able to see that in the sle's as well beyond what we have today so thank you thank you and thank

28:12 you tim all right last question maybe near him you okay again i'm jeff helden

28:19 resident engineer for the cosmopolitan question i've got is we've talked about wireless for most of the day and and how

28:25 mist really fits that and i can see how the ai really helps to bring the wireless network more as a you know a fabric

28:32 what experiences have you had in the wired world with this um you know nowadays for a lot of

28:37 installations wireless or wired is just a matter of pure convenience there's no real difference as far as

28:44 types of services you offer or that kind of thing so how has mist helped or has this helped

28:50 in your wired deployments great health point to you yeah for for our wired deployments uh it's really

28:58 it's really eased the the deployment process uh mainly uh due to being able to like

29:04 templatize everything and and uh it makes version control easier right you're not just managing a single text

29:10 document uh you're not reliant on uh you know a

29:16 manual like a managed server that you then have to modify the scripts on and things like that you just throw the

29:22 template into mist and uh and and you're off uh for us to deploy

29:28 a store like say the the the main the mdf right the main it closet in a store uh we

29:36 typically have three switches in a stack or a virtual chassis uh and

29:41 to get that to get that store ready for for you know opening day

29:48 i think in total it's ten steps including pictures of like hitting okay

29:54 like it's it's really that that simple so i mean to to apply that um

30:01 the you know 99 99 and a half percent of that switch's config

30:07 you type in a single a singular string into this dashboard and it's there you don't even have to like hit save or

30:13 refresh or anything like you type the string in and as soon as it matches everything is populated and then you

30:19 just save and it's ready to go what craig is talking about is is you

30:24 you give a switch a roll and say oh this is a an access switch an mdf switch boom

30:30 everything else uh it inherits that from there so yeah awesome and then on the operational side uh

30:37 you know it was it was uh mist has like pre-built uh permission sets and uh we

30:43 were pretty quickly uh able to you know integrate uh sso with mist and provide

30:49 access to our service desk um and then marvis is able to

30:55 identify you know when there's a vlan mismatch or a bad cable uh or you know there's an ap down or

31:01 what have you um or you know like you can look at a port and find a mac

31:08 address and see what device is connected to it those are types of types of things that before

31:13 our service desk didn't have access to and even if they did they wouldn't have necessarily understood exactly what they

31:20 were looking at or they would have required a lot of training to be able to understand what was really going on

31:25 there um but with mists i mean we had one training session and

31:33 and that like the the the amount of times that that our service desk touches us now

31:39 uh for with questions uh in particular about our wired environment uh is

31:45 significantly reduced i mean i would say at least half um most of the time when they when they

31:52 need to touch us now it's like well hey we found this device it's on the wrong vlan it's on this port on this switch

31:57 can you flip it for us so um yeah awesome i know uh some of you have

32:04 experienced but i think i i really am late tom i'm not going to come to you so uh thank you everyone thank you thank

32:11 you the gentleman for uh for being part of this so appreciate it

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