Troubleshoot Common Paragon Insights Issues
These topics provide instructions for troubleshooting common issues with Paragon Insights.
Paragon Insights Is Not Listed as a Component of the Paragon Automation Icon on the GUI
Paragon Insights is not listed as a component in the Paragon Automation icon in the GUI.
The Paragon Automation icon in the top-left corner of the GUI is updated depending on the license that you add. When you log in to the Paragon Automation GUI for the first time, the Paragon Automation icon appears without the names of the components below it. The GUI displays the name of a component only after you add a license for that component. For example, after you add a Paragon Insights license, the name Insights appears below the Paragon Automation icon.
For more information, see Paragon Insights Licensing Overview.
Cannot View Paragon Insights-Related GUI Pages
You are unable to view Paragon Insights-related GUI pages after logging in to the Paragon Automation GUI for the first time.
When you log in to the Paragon Automation GUI for the first time, the Dashboard page appears. You must navigate to Administration > License Management to add a Paragon Insights license. After you successfully add a license, you can see the Paragon Insights-related GUI pages. However, the availability to use features in Paragon Insights is based on the license that you purchased.
For more information, see Paragon Insights Licensing Overview.
License Key Format Is Invalid
Successfully added a Paragon Insights license, but the license key format is invalid.
When you navigate to the License Management page, a warning message may appear. This message asks you to upgrade to the new license key format. This message appears if you added a Paragon Insights license but the license key format is incompatible with the Paragon Automation software version that you use. You must generate a new license key. To generate a new license key in the compatible format:
Log in to the Juniper Agile Licensing Portal.
Revoke the existing license.
A new license key is generated.
Note:After you download the newly generated license key file, you must remove eight lines starting from
Issue Date
throughLicense Key
from the file. -
Activate the new license key that is compatible with the software version you’re running. Select the software version during the activation process.
For more information, see the FAQ section in theJuniper Agile Licensing Portal.
Add the new license key to the License Management page.
See Add a License.
You now have access to the Paragon Insights-related pages on the Paragon Automation GUI. However, the availability of features depends on the license that you purchased. See Paragon Insights Licensing.
System Log Messages Appear Twice
After configuring a system log (syslog) source, system log messages appear twice.
When you configure a system log source from the Configuration > Devices page, you must ensure that you configure either the IP address or the hostname of the system log source, but not both. If you configure both, system log messages appear twice.
For more information, see Edit Devices.
Field Data Queried at 60s When Trigger Frequency Is Not Set
Field data is queried and evaluated every 60s even when trigger frequency is not set.
Setting a trigger frequency when you create a rule is optional. The sensor frequency is applied if you do not set a trigger frequency. Navigate to Configuration > Rules to add a trigger. For more information, see Set Trigger Frequency.
When you enter a trigger frequency, you can enter it as a multiple or as an offset of the sensor frequency. In this scenario, since the sensor frequency is 60s (default value) and the trigger frequency is 1o (default value), the trigger frequency is set to 60s (1*60s).
Unable to Recover Data after TSDB Node Fails
You are unable to recover data after the TSDB node goes down.
When the TSDB node fails, you cannot recover the data if the replication factor is set to one. If the replication factor is set to one, only one copy of data is maintained within a TSDB group. You must replace the failed node with a new node and adjust the replication factor to match the number of new nodes. The last 1GB of data directed to the failed node will buffer continuously until the TSDB node is replaced or recovered.
You can manage TSDB settings from the Configuration > Insights Settings > TSDB Settings page. For more information, see Configure TSDB Settings.