NorthStar Planner
NorthStar Planner is a modeling tool you can use for offline visualization and detailed architectural planning of your production network. It enables you to forecast the impact of network changes such as latency, additional traffic, shifts in traffic flows, and new capacity or services.
Its intuitive graphical interface provides concise and in-depth views of routed networks, helping you optimize bandwidth and network resources. You can also model and visualize dynamic explicit routing paths, designed to meet end-user defined constraints, using NorthStar Planner’s global network topological view.
By collecting data through dynamic-topology or label-switched path (LSP) data acquisition, NorthStar Planner can generate a graphical view of your network, enabling you to add, remove, and reconfigure network elements. You can simulate the effects of these changes and other traffic scenarios in Planner, without affecting your production network. Simulations can be run on demand or scheduled, to help assess your network for potential failure scenarios.
Principales fonctionnalités
- Design: Construct network topology maps showing simulated or imported data for nodes, links, and LSP paths.
- Simulate: Create or schedule simulation events to analyze the network model based on failure scenarios such as link congestion, broken link, unresponsive node, and more.
- Analyze: Provides extensive reports for simulation and planning using report manager.
Caractéristiques et avantages
Network Resource Management
Identifies and catalogs network infrastructure devices. Collects and manages LSP data and provides health audits of your network.
Network Modeling
Simulates scenarios through network models and predicts outcomes. Can also run a service-level topology view of SLA fulfillment.
Failure Analysis
Offers extensive failure simulation capabilities, beyond single-failure and what-if analysis.
Provides comprehensive reports for analysis, planning, and optimization.
Centre de ressources
Ressources pratiques
Documentation technique
Formation et communauté
En savoir plus
NorthStar Planner
Network planning and simulation tool provides in-depth network views, health audits, and scenario planning, without impacting your live network.
Caractéristiques techniques | |
NorthStar Controller
Powerful and flexible traffic engineering solution simplifies and automates provisioning, management, and monitoring of segment routing and IP/MPLS flows across large networks.
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Solution de collecte et d'analyse de données hautement automatisée s'appuyant sur des algorithmes de machine learning (ML) pour fournir une intelligence opérationnelle cohérente et exploitable dans tous les déploiements de réseaux.
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Retrouvez le planificateur NorthStar dans ces solutions
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Routage de segments
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