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Managing Control Center and NETCONF Users

Managing Control Center Users

  • You can list all currently existing users with

    For each user is indicated:

    • the user's permission for the account (read/write/admin)
    • whether the user is owner
  • You can update a user's password with

    For available options please use --help.

  • You can activate a user that was previously deleted or disabled with

  • There is also the following command:

    By default, this command deactivates the user so that it can no longer log in. However, the user's permissions remain, as does all data created by the user. The user can be reactivated with the ncc user-activate command.

    The user can be completely removed by adding the --force flag. This removes the user from the database along with all related database objects, including measurement results. You are prompted to confirm this action.

    A user that owns an account cannot be removed. The account owner must first be changed using the account-update command (see below).

  • To create a superuser, use this command:

    A superuser has access to all accounts in the system and is the only type of user authorized to perform certain tasks.

  • To change the owner of an account, run this command:

Managing NETCONF Users

These commands (as given here) are all executed from the directory /opt/netrounds-confd/.

  • To create a user "user1" with password "pwd1" in ConfD, run:

  • To list all available users in ConfD:

  • To update the password to "pwd2" for user "user1" in ConfD:

  • To delete the user "user1" from ConfD: